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  听力部分( 35分)


  二、听短文,判断正误。正确写“T”, 错误写“F”。

  ( )1.This invitation is for Sam.

  ( )2. Christmas is coming.

  ( )3.They are going to have Christmas party at 15 Pear Road London.

  ( )4. The Christmas is going to be hold(举行) on 25th of December.

  ( )5. It will start at 2 o’clock.

  ( )6. The party will take(花费)four hours.



  1、What a big _______________(操场) !

  2、_____________(有时) there are _____________(饭馆)at the supermarket.

  3、I’ve got an _______________(请柬) to Daming’s birthday.

  4、They __________(卖) food from lots of .(国家)

  5、Tom is_______________ ( 大笑 )now.

  6、This black one is __________(我的).

  7、 But __________(两者……都) your red T-shirts are __________(湿的).


  ( ) 1. There were lots ____ trees here before. A. for B. of C. to

  ( ) 2. There a pond before. A. isn’t B. weren’t C. wasn’t

  ( ) 3. They wear ___________ clothes and __________ the people.

  A. scary / scary B. scary / scare C. scared / scary

  ( ) 4. Easter is in . A. autumn B. winter C. spring

  ( ) 5.You can buy many things __________ the supermarket.

  A. at B. on C. to

  ( ) 6. A: Are you going to have lunch together? B:_____________.

  A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, we are. C. Yes, it is.

  ( ) 7.Mum is going to make a cake ______me. A. for B. to C. of

  ( ) 8.We’re going to ____________ mum tidy the room.

  A. helping B. help C. helps

  ( ) 9.It isn’t your shirt. It’s ___________. A. yours B. her C. hers

  ( ) 10. Whose skirt is it? It’s __________.

  A. Daming’s B. Amy’s C. Sam’s

  ( ) 11. This one is . I can’t lift it. A. small B. light C. heavy

  ( ) 12. Many __________ go to the supermarket together.

  A. family B. families C. familys

  ( ) 13.There weren’t ____ trees here many years ago.

  A. many B. some C. any

  ( ) 14. Sam’s shoes ______ wet and dirty. A. is B. are C. am

  ( ) 15. Amy is going to _______11. A. is B. be C. am


  1. This T-shirt isn’t y ____ (你的).

  2. There was a p_______(池塘) here _______(以前).There were some ducks in it.

  3. Don’t scare the people at n_________. (夜晚)

  4. Are you going to __________(唱歌) and _________(跳舞) at the party?

  5. Many s_____________(超市)are very big. There are ____________(饭馆) in it.

  6. Do you know _________(为什么)?

  7. -----W ___(谁的) English book is it? -----It’s Feifei’s.



  Look at two pictures. It’s _________ school.

  ____________ any swings before. But now ____________ four swings here.

  ____________ one slide before. ____________ two slides here now.


  1. A: _______ _____ ____ ___?

  B: It’s Amy’s.

  3. A: ______ _____ ____ _______.

  I can’t lift it.

  5. A: What were there before?

  B: _______ ______ (有)some __________.(鸭子)

  五、情景交际。选择恰当的句子补全对话, 将序号写在横线上。

  Amy: Come on, Lingling. We’re going to go to the supermarket.

  Lingling: 1.__________.

  Amy: 2. .

  Lingling: Yes, it is. There are many biscuits over there.

  Amy: 3.____________

  Ms Smart: Please help me put the bag in the car.

  Lingling: This bag is so big! 4. .

  Sam: 5._________

  Ms Smart: You are helpful children. Have some sweets.

  Amy. Sam, Lingling: Thank you.


  Yesterday was Ella’s birthday. She had a birthday party at home. There were many friends there, two boys and four girls. Ella has got lots of birthday presents. There was a kite, three toys, two birthday cards and a computer game. She was very happy. She played the computer game with her friends. And they watched TV and ate a big birthday cake. Mum bought some sweets for them. The children like them very much.

  ( ) 1. There was a birthday party at Ella’s Home yesterday.

  ( ) 2. Ella wasn’t happy.

  ( ) 3. There were six friends there.

  ( ) 4. There weren’t any presents for Ella.

  ( ) 5. There was a birthday cake and some sweets.







  一. (1×5=5分)) A B C A B

  二. (2×8=16分) 4 8 1 7 5 6 2 3

  三. (1×8=8分) A C C C A B A B

  四. (1×6=6分)) F T F F T F


  一、(1×10=10分) (每词一分,没大写,没变化扣减0.5分)

  1. playground 2. Sometimes ,restaurants 3. invitation

  4. sell , countries 5.laughing 6. mine 7. both , wet

  二、 (1×15=15分) B C B C A / B A B C B / C B C B B

  三、 (1×10=10分) (每词一分,没大写,没变化扣减0.5分)

  1. yours 2. pond , before 3. night 4. sing , dance

  5. supermarkets , restaurants 6. why 7.Whose

  四、 A: (1×5空=5分) B: (0.5×20词=10分)

  A: my, There weren’t, there are, There was, There are

  (每空一分,没大写, 扣减0.5分)

  B: 1. Whose skirt is it?

  2. They go to people’s houses.

  3. This box / bag is heavy.

  4. going to sing and dance

  5. There were , ducks (每词0.5分,没大写,没变化扣减0.5分)

  五、(1×5=5分) B D A C E

  六、(1×5=5分) T F T F T


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