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  1.The music _______ beautiful.

  A.looks B.feels C.hears D.sounds

  Class was over, but some students continued _______ in the classroom. B.studied C.studies D.studying

  Could you make her _______ her radio? It’s too noisy. turn up turn down C.turn up D.turn off

  —Hi, Linda. _______ a hot day! Let’s go swimming, OK?

  —That’s a good idea!

  A.How B.What C./ D.Which

  There is going to _______ a football match the day after tomorrow

  A.have B.has

  They _______ some books from the library last week.

  A.lent B.lends


  Liu Dehua, Zhou Jielun and Lin Junjie are famous _______ their pop songs. B.for C.with D.of

  Pop music is _______ music.

  A.serious B.exciting

  C.hard D.simple

  —How much is it _______ piano lessons?


  A.of D.for

  —Jane, can you play _______ baseball?

  —No, I can’t. But I can play _______ violin.

  A.the; the B./; the C./; / D.the; /


  Mrs. Black was a famous musician a few years ago. She 1 music at a school and her students did well in their lessons. They liked her very much. Now the old woman stays at home with her husband. The old man looks after his wife well and she 2 worries about anything. And she is very 3 .

  Just like some old people, Mrs. Black finds that her memory(记忆) is falling. Sometimes she 4 what she did or will do. It often gets her in trouble. Her 5 noticed(注意到) it and asked her to see a famous doctor. He bought two tickets 6 London and told her he put 7 into her handbag while she was playing the piano. The next morning, they got to the

  8 just on time to catch the plane. Mrs. Black said,“I wish we had the 9 with us.”

  “Don’t be a fool, dear!”said Mr. Black,“We are not going to a concert, but to see a

  10 .”

  “I know,”she said,“but I left the tickets on it!”


  A.loved B.taught C.enjoyed D.studied


  A.always B.often C.never D.sometimes


  A.sorry B.worried C.sad D.happy


  A.forget B.remember C.forgets D.remembers


  A.husband B.daughter C.son D.student

  【小题6】 C.from D.of

  【小题7】 B.them C.this D.that


  A.airport B.bus stop C.station

  【小题9】 D.piano



  John: I’m 15 years old and I love football. I also like reading, especially(尤其是) stories about people from other countries. I don’t enjoy singing or playing computers. I think that rock music is terrible.

  Ann: Hi, I’m Ann. I’m 16 and I like dancing and computers. I also like rock music. I hate hiking and I’m not interested in classical music. I don’t enjoy reading too much.

  Steve: I’m 14 years old and I love skiing. Other favorite hobbies are reading and singing. I don’t like hiking. I think that rock music is too noisy and I think that football is boring.

  Peter: I’m from Australia. I’m 15 and I am fond of singing. I sing a lot, and when I’m not singing, I listen to rock music or use my computer. I don’t like football and I think that classical music is terrible. I hate dancing!

  Sarah:My name is Sarah and I’m 14 years old. My interests are reading novels, playing football and singing songs. I think that rock music is terrible, and I don’t like dancing. I don’t enjoy computers, either.

  Joe:Hi, I’m Joe. I really like computers. I surf the Internet all the time and I like playing computer games. I don’t enjoy football and I hate hiking. Rock music is OK, and so is skiing.

  根据短文内容, 完成下列句子。

  【小题1】Steve is a ___________ boy, Ann is a ___________ girl, but we don’t know Joe’s age.

  【小题2】___________, ___________ and ___________ don’t like hiking.

  【小题3】John and Sarah could be friends, because they both like ___________.

  【小题4】Ann and Sarah could not be friends, because they ___________.

  【小题5】Who do you want to be friends with?

  ___________, because ________________.


  Frederic Chopin was born in March 1810 near Warsaw in Poland(波兰). He was one of the greatest musicians in the world. In 1831, he went to Paris. No people but he could play the piano very well.

  At that time people in Paris liked the Hungarian(匈牙利的) pianist Franz Liszt.

  One night, at a concert, Liszt went to the piano and people shouted. As all the lights in the concert were turned off, a wonderful piano concert started. The music was so good that the listeners were all greatly interested. They kept praising(不停地赞扬) the pianist and thought that Liszt had reached something new in playing the piano.

  Suddenly, all the lights were turned on again as the music came to an end. And there stood a young man instead of the famous Hungarian pianist Franz Liszt.

  Liszt planned all this. As the lights went out, Liszt left his chair and let Chopin take his place. So with the help of Liszt and his own talent(天赋), Chopin soon became famous.

  【小题1】Chopin was _______.

  A.the greatest musician in the world B.a famous Polish(波兰的) pianist

  C.a famous Paris pianist of the greatest musicians in Hungary

  【小题2】The wonderful piano concert started _______.

  A.after all the lights were turned on B.when Liszt sat down at the piano

  C.after the lights were turned off D.when Chopin went to the piano

  【小题3】When the music came to an end, _______.

  A.Liszt stood at the piano B.all the lights were turned off again

  C.Chopin stood at the piano D.people went out of the hall

  【小题4】Chopin became famous _______.

  A.before he came to the concert

  B.because he was a student of Liszt’s

  C.because people in Paris liked him very much

  D.since he played so well at the concert

  【小题5】From the story we know _______.

  A.Chopin could be famous because of his own talent and the help from Liszt

  B.Liszt planned to make Chopin famous

  C.Liszt was Chopin’s teacher could be famous only with the help of a famous pianist


  Avril(艾薇儿) Lavigne is an excellent teenage(十几岁的)singer. She made a great success because of her musical talent(天才, 天赋).

  She wrote her songs by herself, played the guitar and had a wide range of voice(音域) when she was only 17 years old. She began to sing her own rock-and-roll(摇滚乐) music. She is a talent in the musical world. People in many different countries like her songs very much.

  Avril Lavigne isn’t a quiet girl. She is a true wild active and crazy girl. She started showing her voice and character at around age 2. “I’m just coming out and I’m going to be myself. I write what I feel. I never worry about what others think.” Avril said.

  Her music can reach girls’ and boys’ hearts and even some adults’, too. I can’t wait to be out there; I want to rock the world! I want people to know what music is real and honest(坦率的)——it comes from my heart. I am just being true to myself.


  【小题1】Avril became a singer when she was 27 years old.

  【小题2】She asked a famous writer to write songs for her.

  【小题3】Only Canadian people like her songs very much.

  【小题4】She wants to sing and rock all over the world.

  【小题5】Avril is a quiet and lovely girl.


1.牛津版初二下册英语Uunit 3期末检测试题及答案


3.初二下册英语Unit 3单元测试题及答案

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