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  ( ) 1.A. plastic B. protect C. project

  ( ) 2.A.walk B. waste C.wet

  ( ) 3. A.coal C.cow

  ( ) 4.A.Earth B.early C. energy

  ( ) 5.A. good B. wood C. foot

  ( ) 6.A. most B.much C. many

  ( ) 7.A. eat B. ground C. gate

  ( ) 8.A. save C. slip

  ( ) 9. A.class B. glass C. nice

  ( ) 10. A. too much B. too many C. so many


  ( ) 1. A. We should waste energy . B. We should save water. C. We should throw rubbish .

  ( ) 2. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I am . C. No. I can’t .

  ( ) 3. A. No, he did . B. Yes ,you did . C. Yes, he did .

  ( ) 4. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, it does. C. Yes, there are..

  ( ) 5. A. I can pick up the plastic bottles . B. I cleaned the house. C. I’m sweeping the floor.

  三、 听录音,完成短文。(听两遍)(10分)

  Bobby and Sam are doing a __ _ .They want to make a poster and _ _ the students to _ the Earth, because the Earth is our _ _ .We should’t __ _ _ _ ,because it is . __ come from the trees, we can’t cut down too trees, and we can’t use too much __ _.



  1.许多能源 much oil ______________

  3.再利用水去浇花 4. waste water _______________

  5. 用木头做椅子¬ the school gate

  7.砍伐树木 8.make a poster first

  9.在地球上 10.tell them about the project


  ( )1.Look! There are too many ________ in the river. B.plastic C. rubbish D.water

  ( ) 2. We ________ use too many plastic bags,

  A. should B.shouldn’t C.can D.don’t

  ( ) 3. Trees help _______ the air clean.

  A.keeping B. for keep C. keep  D. keeps

  ( ) 4. Don’t use _________ plastic , Mum.

  A.too many B too much C. much too D many too

  ( ) 5. We can use water ____________things. clean B cleaning C. clean D. cleans

  ( ) 6. Coal is _______ useful energy. B a C. / D the

  ( ) 7. There ______ too much water on the farm.

  A.isn’t B. aren’t C. weren’t D.wan’t

  ( )8. Do you know the news? Yes, Mike _____ me _______ it yesterday.

  A.told, about B.tells, for C. says, about D.said ,about

  ( )9. There are a lot of oranges ______ the trees. B. at C. on D. of

  ( )10._______ a nice poster.

  A.How B what’s C.what  D. how is

  ( ) 11. ______ comes from trees.

  A.Coal B wood C. water D. Rubbish

  ( ) 12. When is World Environment Day? It’s ___________. 10th September B.on 5th June 22nd April D.on 22nd April

  ( )13. _________our classroom clean, we can’t litter .

  A. To clean B Cleaning C. Clean D. Cleans

  ( )14. Reading in bed is _________ for our eyes.

  A.good B bad C. useful D.beautiful

  ( )15. We can ________ after school.

  A.walk to home B.go to home C. walk home D. went home


  1. Don’t ________(throw)rubbish anywhere.

  2. The students are _______ (plant) trees on the hill now.

  3. Nancy usually _________(use) paper bags and glass bottles.

  4. we have three lessons this moring. The __________(two) one is English.

  5. ________(do) your mother go to the supermarket yesterday evening?

  6. Water is useful for us. We use water ___________ (wash) clothes.

  7. Rubbish _________(make)the streets dirty.

  8.Mike would like ___________( play) computer games with us .

  9. _____________(protect) the Earth, we can reuse many things.

  10. Mike and Helen __________(be)in Japan last summer holiday.


  ( ) 1. Do you like playing football? A. They are running.

  ( ) 2. Can you draw it? B. This is Helen speaking.

  ( ) 3. What are they doing? C. No. She's in the office.

  ( ) 4. Is Miss Li in the study? D. No, I can't.

  ( ) 5. Who's that speaking? E. Yes, I do.

  ( ) 6.How can we keep the air clean? F.It’s on 22nd April.

  ( ) 7.What should they not do? G.We can plant more trees.

  ( ) 8.Is threr too much oil on Earth? H.Yes, he does.

  ( ) 9.Does your brother live in the city? I.No,there isn’t

  ( ) 10.When is Earth Day? J.They shoudn’t waste water..


  1. We shouldn’t waste water (改为同义句) We s water.

  2. We use wood to make tables. (对划线部分提问) we use to make tables?

  3. Wood comes from trees (改为一般疑问句) wood from trees?

  4. People should save energy because there’s not much energy(对划线部分提问)

  we people save energy ?

  5. we can reuse a plastic bottle to make a toy (对划线部分提问)【

  we reuse a plastic bottle to ??

  6. much, places, isn’t, water, there, many, in (.) (连词成句)(1分 )



  1. 我们怎样才能再利用这些东西呢? ________ can we reuse these __________ ?

  2. 你不应当开车太多。 You __________ drive too _________.

  3. 地上有太多的塑料袋。 There are __________ ___________ plastic ________on the ground.

  4. 垃圾对空气有害。 Rubbish __________ __________ _________ the air.

  5. 汽车使用很多能源。 Cars __________ __________ energy.

  6. 你们在干什么?我们在制作海报。 What are you ________ ? We are ___________the poster.

  7. 你能告诉我关于你学校的情况吗? Can you _________ me ________ your school?


  A good environment (环境)can __1___people feel(感到)happy. We should make a green world. We should _____2___ more trees. We ___3___ cut down too many trees. We should stop factories from pouring (倾倒) __4___ water into rivers. We should save ___5___. We should not drive too much. We can go to work or school by bus or __6__. We can reuse paper and plastic bags. We can make the world a better(更好) place.

  1. ( )A. protect B. makes C. make

  2. ( )A. water B. plant C. buy

  3. ( )A. can B. should C. shouldn’t

  4. ( )A. dirty B. clean C. much

  5. ( )A.trees B. energy C. water

  6. ( )A. by taxi B. by car C.on foot


  A)阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。

  Mary is an English girl. She likes watching basketball matches, but she doesn’t have much money to buy tickets(票)。She has to watch the matches on TV at home when she has no homework. She must(必须)go to school from Monday to Friday, so she misses a lot of interesting matches. There will be a big basketball match in the afternoon next day. Mary wants to watch it very much. But her father doesn’t think(认为)it’s good. Because it is Friday, Mary must have lessons.

  ( ) 1. Mary comes from the US.( ) 2. She often watches the basketball matches on TV.

  ( ) 3. Mary misses a lot of matches because she has not much money .

  ( ) 4. She goes to school from Monday to Saturday .

  ( ) 5. Her father doesn’t think it’s good to watch basketball on Friday, because Mary has lessons that day .


  Mr. King lived in a small town, but he has a job(工作)in a big city, so he moved(搬到)there with his wife(妻子)and his children last Tuesday.

  On that day Mr. King took his new car out of the garage (车库) and washed it. A neighbour (邻居) came and looked at the new car for a minute(分钟). Then Mr. King turned(转身)and saw him.

  “That’s a new car, Is it yours(你的)?” the neighbour (邻居) asked.

  “Sometimes(有时),” Mr. King said. “When there is a party in town, it’s my daughter’s(女儿). When there’s a football game, it belongs to (属于) my son(儿子). When I washed it and it looks very nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs(需要)gas (汽油),it’s mine(我的).”

  ( )1.There are ________ people in the story.

  A.three B four C. six D.five

  ( ) 2. Mr king worked in ________,

  A.a small town B.a big city C.the garage D. the gas station

  ( ) 3.When Mr King was washing the new car, his neighbour came to ask him ________.

  A.if(是否)the car is new . B. what car it is C if the car is Mr. King’s. D. how much is the car

  ( ) 4.”Sometimes” in the story means that ________.

  A.When there is a party in town, the car belongs to his daughter.

  B.When there’s a football game, it is his son’s.

  C.When the car looks very nice and clean, it is his wife’s. D.When the car wants gas, it belongs to him.

  ( ) 5.What do you think of Mr. King? He is ________.

  A.sad B. happy C. serious (严肃的) D. humorous (幽默的)





4.九年级英语上册Unit 9同步练习题


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