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 首页 > 学习方法 > 英语





  一. 找出画线部分读音与其他不同的一项.

  (   )1.A. on B. song C. son D. long

  (   ) B. yellow C. my D. sky

  (   )3.A.soon B. room C. food D. foot

  (   )4.A.wash B. water C. watch D. what

  (   ) B. old C. no


  1. 她的职业 2. 穿着白色毛衣

  3. 他的朋友 4. 一位老教师

  5. 有长头发 6. 多少岁

  7. which one? 8. Let’s hurry

  9. about thirty 10. two factory workers


  1. Mike (study) English in our school.

  2. --What (do) your friends do? -- They are (teach).

  3. -- What (do) his mother do?

  -- She’s a _________(write). She _______(write) many interesting _______(story).

  4. My uncle is a _______. He ________nice food.(cook)

  5. She’s a _________(work). She likes _________(make) sweets.


  1. Mike has a lot of books. (对划线部分提问)

  Mike ?

  2. Alice likes singing (对划线部分提问)

  Alice_____ ?

  3. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too.(合并一句)

  My _____ .

  4. His brother is a worker.(对划线部分提问)

  father ?

  5. She can make dolls.(改为一般疑问句)

  she ?


  1. Bobby’s, does, what, father, do (?)

  2. Su Hai’s , helps, people, is, a, doctor, sick, he, father (. .)

  3. Mr Green, he, teaches, a, teacher, English, is (. .)

  4. her, sister, is, an, too, Art, teacher (.)

  5. do, his, what, father, do, mother, and (?)


  1、我爷爷是一名教师。他教数学。My grandfather is a ______. He________ _______.


  What _________ ________ mother ______? She is a __________.


  I like these _________. They’re _________.

  4、我的爸爸喜欢阅读。 My father ________ _________.


  _________ your friend _____ _______? No, she’s _______ __________.

  八. 阅读理解,判断正误(对的打T,错的打F)。

  (A) This is a picture of our class. There are fifty–five students in our class. You can see twenty-eight boys and twenty- seven girls. There is an American(美国的) student in our class. His name is David. His English is very good. We all like him. He likes eating bread and cakes. He likes drinking milk and apple juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. David can ski but we don’t.We are very happy together.

  ( ) 1. There are fifty – five boys in the class.

  ( ) 2. David is an English boy.

  ( ) 3. David likes bread and tea.

  ( ) 4.Chinese students can ski.

  ( ) 5 We all like David.

  (B) Mr White is a doctor and Mrs White is a nurse.They work in the same hospital.They are all busy.They have a white car.So they go to work by car.

  One day Mr and Mrs White go shopping by car.They stop their car near a store.They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car.But Mr White can’t open the door of the car,so they ask a policeman to help them.The policeman is very friendly to help them.Just then a man comes up and shouts,“What are you doing with my car?”

  Mr and Mrs White take a look at the car’s number and they are frozen(惊呆了) there. It isn’t their car.

  ( )1.Mr and Mrs White are doctors.

  ( )2.Mr and Mrs White go shopping by bus.

  ( )3.Mr and Mrs White has a red car.

  ( )4.Mr and Mrs White can’t find the key of the car. So they can’t open the door of the car.

  ( )5.The car isn’t Mr and Mrs White’s.It’s the man’s.

  (C) I live in a new house now. It is big and nice. There are four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room. My bedroom is not big. There is a bed, a desk, a chair and a bookcase in it.

  There is a nice garden near the house. There are many flowers in the garden. There is a big tree beside the house. There is a swing under the tree. I like reading books on the swing. I love the house and garden.

  ( ) 1. The new house is big.

  ( ) 2. There are twelve rooms in the house.

  ( ) 3. There is a computer in my bedroom

  ( ) 4. There are many flowers in the garden.

  ( ) 5. I like drawing pictures under the tree.


  1.How many bedrooms are there in the house? ______________________

  2. What’s in my bedroom? __________________________

  3. Is there a garden behind the house? ___________________

  4. What’s under the tree? _________________________

  5. What do you like doing? __________________________________







上一篇:五年级上册英语Unit6课堂练习试题  下一篇:五年级上册英语Unit4课堂练习试题