你对英国的文化了解多少呢?下面的8个冷知识你是不是没有听说过呢?快来看看都有什么震惊你的冷知识吧。 Special humor and good football, morning porridge and royalty buzz – may any facts about England surprise you? Well, just give me a try… 独特的幽默感、高超的足球技巧、早餐麦片、皇室情结……有哪些关于英国的小知识会让你震惊吗?且听我道来。 1. The Church of England considers the Pokemon character Mewtwo to be a good Christian role model. 1、英国国教会曾认为《口袋妖怪》中的超梦是个基督教徒的理想楷模。 The Nintendo character of Mewtwo first appeared in the video games Pokemon Red and Blue and its sequels. Some people consider him to be a cliche villain, others believe it to be a deep and very interesting character. 任天堂游戏中的角色超梦首次登场是在电子游戏《口袋妖怪红蓝宝石》以及它的续集当中。有些人认为他是典型的反派,而另一些人则认为他是个深刻而有趣的角色。 2. There's a pair of twins from England that, after being separated at birth, ended up marrying each other. 2、英国有一对双胞胎出生时就被分开,而最后他们却和对方结婚了! However when getting married they didn't realize their relative connection. 不过在结婚时他们并不清楚互相之间的血缘关系。 3.In England, a failed suicide attempt used to be illegal and was punishable by death. 3、曾经在英国,自杀失败是违法的,并要判处死刑。 People who attempted suicide were punished by hanging in Great Britain until 1961. 1961年前的大不列颠,企图自杀的人会受到绞刑的惩罚。 4. The price of entry to a zoo in 18th century England was a cat or a dog: they were fed to the lions. 4、18世纪,进入动物园的门票是一只猫或一条狗,用来喂狮子的。 In fact visitors had a choice, instead of sacrificing an animal they could pay a half-pence. 其实游客也有别的选择,不愿牺牲动物的话,付半个便士也可以。 5. Back to football. The England national amateur football team once beat France 15-0. 5、回到足球上。英格兰的一支业余足球队曾经以15比0的比分战胜了法国队。 It was the first international match that took place on 1 November 1906 in Paris. 这是第一场国家之间的比赛,于1906年10月1日在巴黎举行。 6. America spells grey as grAy and England spells gray as grEy. 6、“灰色”这个单词,美国人拼成“grAy”而英国人拼成“grEy”。 It's easy to keep in mind: simply associate "A" with America, "E" with England. 其实非常好记,美国(America)的“grAy”里有个“A”,英国(England)的“grEy”里有个“E” 7.French was the official language of England for about 300 years, from 1066 till 1362. 7、法语曾是英国的官方语言长达三百年之久,从1066年到1362年为止。 The influence of French in England started with the Norman Conquest of 1066 by William the Conqueror. 法语对英国的影响可以追溯到1066年威廉一世的诺曼征服。 8.In 1811, 1/4 woman in England were named Mary. 8、在1811那一年,四分之一的英国女人都叫玛丽。 Can you imagine that the quarter of all British women had the same name then? Perhaps it was rather confusing in everyday life. 你能想象那个时候整个国家四分之一的人都拥有同一个名字吗?她们的生活会很困扰吧。