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自学教程:C++ AGALOC函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:34:08
这篇教程C++ AGALOC函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中AGALOC函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AGALOC函数的具体用法?C++ AGALOC怎么用?C++ AGALOC使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: add_number

/** *  Associate a name with strtol() value, defaulting to zero. * * @param[in,out] pp        argument list to add to * @param[in]     name      the name of the "suboption" * @param[in]     nm_len    the length of the name * @param[in]     val       the numeric value for the suboption * @param[in]     d_len     the length of the value * * @returns the new value structure */static tOptionValue *add_number(void ** pp, char const * name, size_t nm_len,           char const * val, size_t d_len){    size_t sz = nm_len + sizeof(tOptionValue) + 1;    tOptionValue * new_val = AGALOC(sz, "int val");    /*     * Scan over whitespace is constrained by "d_len"     */    while (IS_WHITESPACE_CHAR(*val) && (d_len > 0)) {        d_len--; val++;    }    if (d_len == 0)        new_val->v.longVal = 0;    else        new_val->v.longVal = strtol(val, 0, 0);    new_val->valType = OPARG_TYPE_NUMERIC;    new_val->pzName  = (char *)(new_val + 1);    memcpy(new_val->pzName, name, nm_len);    new_val->pzName[ nm_len ] = NUL;    addArgListEntry(pp, new_val);    return new_val;}

示例2: manageAllocatedData

voidmanageAllocatedData(void* pd){    static int    allocPtrCt   = 0;    static int    usedPtrCt    = 0;    static void** papAllocData = NULL;    if (pd == NULL) {        void** pp = papAllocData;        if (pp == NULL)            return;        while (--usedPtrCt >= 0)            AGFREE(*(pp++));        AGFREE(papAllocData);        papAllocData = NULL;    } else {        if (++usedPtrCt > allocPtrCt) {            allocPtrCt += 16;            papAllocData = (usedPtrCt > 1)                           ? AGREALOC(papAllocData, allocPtrCt * sizeof(void*), "atbl")                           : AGALOC(allocPtrCt * sizeof(void*), "atbl");        }        papAllocData[usedPtrCt-1] = pd;    }}

示例3: trim_xml_text

/** * Find the end marker for the named section of XML. * Trim that text there, trimming trailing white space for all modes * except for OPTION_LOAD_UNCOOKED. */static char *trim_xml_text(char * intxt, char const * pznm, tOptionLoadMode mode){    static char const fmt[] = "</%s>";    size_t len = strlen(pznm) + sizeof(fmt) - 2 /* for %s */;    char * etext;    {        char z[64], *pz = z;        if (len >= sizeof(z))            pz = AGALOC(len, "scan name");        len = (size_t)sprintf(pz, fmt, pznm);        *intxt = ' ';        etext = strstr(intxt, pz);        if (pz != z) AGFREE(pz);    }    if (etext == NULL)        return etext;    {        char * result = etext + len;        if (mode != OPTION_LOAD_UNCOOKED)            etext = SPN_WHITESPACE_BACK(intxt, etext);        *etext = NUL;        return result;    }}

示例4: optionTimeDate

/*=export_func  optionTimeDate * private: * * what:  process an option with a time and date. * arg:   + tOptions* + pOpts    + program options descriptor + * arg:   + tOptDesc* + pOptDesc + the descriptor for this arg + * * doc: *  Decipher a time and date value.=*/voidoptionTimeDate(tOptions * pOpts, tOptDesc * pOD){#if defined(HAVE_GETDATE_R) && defined(HAVE_PUTENV)    if ((! HAS_pzPkgDataDir(pOpts)) || (pOpts->pzPkgDataDir == NULL))        goto default_action;    /*     *  Export the DATEMSK environment variable.  getdate_r() uses it to     *  find the file with the strptime formats.  If we cannot find the file     *  we need ($PKGDATADIR/datemsk), then fall back to just a time duration.     */    {        static char * envptr = NULL;        if (envptr == NULL) {            static char const fmt[] = "DATEMSK=%s/datemsk";            envptr = AGALOC(sizeof(fmt) + strlen(pOpts->pzPkgDataDir), fmt);            sprintf(envptr, fmt, pOpts->pzPkgDataDir);            putenv(envptr);        }        if (access(envptr+8, R_OK) != 0)            goto default_action;    }    /*     *  Convert the date to a time since the epoch and stash it in a long int.     */    {        struct tm stm;        time_t tm;        if (getdate_r(pOD->optArg.argString, &stm) != 0) {            fprintf(stderr, zNotDate, pOpts->pzProgName,                    pOD->optArg.argString);            if ((pOpts->fOptSet & OPTPROC_ERRSTOP) != 0)                (*(pOpts->pUsageProc))(pOpts, EXIT_FAILURE);            return;        }        tm = mktime(&stm);        if (pOD->fOptState & OPTST_ALLOC_ARG) {            AGFREE(pOD->optArg.argString);            pOD->fOptState &= ~OPTST_ALLOC_ARG;        }        pOD->optArg.argInt = tm;    }    return;default_action:#endif    optionTimeVal(pOpts, pOD);    if (pOD->optArg.argInt != BAD_TIME)        pOD->optArg.argInt += (unsigned long)time(NULL);}

示例5: Select_Match_Full

/*=gfunc string_eqv_match_p * * what:   caseless regex match * general_use: * * exparg: text, text to test for pattern * exparg: match, pattern/substring to search for * * string: "~" * * doc:  Test to see if a string fully matches a pattern. *       Case is not significant, but any character equivalences *       must be expressed in your regular expression.=*/static tSuccessSelect_Match_Full(char const * sample, char const * pattern){    regmatch_t m[2];    /*     *  On the first call for this macro, compile the expression     */    if (pCurMacro->funcPrivate == NULL) {        void *    mat = (void *)pattern;        regex_t*  pRe = AGALOC(sizeof(*pRe), "select match full re");        if (OPT_VALUE_TRACE > TRACE_EXPRESSIONS) {            fprintf(pfTrace, "Compiling ``%s'' with bits 0x%lX/n",                     pattern, pCurMacro->res);        }        compile_re(pRe, mat, (int)pCurMacro->res);        pCurMacro->funcPrivate = pRe;    }    if (regexec((regex_t*)pCurMacro->funcPrivate, sample, (size_t)2, m, 0)        != 0)        return FAILURE;    if (  (m[0].rm_eo != strlen( sample ))       || (m[0].rm_so != 0))        return FAILURE;    return SUCCESS;}

示例6: make_quote_str

/** * make a name resilient to machinations made by 'make'. * Basically, dollar sign characters are doubled. * * @param str the input string * @returns a newly allocated string with the '$' characters doubled */static char const *make_quote_str(char const * str){    size_t sz = strlen(str) + 1;    char const * scan = str;    char * res;    for (;;) {        char * p = strchr(scan, '$');        if (p == NULL)            break;        sz++;        scan = scan + 1;    }    res  = AGALOC(sz, "q name");    scan = res;    for (;;) {        char * p = strchr(str, '$');        if (p == NULL)            break;        sz = (size_t)(p - str) + 1;        memcpy(res, str, sz);        res += sz;        str += sz;        *(res++) = '$';    }    strcpy(res, str);    return scan;}

示例7: open_tmp_usage

static FILE *open_tmp_usage(char ** buf){    char * bf;    size_t bfsz;    {        unsigned int my_pid = (unsigned int)getpid();        char const * tmpdir = getenv(TMPDIR);        if (tmpdir == NULL)            tmpdir = tmp_dir;        bfsz = TMP_FILE_FMT_LEN + strlen(tmpdir) + 10;        bf   = AGALOC(bfsz, "tmp fil");        snprintf(bf, bfsz, TMP_FILE_FMT, tmpdir, my_pid);    }    {        static mode_t const cmask = S_IRWXO | S_IRWXG;        mode_t svmsk = umask(cmask);        int fd = mkstemp(bf);        (void)umask(svmsk);        if (fd < 0) {            AGFREE(bf);            return NULL;        }        *buf = bf;        return fdopen(fd, "w");    }}

示例8: mk_pager_cmd

static char *mk_pager_cmd(char const * fname){    /*     * Page the file and remove it when done.  For shell script processing,     * we must redirect the output to the current stderr, otherwise stdout.     */    fclose(option_usage_fp);    option_usage_fp = NULL;    {        char const * pager  = (char const *)getenv(PAGER_NAME);        size_t bfsz;        char * res;        /*         *  Use the "more(1)" program if "PAGER" has not been defined         */        if (pager == NULL)            pager = MORE_STR;        bfsz = strlen(fname) + strlen(pager) + PAGE_USAGE_FMT_LEN;        res  = AGALOC(bfsz, "more cmd");        snprintf(res, bfsz, PAGE_USAGE_FMT, pager, fname);        AGFREE((void*)(intptr_t)fname);        return res;    }}

示例9: add_bool

/** *  Associate a name with a boolean value * * @param[in,out] pp        argument list to add to * @param[in]     name      the name of the "suboption" * @param[in]     nm_len    the length of the name * @param[in]     val       the boolean value for the suboption * @param[in]     d_len     the length of the value * * @returns the new value structure */static tOptionValue *add_bool(void ** pp, char const * name, size_t nm_len,         char const * val, size_t d_len){    size_t sz = nm_len + sizeof(tOptionValue) + 1;    tOptionValue * new_val = AGALOC(sz, "bool val");    /*     * Scan over whitespace is constrained by "d_len"     */    while (IS_WHITESPACE_CHAR(*val) && (d_len > 0)) {        d_len--; val++;    }    if (d_len == 0)        new_val->v.boolVal = 0;    else if (IS_DEC_DIGIT_CHAR(*val))        new_val->v.boolVal = (unsigned)atoi(val);    else new_val->v.boolVal = ! IS_FALSE_TYPE_CHAR(*val);    new_val->valType = OPARG_TYPE_BOOLEAN;    new_val->pzName = (char *)(new_val + 1);    memcpy(new_val->pzName, name, nm_len);    new_val->pzName[ nm_len ] = NUL;    addArgListEntry(pp, new_val);    return new_val;}

示例10: shell_stringify

static SCMshell_stringify(SCM obj, uint_t qt){    char * pzNew;    size_t dtaSize = 3;    char * pzDta   = ag_scm2zchars(obj, "AG Object");    char * pz      = pzDta;    for (;;) {        char c = *(pz++);        switch (c) {        case NUL:            goto loopDone1;        case '"': case '`': case '//':            dtaSize += 2;            break;        default:            dtaSize++;        }    } loopDone1:;    pzNew = AGALOC(dtaSize, "shell string");    dtaSize = stringify_for_sh(pzNew, qt, pzDta);    {        SCM res = AG_SCM_STR2SCM(pzNew, dtaSize);        AGFREE(pzNew);        return res;    }}

示例11: prt_set_arg

/** * Print the bits set in a bit mask option. * We call the option handling function with a magic value for * the options pointer and it allocates and fills in the string. * We print that with a call to prt_entry(). * * @param[in] fp  the file pointer to write to * @param[in] od  the option descriptor with a bit mask value type */static voidprt_set_arg(FILE * fp, tOptDesc * od){    char * list = optionMemberList(od);    size_t len  = strlen(list);    char * buf  = (char *)AGALOC(len + 3, "dir name");    *buf= '=';    memcpy(buf+1, list, len + 1);    prt_entry(fp, od, buf);    AGFREE(buf);    AGFREE(list);}

示例12: check_existence

/** *  Make sure the directory containing the subject file exists and that *  the file exists or does not exist, per the option requirements. * * @param ftype file existence type flags * @param pOpts program option descriptor * @param pOD   the option descriptor */static voidcheck_existence(teOptFileType ftype, tOptions * pOpts, tOptDesc * pOD){    char const * fname = pOD->optArg.argString;    struct stat sb;    errno = 0;    switch (ftype & FTYPE_MODE_EXIST_MASK) {    case FTYPE_MODE_MUST_NOT_EXIST:        if ((stat(fname, &sb) == 0) || (errno != ENOENT)) {            if (errno == 0)                errno = EINVAL;            fserr_exit(pOpts->pzProgName, "stat", fname);            /* NOTREACHED */        }        /* FALLTHROUGH */    default:    case FTYPE_MODE_MAY_EXIST:    {        char * p = strrchr(fname, DIRCH);        size_t l;        if (p == NULL)            /*             *  The file may or may not exist and its directory is ".".             *  Assume that "." exists.             */            break;        l = (size_t)(p - fname);        p = AGALOC(l + 1, "fname");        memcpy(p, fname, l);        p[l] = NUL;        if ((stat(p, &sb) != 0) || (errno = EINVAL, ! S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)))            fserr_exit(pOpts->pzProgName, "stat", p);            /* NOTREACHED */        AGFREE(p);        break;    }    case FTYPE_MODE_MUST_EXIST:        if (  (stat(fname, &sb) != 0)           || (errno = EINVAL, ! S_ISREG(sb.st_mode))  )            fserr_exit(pOpts->pzProgName, "stat", fname);            /* NOTREACHED */        break;    }}

示例13: strdup

static char *strdup( char const *s ){    char *cp;    if (s == NULL)        return NULL;    cp = (char *) AGALOC((unsigned) (strlen(s)+1), "strdup");    if (cp != NULL)        (void) strcpy(cp, s);    return cp;}

示例14: load_old_output

/** * Load the previous shell script output file.  We need to preserve any * hand-edited additions outside of the START_MARK and END_MARKs. * * @param[in] fname  the output file name */static char *load_old_output(char const * fname){    /*     *  IF we cannot stat the file,     *  THEN assume we are creating a new file.     *       Skip the loading of the old data.     */    FILE * fp = fopen(fname, "r" FOPEN_BINARY_FLAG);    struct stat stbf;    char * text;    char * scan;    if (fp == NULL)        return NULL;    /*     * If we opened it, we should be able to stat it and it needs     * to be a regular file     */    if ((fstat(fileno(fp), &stbf) != 0) || (! S_ISREG(stbf.st_mode))) {        fprintf(stderr, zNotFile, fname);        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);    }    scan = text = AGALOC(stbf.st_size + 1, "f data");    /*     *  Read in all the data as fast as our OS will let us.     */    for (;;) {        int inct = fread((void*)scan, (size_t)1, stbf.st_size, fp);        if (inct == 0)            break;        stbf.st_size -= inct;        if (stbf.st_size == 0)            break;        scan += inct;    }    *scan = NUL;    fclose(fp);    return text;}

示例15: set_memb_names

static voidset_memb_names(tOptions * opts, tOptDesc * od, char const * const * nm_list,               unsigned int nm_ct){    char *     pz;    uintptr_t  mask = (1UL << (uintptr_t)nm_ct) - 1UL;    uintptr_t  bits = (uintptr_t)od->optCookie & mask;    unsigned int ix = 0;    size_t     len  = 1;    /*     *  Replace the enumeration value with the name string.     *  First, determine the needed length, then allocate and fill in.     */    while (bits != 0) {        if (bits & 1)            len += strlen(nm_list[ix]) + PLUS_STR_LEN + 1;        if (++ix >= nm_ct) break;        bits >>= 1;    }    od->optArg.argString = pz = AGALOC(len, "enum");    bits = (uintptr_t)od->optCookie & mask;    if (bits == 0) {        *pz = NUL;        return;    }    for (ix = 0; ; ix++) {        size_t nln;        int    doit = bits & 1;        bits >>= 1;        if (doit == 0)            continue;        nln = strlen(nm_list[ix]);        memcpy(pz, nm_list[ix], nln);        pz += nln;        if (bits == 0)            break;        memcpy(pz, PLUS_STR, PLUS_STR_LEN);        pz += PLUS_STR_LEN;    }    *pz = NUL;    (void)opts;}

示例16: optionSaveState

/*=export_func optionSaveState * * what:  saves the option state to memory * arg:   tOptions*, pOpts, program options descriptor * * doc: * *  This routine will allocate enough memory to save the current option *  processing state.  If this routine has been called before, that memory *  will be reused.  You may only save one copy of the option state.  This *  routine may be called before optionProcess(3AO).  If you do call it *  before the first call to optionProcess, then you may also change the *  contents of argc/argv after you call optionRestore(3AO) * *  In fact, more strongly put: it is safest to only use this function *  before having processed any options.  In particular, the saving and *  restoring of stacked string arguments and hierarchical values is *  disabled.  The values are not saved. * * err:   If it fails to allocate the memory, *        it will print a message to stderr and exit. *        Otherwise, it will always succeed.=*/voidoptionSaveState(tOptions * pOpts){    tOptions * p = (tOptions*)pOpts->pSavedState;    if (p == NULL) {        size_t sz = sizeof(*pOpts)            + ((size_t)pOpts->optCt * sizeof(tOptDesc));        p = AGALOC(sz, "saved option state");        pOpts->pSavedState = p;    }    memcpy(p, pOpts, sizeof(*p));    memcpy(p + 1, pOpts->pOptDesc, (size_t)p->optCt * sizeof(tOptDesc));    fixupSavedOptionArgs(pOpts);}

示例17: Select_Match

/*=gfunc string_has_eqv_match_p * * what:   caseless regex contains * general_use: * * exparg: text, text to test for pattern * exparg: match, pattern/substring to search for * * string: "*~*" * * doc:  Test to see if a string contains a pattern. *       Case is not significant.=*/static tSuccessSelect_Match(char const * sample, char const * pattern){    /*     *  On the first call for this macro, compile the expression     */    if (pCurMacro->funcPrivate == NULL) {        void *    mat = (void *)pattern;        regex_t*  pRe = AGALOC(sizeof(*pRe), "select match re");        compile_re(pRe, mat, (int)pCurMacro->res);        pCurMacro->funcPrivate = (void*)pRe;    }    if (regexec((regex_t*)pCurMacro->funcPrivate, sample, (size_t)0,                 NULL, 0) != 0)        return FAILURE;    return SUCCESS;}

示例18: getEntry

LOCAL tDefEntry*getEntry(void){    tDefEntry*  pRes = pFreeEntryList;    if (pRes != NULL) {        pFreeEntryList = pRes->pNext;    } else {        int   ct = ENTRY_ALLOC_CT-1;        void* p  = AGALOC(ENTRY_ALLOC_SIZE, "definition headers");        manageAllocatedData(p);        *((void**)p) = pAllocList;        pAllocList   = p;        pRes = pFreeEntryList = (tDefEntry*)((void**)p + 1);        /*         *  This is a post-loop test loop.  It will cycle one fewer times         *  than there are 'tDefEntry' structs in the memory we just alloced.         */        do  {            tDefEntry* pNxt = pRes+1;            pRes->pNext = pNxt;            /*             *  When the loop ends, "pRes" will point to the last allocated             *  structure instance.  That is the one we will return.             */            pRes = pNxt;        } while (--ct > 0);        /*         *  Unlink the last entry from the chain.  The next time this         *  routine is called, the *FIRST* structure in this list will         *  be returned.         */        pRes[-1].pNext = NULL;    }    memset((void*)pRes, 0, sizeof(*pRes));    return pRes;}

示例19: digest_pseudo_macro

/** * Process the stuff in the pseudo macro. */static tTemplate *digest_pseudo_macro(tmap_info_t * minfo, char * real_file){    tTemplate * pRes;    /*     *  Count the number of macros in the template.  Compute     *  the output data size as a function of the number of macros     *  and the size of the template data.  These may get reduced     *  by comments.     */    char const * pzData =        loadPseudoMacro((char const *)minfo->txt_data, real_file);    size_t macroCt  = cnt_macros(pzData);    size_t alocSize = (sizeof(*pRes) + (macroCt * sizeof(tMacro))                       + minfo->txt_size                       - (pzData - (char const *)minfo->txt_data)                       + strlen(real_file) + 0x10) & ~0x0F;    pRes = (tTemplate*)AGALOC(alocSize, "main template");    memset((void*)pRes, 0, alocSize);    /*     *  Initialize the values:     */    pRes->magic     = magicMark;    pRes->descSize  = alocSize;    pRes->macroCt   = macroCt;    strcpy(pRes->zStartMac, zStartMac); /* must fit */    strcpy(pRes->zEndMac, zEndMac);     /* must fit */    load_macs(pRes, real_file, "*template file*", pzData);    pRes->pzTplName   -= (long)pRes;    pRes->pzTemplText -= (long)pRes;    pRes = (tTemplate*)AGREALOC((void*)pRes, pRes->descSize,                                "resize template");    pRes->pzTplName   += (long)pRes;    pRes->pzTemplText += (long)pRes;    return pRes;}

示例20: addArgListEntry

/* *  Put an entry into an argument list.  The first argument points to *  a pointer to the argument list structure.  It gets passed around *  as an opaque address. */LOCAL voidaddArgListEntry(void ** ppAL, void * entry){    tArgList* pAL = *(void**)ppAL;    /*     *  IF we have never allocated one of these,     *  THEN allocate one now     */    if (pAL == NULL) {        pAL = (tArgList*)AGALOC(sizeof(*pAL), "new option arg stack");        if (pAL == NULL)            return;        pAL->useCt   = 0;        pAL->allocCt = MIN_ARG_ALLOC_CT;        *ppAL = (void*)pAL;    }    /*     *  ELSE if we are out of room     *  THEN make it bigger     */    else if (pAL->useCt >= pAL->allocCt) {        size_t sz = sizeof(*pAL);        pAL->allocCt += INCR_ARG_ALLOC_CT;        /*         *  The base structure contains space for MIN_ARG_ALLOC_CT         *  pointers.  We subtract it off to find our augment size.         */        sz += sizeof(char*) * ((size_t)pAL->allocCt - MIN_ARG_ALLOC_CT);        pAL = (tArgList*)AGREALOC((void*)pAL, sz, "expanded opt arg stack");        if (pAL == NULL)            return;        *ppAL = (void*)pAL;    }    /*     *  Insert the new argument into the list     */    pAL->apzArgs[ (pAL->useCt)++ ] = entry;}

示例21: add_string

/** *  Associate a name with either a string or no value. * * @param[in,out] pp        argument list to add to * @param[in]     name      the name of the "suboption" * @param[in]     nm_len    the length of the name * @param[in]     val       the string value for the suboption * @param[in]     d_len     the length of the value * * @returns the new value structure */static tOptionValue *add_string(void ** pp, char const * name, size_t nm_len,           char const * val, size_t d_len){    tOptionValue * pNV;    size_t sz = nm_len + d_len + sizeof(*pNV);    pNV = AGALOC(sz, "option name/str value pair");    if (val == NULL) {        pNV->valType = OPARG_TYPE_NONE;        pNV->pzName = pNV->v.strVal;    } else {        pNV->valType = OPARG_TYPE_STRING;        if (d_len > 0) {            char const * src = val;            char * pzDst = pNV->v.strVal;            int    ct    = (int)d_len;            do  {                int ch = *(src++) & 0xFF;                if (ch == NUL) goto data_copy_done;                if (ch == '&')                    ch = get_special_char(&src, &ct);                *(pzDst++) = (char)ch;            } while (--ct > 0);        data_copy_done:            *pzDst = NUL;        } else {            pNV->v.strVal[0] = NUL;        }        pNV->pzName = pNV->v.strVal + d_len + 1;    }    memcpy(pNV->pzName, name, nm_len);    pNV->pzName[ nm_len ] = NUL;    addArgListEntry(pp, pNV);    return pNV;}

示例22: Select_Match_End

/*=gfunc string_end_eqv_match_p * * what:   caseless regex ending * general_use: * * exparg: text, text to test for pattern * exparg: match, pattern/substring to search for * * string: "*~" * * doc:  Test to see if a string ends with a pattern. *       Case is not significant.=*/static tSuccessSelect_Match_End(char const * sample, char const * pattern){    regmatch_t m[2];    /*     *  On the first call for this macro, compile the expression     */    if (pCurMacro->funcPrivate == NULL) {        void *    mat = (void *)pattern;        regex_t*  pRe = AGALOC(sizeof(*pRe), "select match end re");        compile_re(pRe, mat, (int)pCurMacro->res);        pCurMacro->funcPrivate = (void*)pRe;    }    if (regexec((regex_t*)pCurMacro->funcPrivate, sample, (size_t)2, m, 0)        != 0)        return FAILURE;    if (m[0].rm_eo != strlen(sample))        return FAILURE;    return SUCCESS;}

示例23: aoflags_directive

/** *  handle AutoOpts mode flags */static char *aoflags_directive(tOptions * pOpts, char * pzText){    char * pz = pzText;    while (IS_WHITESPACE_CHAR(*++pz))  ;    pzText = strchr(pz, '>');    if (pzText != NULL) {        size_t len  = pzText - pz;        char * ftxt = AGALOC(len + 1, "aoflags");        memcpy(ftxt, pz, len);        ftxt[len] = NUL;        set_usage_flags(pOpts, ftxt);        AGFREE(ftxt);        pzText++;    }    return pzText;}

示例24: aoflags_directive

/** *  handle AutoOpts mode flags. * *  @param[in,out] opts  program option descriptor *  @param[in]     txt   scanning pointer *  @returns       the next character to look at */static char *aoflags_directive(tOptions * opts, char * txt){    char * pz;    pz = SPN_WHITESPACE_CHARS(txt+1);    txt = strchr(pz, '>');    if (txt != NULL) {        size_t len  = (unsigned)(txt - pz);        char * ftxt = AGALOC(len + 1, "aoflags");        memcpy(ftxt, pz, len);        ftxt[len] = NUL;        set_usage_flags(opts, ftxt);        AGFREE(ftxt);        txt++;    }    return txt;}

示例25: program_directive

/** * handle program segmentation of config file. * *  @param[in,out] opts  program option descriptor *  @param[in]     txt   scanning pointer *  @returns       the next character to look at */static char *program_directive(tOptions * opts, char * txt){    static char const ttlfmt[] = "<?";    size_t ttl_len  = sizeof(ttlfmt) + strlen(zCfgProg);    char * ttl      = AGALOC(ttl_len, "prog title");    size_t name_len = strlen(opts->pzProgName);    memcpy(ttl, ttlfmt, sizeof(ttlfmt) - 1);    memcpy(ttl + sizeof(ttlfmt) - 1, zCfgProg, ttl_len - (sizeof(ttlfmt) - 1));    do  {        txt = SPN_WHITESPACE_CHARS(txt+1);        if (  (strneqvcmp(txt, opts->pzProgName, (int)name_len) == 0)           && (IS_END_XML_TOKEN_CHAR(txt[name_len])) ) {            txt += name_len;            break;        }        txt = strstr(txt, ttl);    } while (txt != NULL);    AGFREE(ttl);    if (txt != NULL)        for (;;) {            if (*txt == NUL) {                txt = NULL;                break;            }            if (*(txt++) == '>')                break;        }    return txt;}


C++ AF_THROW函数代码示例