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自学教程:C++ ALLOC_N函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:34:44
这篇教程C++ ALLOC_N函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ALLOC_N函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ALLOC_N函数的具体用法?C++ ALLOC_N怎么用?C++ ALLOC_N使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: cont_capture

static VALUEcont_capture(volatile int *stat){    rb_context_t *cont;    rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD();    volatile VALUE contval;    THREAD_MUST_BE_RUNNING(th);    rb_vm_stack_to_heap(th);    cont = cont_new(rb_cContinuation);    contval = cont->self;#ifdef CAPTURE_JUST_VALID_VM_STACK    cont->vm_stack_slen = th->cfp->sp + th->mark_stack_len - th->stack;    cont->vm_stack_clen = th->stack + th->stack_size - (VALUE*)th->cfp;    cont->vm_stack = ALLOC_N(VALUE, cont->vm_stack_slen + cont->vm_stack_clen);    MEMCPY(cont->vm_stack, th->stack, VALUE, cont->vm_stack_slen);    MEMCPY(cont->vm_stack + cont->vm_stack_slen, (VALUE*)th->cfp, VALUE, cont->vm_stack_clen);#else    cont->vm_stack = ALLOC_N(VALUE, th->stack_size);    MEMCPY(cont->vm_stack, th->stack, VALUE, th->stack_size);#endif    cont->saved_thread.stack = 0;    cont_save_machine_stack(th, cont);    /* backup ensure_list to array for search in another context */    {	rb_ensure_list_t *p;	int size = 0;	rb_ensure_entry_t *entry;	for (p=th->ensure_list; p; p=p->next)	    size++;	entry = cont->ensure_array = ALLOC_N(rb_ensure_entry_t,size+1);	for (p=th->ensure_list; p; p=p->next) {	    if (!p->entry.marker)		p->entry.marker = rb_ary_tmp_new(0); /* dummy object */	    *entry++ = p->entry;	}	entry->marker = 0;    }    if (ruby_setjmp(cont->jmpbuf)) {	volatile VALUE value;	VAR_INITIALIZED(cont);	value = cont->value;	if (cont->argc == -1) rb_exc_raise(value);	cont->value = Qnil;	*stat = 1;	return value;    }    else {	*stat = 0;	return contval;    }}

示例2: na_make_view

/* *  call-seq: *     narray.view => narray * *  Return view of NArray */VALUEna_make_view(VALUE self){    int i, nd;    size_t  j;    size_t *idx1, *idx2;    ssize_t stride;    narray_t *na;    narray_view_t *na1, *na2;    volatile VALUE view;    GetNArray(self,na);    nd = na->ndim;    view = na_s_allocate_view(CLASS_OF(self));    na_copy_flags(self, view);    GetNArrayView(view, na2);    na_setup_shape((narray_t*)na2, nd, na->shape);    na2->stridx = ALLOC_N(stridx_t,nd);    switch(na->type) {    case NARRAY_DATA_T:    case NARRAY_FILEMAP_T:        stride = na_get_elmsz(self);        for (i=nd; i--;) {            SDX_SET_STRIDE(na2->stridx[i],stride);            stride *= na->shape[i];        }        na2->offset = 0;        na2->data = self;        break;    case NARRAY_VIEW_T:        GetNArrayView(self, na1);        for (i=0; i<nd; i++) {            if (SDX_IS_INDEX(na1->stridx[i])) {                idx1 = SDX_GET_INDEX(na1->stridx[i]);                idx2 = ALLOC_N(size_t,na1->base.shape[i]);                for (j=0; j<na1->base.shape[i]; j++) {                    idx2[j] = idx1[j];                }                SDX_SET_INDEX(na2->stridx[i],idx2);            } else {                na2->stridx[i] = na1->stridx[i];            }        }        na2->offset = na1->offset;        na2->data = na1->data;        break;    }    return view;}

示例3: redtree_init_struct

void redtree_init_struct(struct redtree* tree) {  tree->tokens = ALLOC_N(redtree_token, INITIAL_TOKEN_COUNT);  tree->token_locations = ALLOC_N(struct token_location, INITIAL_TOKEN_COUNT);  tree->token_size = INITIAL_TOKEN_COUNT;  tree->token_count = 0;  tree->sequence = ALLOC_N(redtree_sequence_entry, INITIAL_SEQUENCE_COUNT);  tree->sequence_size = INITIAL_SEQUENCE_COUNT;  tree->sequence_count = 0;  tree->lines = ALLOC_N(VALUE, INITIAL_LINE_COUNT);  tree->line_size = INITIAL_LINE_COUNT;  tree->line_count = 0;  tree->enc = 0;}

示例4: cont_save_machine_stack

static voidcont_save_machine_stack(rb_thread_t *th, rb_context_t *cont){    size_t size;    rb_thread_t *sth = &cont->saved_thread;    SET_MACHINE_STACK_END(&th->machine_stack_end);#ifdef __ia64    th->machine_register_stack_end = rb_ia64_bsp();#endif    if (th->machine_stack_start > th->machine_stack_end) {	size = cont->machine_stack_size = th->machine_stack_start - th->machine_stack_end;	cont->machine_stack_src = th->machine_stack_end;    }    else {	size = cont->machine_stack_size = th->machine_stack_end - th->machine_stack_start;	cont->machine_stack_src = th->machine_stack_start;    }    if (cont->machine_stack) {	REALLOC_N(cont->machine_stack, VALUE, size);    }    else {	cont->machine_stack = ALLOC_N(VALUE, size);    }    FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS;    MEMCPY(cont->machine_stack, cont->machine_stack_src, VALUE, size);#ifdef __ia64    rb_ia64_flushrs();    size = cont->machine_register_stack_size = th->machine_register_stack_end - th->machine_register_stack_start;    cont->machine_register_stack_src = th->machine_register_stack_start;    if (cont->machine_register_stack) {	REALLOC_N(cont->machine_register_stack, VALUE, size);    }    else {	cont->machine_register_stack = ALLOC_N(VALUE, size);    }    MEMCPY(cont->machine_register_stack, cont->machine_register_stack_src, VALUE, size);#endif    sth->machine_stack_start = sth->machine_stack_end = 0;#ifdef __ia64    sth->machine_register_stack_start = sth->machine_register_stack_end = 0;#endif}

示例5: na_expand_dims

/* *  call-seq: *     narray.expand_dims(dim) => narray view * *  Expand the shape of an array. Insert a new axis with size=1 *  at a given dimension. *  @param [Integer] dim  dimension at which new axis is inserted. *  @return [Numo::NArray]  result narray view. */VALUEna_expand_dims(VALUE self, VALUE vdim){    int  i, j, nd, dim;    size_t *shape, *na_shape;    stridx_t *stridx, *na_stridx;    narray_t *na;    narray_view_t *na2;    VALUE view;    GetNArray(self,na);    nd = na->ndim;    dim = NUM2INT(vdim);    if (dim < -nd-1 || dim > nd) {        rb_raise(nary_eDimensionError,"invalid axis (%d for %dD NArray)",                 dim,nd);    }    if (dim < 0) {        dim += nd+1;    }    view = na_make_view(self);    GetNArrayView(view, na2);    shape = ALLOC_N(size_t,nd+1);    stridx = ALLOC_N(stridx_t,nd+1);    na_shape = na2->base.shape;    na_stridx = na2->stridx;    for (i=j=0; i<=nd; i++) {        if (i==dim) {            shape[i] = 1;            SDX_SET_STRIDE(stridx[i],0);        } else {            shape[i] = na_shape[j];            stridx[i] = na_stridx[j];            j++;        }    }    na2->stridx = stridx;    xfree(na_stridx);    na2->base.shape = shape;    xfree(na_shape);    na2->base.ndim++;    return view;}

示例6: sp_session_create

sp_errorsp_session_create(const sp_session_config *config, sp_session * *sess){  sp_session *session;  if (memcmp(config->application_key, "appkey_good", config->application_key_size))      return SP_ERROR_BAD_APPLICATION_KEY;  session = *sess = ALLOC(sp_session);  session->config.api_version       = config->api_version;  session->config.cache_location    = strclone(config->cache_location);  session->config.settings_location = strclone(config->settings_location);  session->config.user_agent        = strclone(config->user_agent);  session->config.callbacks         = ALLOC(sp_session_callbacks);  session->config.userdata          = config->userdata;  session->config.application_key   = ALLOC_N(byte, config->application_key_size);  memcpy((char *) session->config.application_key, config->application_key, config->application_key_size);  if (config->callbacks)  {    MEMCPY((sp_session_callbacks *) session->config.callbacks, config->callbacks, sp_session_callbacks);  }  // sp_session defaults  session->cache_size = 0;  // TODO: v0.0.8 (and earlier) directly call `notify_main_thread` callback here, before returning  if (config->callbacks && config->callbacks->notify_main_thread)    config->callbacks->notify_main_thread(session);  return SP_ERROR_OK;}

示例7: fa_compile

/* Construct a finite automaton from REGEXP and return it in *FA. * * Return NULL if REGEXP is valid, if the regexp REGEXP has syntax errors, * return an exception. */static struct value *str_to_fa(struct info *info, const char *pattern,                               struct fa **fa) {    int error;    struct value *exn = NULL;    size_t re_err_len;    char *re_str, *re_err;    error = fa_compile(pattern, strlen(pattern), fa);    if (error == REG_NOERROR)        return NULL;    re_str = escape(pattern, -1);    if (re_str == NULL) {        FIXME("Out of memory");    }    exn = make_exn_value(info, "Invalid regular expression /%s/", re_str);    re_err_len = regerror(error, NULL, NULL, 0);    if (ALLOC_N(re_err, re_err_len) < 0) {        FIXME("Out of memory");    }    regerror(error, NULL, re_err, re_err_len);    exn_printf_line(exn, "%s", re_err);    free(re_str);    free(re_err);    return exn;}

示例8: grpc_rb_hash_convert_to_channel_args0

static VALUE grpc_rb_hash_convert_to_channel_args0(VALUE as_value) {  ID id_size = rb_intern("size");  VALUE grpc_rb_cChannelArgs = rb_define_class("TmpChannelArgs", rb_cObject);  channel_convert_params* params = (channel_convert_params*)as_value;  size_t num_args = 0;  if (!NIL_P(params->src_hash) && TYPE(params->src_hash) != T_HASH) {    rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "bad channel args: got:<%s> want: a hash or nil",             rb_obj_classname(params->src_hash));    return Qnil;  }  if (TYPE(params->src_hash) == T_HASH) {    num_args = NUM2INT(rb_funcall(params->src_hash, id_size, 0));    params->dst->num_args = num_args;    params->dst->args = ALLOC_N(grpc_arg, num_args);    MEMZERO(params->dst->args, grpc_arg, num_args);    rb_hash_foreach(params->src_hash,                    grpc_rb_channel_create_in_process_add_args_hash_cb,                    Data_Wrap_Struct(grpc_rb_cChannelArgs, GC_NOT_MARKED,                                     GC_DONT_FREE, params->dst));    /* reset num_args as grpc_rb_channel_create_in_process_add_args_hash_cb     * decrements it during has processing */    params->dst->num_args = num_args;  }  return Qnil;}

示例9: thread_recycle_struct

static rb_thread_t *thread_recycle_struct(void){    void *p = ALLOC_N(rb_thread_t, 1);    memset(p, 0, sizeof(rb_thread_t));    return p;}

示例10: Buffer_alloc

static VALUE Buffer_alloc(VALUE klass){    msgpack_buffer_t* b = ALLOC_N(msgpack_buffer_t, 1);    msgpack_buffer_init(b);    return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, msgpack_buffer_mark, Buffer_free, b);}

示例11: na_parse_narray_index

static voidna_parse_narray_index(VALUE a, int orig_dim, ssize_t size, na_index_arg_t *q){    VALUE idx;    narray_t *na;    narray_data_t *nidx;    size_t k, n;    ssize_t *nidxp;    GetNArray(a,na);    if (NA_NDIM(na) != 1) {        rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "should be 1-d NArray");    }    n = NA_SIZE(na);    idx = nary_new(cIndex,1,&n);    na_store(idx,a);    GetNArrayData(idx,nidx);    nidxp   = (ssize_t*)nidx->ptr;    q->idx  = ALLOC_N(size_t, n);    for (k=0; k<n; k++) {        q->idx[k] = na_range_check(nidxp[k], size, orig_dim);    }    q->n    = n;    q->beg  = 0;    q->step = 1;    q->reduce = 0;    q->orig_dim = orig_dim;}

示例12: sysconf

static char *get_home_dir(uid_t uid) {    char *strbuf;    char *result;    struct passwd pwbuf;    struct passwd *pw = NULL;    long val = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX);    size_t strbuflen = val;    if (val < 0)        return NULL;    if (ALLOC_N(strbuf, strbuflen) < 0)        return NULL;    if (getpwuid_r(uid, &pwbuf, strbuf, strbuflen, &pw) != 0 || pw == NULL) {        free(strbuf);        return NULL;    }    result = strdup(pw->pw_dir);    free(strbuf);    return result;}

示例13: cont_capture

static VALUEcont_capture(volatile int *stat){    rb_context_t *cont;    rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(), *sth;    volatile VALUE contval;    vm_stack_to_heap(th);    cont = cont_new(rb_cContinuation);    contval = cont->self;    sth = &cont->saved_thread;    cont->vm_stack = ALLOC_N(VALUE, th->stack_size);    MEMCPY(cont->vm_stack, th->stack, VALUE, th->stack_size);    sth->stack = 0;    cont_save_machine_stack(th, cont);    if (ruby_setjmp(cont->jmpbuf)) {	VALUE value;	value = cont->value;	cont->value = Qnil;	*stat = 1;	return value;    }    else {	*stat = 0;	return cont->self;    }}

示例14: Ashton_PixelCache_init

VALUE Ashton_PixelCache_init(VALUE self, VALUE owner){    PIXEL_CACHE();    pixel_cache->rb_owner = owner;    // Different behaviour depending on what the owning class is.    if(RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(owner, rb_cTexture)))    {        // Ashton::Texture        pixel_cache->texture_id = NUM2UINT(rb_funcall(owner, rb_intern("id"), 0));    }    else if(RTEST(rb_obj_is_kind_of(owner, rb_cImage)))    {        // Gosu::Image        // TODO: this needs to be done completely differently, since the image is a sprite on a texture, 1024x1024.        VALUE tex_info = rb_funcall(owner, rb_intern("gl_tex_info"), 0);        pixel_cache->texture_id = NUM2UINT(rb_funcall(tex_info, rb_intern("tex_name"), 0));    }    else    {        rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Can only cache Gosu::Image or Ashton::Texture objects.");    }    pixel_cache->width = NUM2UINT(rb_funcall(owner, rb_intern("width"), 0));    pixel_cache->height = NUM2UINT(rb_funcall(owner, rb_intern("height"), 0));    pixel_cache->data = ALLOC_N(Color_i, pixel_cache->width * pixel_cache->height);    cache_texture(pixel_cache);    return Qnil;}

示例15: ifact_create_items

static VALUEifact_create_items(VALUE self, VALUE ary){    VALUE entry, path, accel, type, func, data, extdata;    GtkItemFactoryEntry *entries;    guint i, len, n_menu_entries;    n_menu_entries = RARRAY_LEN(ary);    entries = ALLOC_N(GtkItemFactoryEntry, n_menu_entries);    for (i = 0; i < n_menu_entries; i++) {        entry = RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i];        len = RARRAY_LEN(entry);        Check_Type(entry, T_ARRAY);        path =  RARRAY_PTR(entry)[0];        type =  ((len > 1) ? RARRAY_PTR(entry)[1] : Qnil);        accel = ((len > 2) ? RARRAY_PTR(entry)[2] : Qnil);        extdata = ((len > 3) ? RARRAY_PTR(entry)[3] : Qnil);        func =  ((len > 4) ? RARRAY_PTR(entry)[4] : Qnil);        data =  ((len > 5) ? RARRAY_PTR(entry)[5] : Qnil);        create_factory_entry(&entries[i], self, path, type, accel, extdata, func, data);    }    gtk_item_factory_create_items (_SELF(self), n_menu_entries, entries, NULL);    g_free(entries);    return self;}

示例16: pp_leds_allocate

static VALUEpp_leds_allocate( VALUE klass ){  int ii;  ws2811_t *ledstring;  ledstring = ALLOC_N( ws2811_t, 1 );  if (!ledstring) {    rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "could not allocate PixelPi::Leds instance");  }  ledstring->freq   = WS2811_TARGET_FREQ;  ledstring->dmanum = 5;  ledstring->device = NULL;  for (ii=0; ii<RPI_PWM_CHANNELS; ii++) {    ledstring->channel[ii].gpionum    = 0;    ledstring->channel[ii].count      = 0;    ledstring->channel[ii].invert     = 0;    ledstring->channel[ii].brightness = 255;    ledstring->channel[ii].leds       = NULL;  }  return Data_Wrap_Struct( klass, NULL, pp_leds_free, ledstring );}

示例17: sp_mock_playlistcontainer_insert

static sp_errorsp_mock_playlistcontainer_insert(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, int index, sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_t playlist){  sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_t *new_playlists;  int num_playlists = sp_playlistcontainer_num_playlists(pc);  int new_num_playlists = num_playlists + 1;  int i, j;  if (index > num_playlists || index < 0)  {    return SP_ERROR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE;  }  new_playlists = ALLOC_N(sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_t, new_num_playlists);  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < new_num_playlists; i++)  {    if (i == index)    {      MEMCPY(&new_playlists[i], &playlist, sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_t);    }    else    {      MEMCPY(&new_playlists[i], &pc->playlists[j++], sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_t);    }  }  free(pc->playlists);  pc->playlists = new_playlists;  pc->num_playlists = new_num_playlists;  return SP_ERROR_OK;}

示例18: sp_playlistcontainer_remove_playlist

sp_errorsp_playlistcontainer_remove_playlist(sp_playlistcontainer *pc, int index){  sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_t *new_playlists;  int num_playlists = sp_playlistcontainer_num_playlists(pc);  int new_num_playlists = num_playlists - 1;  int i, j;  if (index >= num_playlists || index < 0)  {    return SP_ERROR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE;  }  new_playlists = ALLOC_N(sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_t, new_num_playlists);  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < num_playlists; ++i)  {    if (i != index)    {      MEMCPY(&new_playlists[j++], &pc->playlists[i], sp_playlistcontainer_playlist_t);    }  }  free(pc->playlists);  pc->playlists = new_playlists;  pc->num_playlists = new_num_playlists;  return SP_ERROR_OK;}

示例19: rf_extend_if_necessary

static void rf_extend_if_necessary(RAMFile *rf, int buf_num){    while (rf->bufcnt <= buf_num) {        REALLOC_N(rf->buffers, uchar *, (rf->bufcnt + 1));        rf->buffers[rf->bufcnt++] = ALLOC_N(uchar, BUFFER_SIZE);    }}

示例20: run_args

static int run_args(int argc, char **argv) {    size_t len = 0;    char *line = NULL;    int   code;    for (int i=0; i < argc; i++)        len += strlen(argv[i]) + 1;    if (ALLOC_N(line, len + 1) < 0)        return -1;    for (int i=0; i < argc; i++) {        strcat(line, argv[i]);        strcat(line, " ");    }    if (echo_commands)        printf("%s%s/n", AUGTOOL_PROMPT, line);    code = run_command(line);    free(line);    if (code >= 0 && auto_save)        if (echo_commands)            printf("%ssave/n", AUGTOOL_PROMPT);        code = run_command("save");    if (code < 0) {        code = -1;        print_aug_error();    }    return (code >= 0 || code == -2) ? 0 : -1;}

示例21: Init_postponed_job

static voidInit_postponed_job(void){    rb_vm_t *vm = GET_VM();    vm->postponed_job_buffer = ALLOC_N(rb_postponed_job_t, MAX_POSTPONED_JOB);    vm->postponed_job_index = 0;}

示例22: FREE

struct dict *make_dict(char *key, struct skel *skel, struct dict *subdict) {    struct dict *dict = NULL;    if (ALLOC(dict) < 0)        goto error;    if (ALLOC_N(dict->nodes, dict_initial_size) < 0)        goto error;    if (ALLOC(dict->nodes[0]) < 0)        goto error;    if (ALLOC(dict->nodes[0]->entry) < 0)        goto error;    dict->size = dict_initial_size;    dict->used = 1;    dict->nodes[0]->key = key;    dict->nodes[0]->entry->skel = skel;    dict->nodes[0]->entry->dict = subdict;    dict->nodes[0]->mark = dict->nodes[0]->entry;    return dict; error:    if (dict->nodes) {        if (dict->nodes[0])            FREE(dict->nodes[0]->entry);        FREE(dict->nodes[0]);    }    FREE(dict->nodes);    FREE(dict);    return NULL;}

示例23: CheckExtension

/* Checks if extension is supported by the current OpenGL implementation */GLboolean CheckExtension(const char *name){	const char *extensions;	char *name_tmp;	int name_len;	GLboolean res;		extensions = GetOpenglExtensions();		if(extensions==NULL)		return GL_FALSE;	/* add trailing space */	name_len = strlen(name);	name_tmp = ALLOC_N(GLchar,name_len+1+1); /* terminating null and added space */	strcpy(name_tmp,name);	name_tmp[name_len] = ' '; /* add space char for search */	name_tmp[name_len+1] = '/0';	if (strstr(extensions,name_tmp))		res = GL_TRUE;	else		res = GL_FALSE;	xfree(name_tmp);	return res;	}

示例24: r_mpfi_matrix_to_strf_ary

static VALUE r_mpfi_matrix_to_strf_ary (VALUE self, VALUE format_str) {  MPFIMatrix *ptr_self;  char *tmp_str1, *tmp_str2, *format;  int i, j;  VALUE *ary, ret_ary;  r_mpfi_get_matrix_struct(ptr_self, self);  format = StringValuePtr(format_str);  ary = ALLOC_N(VALUE, ptr_self->row);  for (i = 0; i < ptr_self->row; i++) {    ary[i] = rb_ary_new();  }  for (i = 0; i < ptr_self->size; i += ptr_self->row) {    for (j = 0; j < ptr_self->row; j++) {      if (!mpfr_asprintf(&tmp_str1, format, r_mpfi_left_ptr((ptr_self->data + i + j)))) {	rb_raise(rb_eFatal, "Can not allocate a string by mpfr_asprintf.");      }      if (!mpfr_asprintf(&tmp_str2, format, r_mpfi_right_ptr(ptr_self->data + i + j))) {	rb_raise(rb_eFatal, "Can not allocate a string by mpfr_asprintf.");      }      rb_ary_push(ary[j], rb_ary_new3(2, rb_str_new2(tmp_str1), rb_str_new2(tmp_str2)));      mpfr_free_str(tmp_str1);      mpfr_free_str(tmp_str2);    }  }  ret_ary = rb_ary_new4(ptr_self->row, ary);  free(ary);  return ret_ary;}

示例25: regexp_concat_n

struct regexp *regexp_concat_n(struct info *info, int n, struct regexp **r) {    size_t len = 0;    char *pat, *p;    for (int i=0; i < n; i++)        if (r[i] != NULL)            len += strlen(r[i]->pattern->str) + strlen("()");    if (len == 0)        return NULL;    if (ALLOC_N(pat, len+1) < 0)        return NULL;    p = pat;    for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {        if (r[i] == NULL)            continue;        *p++ = '(';        p = stpcpy(p, r[i]->pattern->str);        *p++ = ')';    }    return make_regexp(info, pat);}

示例26: strlen

char *unescape(const char *s, int len, const char *extra) {    size_t size;    const char *n;    char *result, *t;    int i;    if (len < 0 || len > strlen(s))        len = strlen(s);    size = 0;    for (i=0; i < len; i++, size++) {        if (s[i] == '//' && strchr(escape_names, s[i+1])) {            i += 1;        } else if (s[i] == '//' && extra && strchr(extra, s[i+1])) {            i += 1;        }    }    if (ALLOC_N(result, size + 1) < 0)        return NULL;    for (i = 0, t = result; i < len; i++, size++) {        if (s[i] == '//' && (n = strchr(escape_names, s[i+1])) != NULL) {            *t++ = escape_chars[n - escape_names];            i += 1;        } else if (s[i] == '//' && extra && strchr(extra, s[i+1]) != NULL) {            *t++ = s[i+1];            i += 1;        } else {            *t++ = s[i];        }    }    return result;}

示例27: MessagePack_Unpacker_alloc

static VALUE MessagePack_Unpacker_alloc(VALUE klass){	VALUE obj;	msgpack_unpack_t* mp = ALLOC_N(msgpack_unpack_t, 1);	obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, MessagePack_Unpacker_mark,			MessagePack_Unpacker_free, mp);	return obj;}

示例28: ALLOC_N

ary_t *ary_new(void){    ary_t *ary      = ALLOC_N(ary_t, 1);    ary->count      = 0;    ary->max        = DEFAULT_ENTRY_COUNT;    ary->entries    = ALLOC_N(int, DEFAULT_ENTRY_COUNT);    return ary;}

示例29: stack_create

/* Creates a stack of prof_frame_t to keep track   of timings for active methods. */static prof_stack_t *stack_create(){    prof_stack_t *stack = ALLOC(prof_stack_t);    stack->start = ALLOC_N(prof_frame_t, INITIAL_STACK_SIZE);    stack->ptr = stack->start;    stack->end = stack->start + INITIAL_STACK_SIZE;    return stack;}

示例30: ALLOC

/** * Allocate a new watchman_t struct * * The struct has a small amount of extra capacity preallocated, and a blank * header that can be filled in later to describe the PDU. */watchman_t *watchman_init() {    watchman_t *w = ALLOC(watchman_t);    w->cap = WATCHMAN_DEFAULT_STORAGE;    w->len = 0;    w->data = ALLOC_N(uint8_t, WATCHMAN_DEFAULT_STORAGE);    watchman_append(w, WATCHMAN_HEADER, sizeof(WATCHMAN_HEADER) - 1);    return w;}

