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自学教程:C++ ANNOTATE函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:35:09
这篇教程C++ ANNOTATE函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ANNOTATE函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ANNOTATE函数的具体用法?C++ ANNOTATE怎么用?C++ ANNOTATE使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: ppp_reject_protocol

/* * Unknown Protocol Handler, sends reject */static voidppp_reject_protocol(u16_t protocol, u8_t *buffer, u16_t count){  u16_t	i;  u8_t *dptr, *sptr;  LCPPKT *pkt;	  /* first copy rejected packet back, start from end and work forward,     +++ Pay attention to buffer managment when updated. Assumes fixed     PPP blocks. */  ANNOTATE("Rejecting Protocol/n");  if((count + 6) > PPP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE) {    /* This is a fatal error +++ do somthing about it. */    ANNOTATE("Cannot Reject Protocol, PKT to big/n");    return;  }  dptr = buffer + count + 6;  sptr = buffer + count;  for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) {    *dptr-- = *sptr--;  }  pkt = (LCPPKT *)buffer;  pkt->code = PROT_REJ;		/* Write Conf_rej */  /*pkt->id = tid++;*/			/* write tid */  pkt->len = uip_htons(count + 6);  *((u16_t *)(&pkt->data)) = uip_htons(protocol);  ahdlc_tx(LCP, buffer, 0, (u16_t)(count + 6), 0);}

示例2: scan_packet

/* scan_packet(list,buffer,len) * * list = list of supported ID's * *buffer pointer to the first code in the packet * length of the codespace */u16_tscan_packet(u16_t protocol, u8_t *list, u8_t *buffer, u8_t *options, u16_t len){  u8_t *tlist, *bptr;  u8_t *tptr;  u8_t bad = 0;  u8_t i, j, good;  bptr = tptr = options;  /* scan through the packet and see if it has any unsupported codes */  while(bptr < options + len) {    /* get code and see if it matches somwhere in the list, if not       we don't support it */    i = *bptr++;        /*    ANNOTATE("%x - ",i);*/    tlist = list;      good = 0;      while(*tlist) {	/*	ANNOTATE("%x ",*tlist);*/	if(i == *tlist++) {	  good = 1;	  break;	}      }      if(!good) {	/* we don't understand it, write it back */	bad = 1;	*tptr++ = i;	j = *tptr++ = *bptr++;	for(i = 0; i < j - 2; ++i) {	  *tptr++ = *bptr++;	}      } else {	/* advance over to next option */	bptr += *bptr - 1;      }  }    /* Bad? if we we need to send a config Reject */  if(bad) {    /* write the config Rej packet we've built above, take on the header */    bptr = buffer;    *bptr++ = CONF_REJ;		/* Write Conf_rej */    bptr++;			/* skip over ID */    *bptr++ = 0;    *bptr = tptr - buffer;    /* length right here? */		    /* write the reject frame */    ANNOTATE("Writing Reject frame --/n");    ahdlc_tx(protocol, buffer, 0, (u16_t)(tptr - buffer), 0);    ANNOTATE("/nEnd writing reject /n");      }		  return bad;}

示例3: dump_ppp_packet

voiddump_ppp_packet(u8_t *buffer, u16_t len){  int i;  ANNOTATE("/n");  for(i = 0;i < len; ++i) {    if((i & 0x1f) == 0x10) {      ANNOTATE("/n");    }    ANNOTATE("0x%02x ",buffer[i]);  }  ANNOTATE("/n/n");}

示例4: uip_ds6_route_add

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/uip_ds6_route_t *uip_ds6_route_add(uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddr, uint8_t length, uip_ipaddr_t *nexthop,                  uint8_t metric){  if(uip_ds6_list_loop     ((uip_ds6_element_t *)uip_ds6_routing_table, UIP_DS6_ROUTE_NB,      sizeof(uip_ds6_route_t), ipaddr, length,      (uip_ds6_element_t **)&locroute) == FREESPACE) {    locroute->isused = 1;    uip_ipaddr_copy(&(locroute->ipaddr), ipaddr);    locroute->length = length;    uip_ipaddr_copy(&(locroute->nexthop), nexthop);    locroute->metric = metric;#ifdef UIP_DS6_ROUTE_STATE_TYPE    memset(&locroute->state, 0, sizeof(UIP_DS6_ROUTE_STATE_TYPE));#endif    PRINTF("DS6: adding route: ");    PRINT6ADDR(ipaddr);    PRINTF(" via ");    PRINT6ADDR(nexthop);    PRINTF("/n");    ANNOTATE("#L %u 1;blue/n", nexthop->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);  }  return locroute;}

示例5: uip_ds6_defrt_rm

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voiduip_ds6_defrt_rm(uip_ds6_defrt_t *defrt){  uip_ds6_defrt_t *d;#if DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE */  /* Make sure that the defrt is in the list before we remove it. */  for(d = list_head(defaultrouterlist);      d != NULL;      d = list_item_next(d)) {    if(d == defrt) {      PRINTF("Removing default route/n");      list_remove(defaultrouterlist, defrt);      memb_free(&defaultroutermemb, defrt);      ANNOTATE("#L %u 0/n", defrt->ipaddr.u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);#if UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATIONS      call_route_callback(UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATION_DEFRT_RM,			  &defrt->ipaddr, &defrt->ipaddr);#endif      return;    }  }#if DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE */}

示例6: rpl_remove_routes_by_nexthop

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voidrpl_remove_routes_by_nexthop(struct in6_addr *nexthop, rpl_dag_t *dag){  /*  uip_ds6_route_t *r;  r = uip_ds6_route_list_head();  while(r != NULL) {    if(uip_ipaddr_cmp(&r->nexthop, nexthop) &&       r->state.dag == dag) {      uip_ds6_route_rm(r);      r = uip_ds6_route_list_head();    } else {      r = list_item_next(r);    }  }  ANNOTATE("#L %u 0/n", nexthop->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);  */#if 0  uip_ds6_route_t *locroute;  for(locroute = uip_ds6_routing_table;      locroute < uip_ds6_routing_table + UIP_DS6_ROUTE_NB;      locroute++) {    if(locroute->isused        && uip_ipaddr_cmp(&locroute->nexthop, nexthop)        && locroute->state.dag == dag) {      locroute->isused = 0;    }  }  ANNOTATE("#L %u 0/n",nexthop->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);#endif /* 0 */}

示例7: uip_ds6_defrt_add

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/uip_ds6_defrt_t *uip_ds6_defrt_add(uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddr, unsigned long interval){  if(uip_ds6_list_loop     ((uip_ds6_element_t *)uip_ds6_defrt_list, UIP_DS6_DEFRT_NB,      sizeof(uip_ds6_defrt_t), ipaddr, 128,      (uip_ds6_element_t **)&locdefrt) == FREESPACE) {    locdefrt->isused = 1;    uip_ipaddr_copy(&locdefrt->ipaddr, ipaddr);    if(interval != 0) {      stimer_set(&locdefrt->lifetime, interval);      locdefrt->isinfinite = 0;    } else {      locdefrt->isinfinite = 1;    }    PRINTF("Adding defrouter with ip addr ");    PRINT6ADDR(&locdefrt->ipaddr);    PRINTF("/n");    ANNOTATE("#L %u 1/n", ipaddr->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);    return locdefrt;  }  return NULL;}

示例8: uip_ds6_defrt_add

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/uip_ds6_defrt_t *uip_ds6_defrt_add(uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddr, unsigned long interval){  uip_ds6_defrt_t *d;#if _DEBUG_ != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* _DEBUG_ != DEBUG_NONE */  PRINTF("uip_ds6_defrt_add/n");  d = uip_ds6_defrt_lookup(ipaddr);  if(d == NULL) {    d = memb_alloc(&defaultroutermemb);    if(d == NULL) {      PRINTF("uip_ds6_defrt_add: could not add default route to ");      PRINT6ADDR(ipaddr);      PRINTF(", out of memory/n");      return NULL;    } else {      PRINTF("uip_ds6_defrt_add: adding default route to ");      PRINT6ADDR(ipaddr);      PRINTF("/n");    }    list_push(defaultrouterlist, d);  }  if(ipaddr == NULL) {    /* A special case: if uip_ds6_defrt_add() is called with a NULL       route, this is an indication that we want to force packets to       go out to the fallback interface. If so, we add an unspecified       route to the list of default routes. uip_ds6_defrt_choose()       will trap this and ensure that packets go to the fallback       interface. */    uip_create_unspecified(&d->ipaddr);    ipaddr = &d->ipaddr;  } else {    uip_ipaddr_copy(&d->ipaddr, ipaddr);  }  if(interval != 0) {    stimer_set(&d->lifetime, interval);    d->isinfinite = 0;  } else {    d->isinfinite = 1;  }  ANNOTATE("#L %u 1/n", ipaddr->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);#if UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATIONS  call_route_callback(UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATION_DEFRT_ADD, ipaddr, ipaddr);#endif#if _DEBUG_ != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* _DEBUG_ != DEBUG_NONE */  return d;}

示例9: printip

voidprintip(uip_ipaddr_t ip2){#if (UIP_LOGGING == 1) && (DEBUG & DEBUG_ANNOTATE)  unsigned char *ip = (unsigned char *)ip2.u8;  ANNOTATE(" %d:%d:%d:%d ",ip[0],ip[1],ip[2],ip[3]);#endif}

示例10: uip_ds6_defrt_rm

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voiduip_ds6_defrt_rm(uip_ds6_defrt_t *defrt){  if(defrt != NULL) {    defrt->isused = 0;    ANNOTATE("#L %u 0/n", defrt->ipaddr.u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);  }  return;}

示例11: ipv6cp_init

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voidipv6cp_init(void){  ANNOTATE("ipv6cp init/n");  ipv6cp_state = 0;  ppp_retry = 0;  pppif.ipaddr.u16[0] = pppif.ipaddr.u16[1] = 0;  TIMER_expire();}

示例12: uip_ds6_defrt_add

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/uip_ds6_defrt_t *uip_ds6_defrt_add(uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddr, unsigned long interval){  uip_ds6_defrt_t *d;#if DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE */  PRINTF("uip_ds6_defrt_add/n");  d = uip_ds6_defrt_lookup(ipaddr);  if(d == NULL) {    d = memb_alloc(&defaultroutermemb);    if(d == NULL) {      PRINTF("uip_ds6_defrt_add: could not add default route to ");      PRINT6ADDR(ipaddr);      PRINTF(", out of memory/n");      return NULL;    } else {      PRINTF("uip_ds6_defrt_add: adding default route to ");      PRINT6ADDR(ipaddr);      PRINTF("/n");    }    list_push(defaultrouterlist, d);  }  uip_ipaddr_copy(&d->ipaddr, ipaddr);//ADILA EDIT 03/11/14//d->parentCh = cc2420_get_channel();/*if(d->parentCh == 0) {d->parentCh = 26;}*///printf("/n/nINITIALISE D->PARENTCH %d/n/n", d->parentCh);//-------------------  if(interval != 0) {    stimer_set(&d->lifetime, interval);    d->isinfinite = 0;  } else {    d->isinfinite = 1;  }  ANNOTATE("#L %u 1/n", ipaddr->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);#if UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATIONS  call_route_callback(UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATION_DEFRT_ADD, ipaddr, ipaddr);#endif#if DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE */  return d;}

示例13: uip_ds6_route_rm

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voiduip_ds6_route_rm(uip_ds6_route_t *route){#if DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE */  if(route != NULL && route->routes != NULL) {    PRINTF("uip_ds6_route_rm: removing route: ");    PRINT6ADDR(&route->ipaddr);    PRINTF("/n");    list_remove(route->routes->route_list, route);    if(list_head(route->routes->route_list) == NULL) {      /* If this was the only route using this neighbor, remove the         neibhor from the table */      PRINTF("uip_ds6_route_rm: removing neighbor too/n");      nbr_table_remove(nbr_routes, route->routes->route_list);    }    memb_free(&routememb, route);    num_routes--;    PRINTF("uip_ds6_route_rm num %d/n", num_routes);#if UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATIONS    call_route_callback(UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATION_ROUTE_RM,        &route->ipaddr, uip_ds6_route_nexthop(route));#endif#if 0 //(DEBUG & DEBUG_ANNOTATE) == DEBUG_ANNOTATE    /* we need to check if this was the last route towards "nexthop" */    /* if so - remove that link (annotation) */    uip_ds6_route_t *r;    for(r = uip_ds6_route_head();        r != NULL;        r = uip_ds6_route_next(r)) {      uip_ipaddr_t *nextr, *nextroute;      nextr = uip_ds6_route_nexthop(r);      nextroute = uip_ds6_route_nexthop(route);      if(nextr != NULL &&         nextroute != NULL &&         uip_ipaddr_cmp(nextr, nextroute)) {        /* we found another link using the specific nexthop, so keep the #L */        return;      }    }    ANNOTATE("#L %u 0/n", uip_ds6_route_nexthop(route)->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);#endif  }#if DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE */  return;}

示例14: new_dio_interval

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/static voidnew_dio_interval(rpl_instance_t *instance, int isReset){  uint32_t time;  clock_time_t ticks;  /* TODO: too small timer intervals for many cases */  time = 1UL << instance->dio_intcurrent;  /* Convert from milliseconds to CLOCK_TICKS. */  ticks = (time * CLOCK_SECOND) / 1000;  instance->dio_next_delay = ticks;  /* random number between I/2 and I */  ticks = ticks / 2 + (ticks / 2 * (uint32_t)random_rand()) / RANDOM_RAND_MAX;  /* opt trickle*/  /*  if (isReset == 1) {    ticks * (uint32_t)random_rand() / RANDOM_RAND_MAX;    }  else {    ticks = ticks / 2 + (ticks / 2 * (uint32_t)random_rand()) / RANDOM_RAND_MAX;  }  */    /*   * The intervals must be equally long among the nodes for Trickle to   * operate efficiently. Therefore we need to calculate the delay between   * the randomized time and the start time of the next interval.   */  instance->dio_next_delay -= ticks;  instance->dio_send = 1;#if RPL_CONF_STATS  /* keep some stats */  instance->dio_totint++;  instance->dio_totrecv += instance->dio_counter;  ANNOTATE("#A rank=%u.%u(%u),stats=%d %d %d %d,color=%s/n",	   DAG_RANK(instance->current_dag->rank, instance),           (10 * (instance->current_dag->rank % instance->min_hoprankinc)) / instance->min_hoprankinc,           instance->current_dag->version,           instance->dio_totint, instance->dio_totsend,           instance->dio_totrecv,instance->dio_intcurrent,	   instance->current_dag->rank == ROOT_RANK(instance) ? "BLUE" : "ORANGE");#endif /* RPL_CONF_STATS */  /* reset the redundancy counter */  instance->dio_counter = 0;  /* schedule the timer */  PRINTF("RPL: Scheduling DIO timer %lu ticks in future (Interval)/n", ticks);  ctimer_set(&instance->dio_timer, ticks, &handle_dio_timer, instance);}

示例15: rpl_set_root

rpl_dag_t *rpl_set_root(uip_ipaddr_t *dag_id){  rpl_dag_t *dag;  int version;  version = -1;  dag = rpl_get_dag(RPL_DEFAULT_INSTANCE);  if(dag != NULL) {    PRINTF("RPL: Dropping a joined DAG when setting this node as root");    version = dag->version;    rpl_free_dag(dag);  }  dag = rpl_alloc_dag(RPL_DEFAULT_INSTANCE);  if(dag == NULL) {    PRINTF("RPL: Failed to allocate a DAG/n");    return NULL;  }  dag->joined = 1;  dag->version = version + 1;  dag->grounded = RPL_GROUNDED;  dag->mop = RPL_MOP_DEFAULT;  dag->of = &RPL_OF;  dag->preferred_parent = NULL;  dag->dtsn_out = 1; /* Trigger DAOs from the beginning. */  memcpy(&dag->dag_id, dag_id, sizeof(dag->dag_id));  dag->dio_intdoubl = DEFAULT_DIO_INTERVAL_DOUBLINGS;  dag->dio_intmin = DEFAULT_DIO_INTERVAL_MIN;  dag->dio_redundancy = DEFAULT_DIO_REDUNDANCY;  dag->max_rankinc = DEFAULT_MAX_RANKINC;  dag->min_hoprankinc = DEFAULT_MIN_HOPRANKINC;  dag->default_lifetime = RPL_DEFAULT_LIFETIME;  dag->lifetime_unit = RPL_DEFAULT_LIFETIME_UNIT;  dag->rank = ROOT_RANK(dag);  dag->of->update_metric_container(dag);  PRINTF("RPL: Node set to be a DAG root with DAG ID ");  PRINT6ADDR(&dag->dag_id);  PRINTF("/n");  ANNOTATE("#A root=%u/n",dag->dag_id.u8[sizeof(dag->dag_id) - 1]);  rpl_reset_dio_timer(dag, 1);  return dag;}

示例16: uip_ds6_route_rm_by_nexthop

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voiduip_ds6_route_rm_by_nexthop(uip_ipaddr_t *nexthop){  for(locroute = uip_ds6_routing_table;      locroute < uip_ds6_routing_table + UIP_DS6_ROUTE_NB;      locroute++) {    if(locroute->isused && uip_ipaddr_cmp(&locroute->nexthop, nexthop)) {      locroute->isused = 0;    }  }  ANNOTATE("#L %u 0/n",nexthop->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);}

示例17: rpl_remove_parent

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voidrpl_remove_parent(rpl_dag_t *dag, rpl_parent_t *parent){  rpl_nullify_parent(dag, parent);  PRINTF("RPL: Removing parent ");  PRINT6ADDR(&parent->addr);  PRINTF("/n");  ANNOTATE("#L %u 0/n", parent->addr.u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);  list_remove(dag->parents, parent);  memb_free(&parent_memb, parent);}

示例18: uip_ds6_route_add

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/uip_ds6_route_t *uip_ds6_route_add(uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddr, uint8_t length, uip_ipaddr_t *nexthop,                  uint8_t metric){  loc_loop_state = uip_ds6_list_loop     ((uip_ds6_element_t *)uip_ds6_routing_table, UIP_DS6_ROUTE_NB,      sizeof(uip_ds6_route_t), ipaddr, length,      (uip_ds6_element_t **)&locroute);#ifdef UIP_DS6_ROUTE_STATE_CLEAN  if (loc_loop_state == NOSPACE) {    for(locroute = uip_ds6_routing_table;        locroute < uip_ds6_routing_table + UIP_DS6_ROUTE_NB;        ++locroute) {      if(locroute->isused          && (UIP_DS6_ROUTE_STATE_CLEAN(&locroute->state))) {        uip_ds6_route_rm(locroute);        loc_loop_state = FREESPACE;        break;      }    }  }  if (loc_loop_state == NOSPACE) {    locroute = NULL;  }#endif /* UIP_DS6_ROUTE_STATE_TYPE */  if (loc_loop_state == FREESPACE) {    locroute->isused = 1;    uip_ipaddr_copy(&(locroute->ipaddr), ipaddr);    locroute->length = length;    uip_ipaddr_copy(&(locroute->nexthop), nexthop);    locroute->metric = metric;#ifdef UIP_DS6_ROUTE_STATE_TYPE    memset (&(locroute->state),0,sizeof(UIP_DS6_ROUTE_STATE_TYPE));#endif    PRINTF("DS6: adding route: ");    PRINT6ADDR(ipaddr);    PRINTF(" via ");    PRINT6ADDR(nexthop);    PRINTF("/n");    ANNOTATE("#L %u 1;blue/n", nexthop->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);  }  return locroute;}

示例19: rpl_remove_routes_by_nexthop

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voidrpl_remove_routes_by_nexthop(uip_ipaddr_t *nexthop, rpl_dag_t *dag){  uip_ds6_route_t *r;  r = uip_ds6_route_head();  while(r != NULL) {    if(uip_ipaddr_cmp(uip_ds6_route_nexthop(r), nexthop) &&        r->state.dag == dag) {      r->state.lifetime = 0;    }    r = uip_ds6_route_next(r);  }  ANNOTATE("#L %u 0/n", nexthop->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);}

示例20: remove_parents

/* Remove DAG parents with a rank that is at least the same as minimum_rank. */static voidremove_parents(rpl_dag_t *dag, rpl_rank_t minimum_rank){  rpl_parent_t *p, *p2;  PRINTF("RPL: Removing parents (minimum rank %u)/n",	minimum_rank);  for(p = list_head(dag->parents); p != NULL; p = p2) {    p2 = p->next;    if(p->rank >= minimum_rank) {      rpl_remove_parent(dag, p);      ANNOTATE("#L %u 0/n", p->addr.u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);    }  }}

示例21: uip_ds6_defrt_add

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/uip_ds6_defrt_t *uip_ds6_defrt_add(uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddr, unsigned long interval){  uip_ds6_defrt_t *d;#if DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE */  PRINTF("uip_ds6_defrt_add/n");  d = uip_ds6_defrt_lookup(ipaddr);  if(d == NULL) {    d = memb_alloc(&defaultroutermemb);    if(d == NULL) {      PRINTF("uip_ds6_defrt_add: could not add default route to ");      PRINT6ADDR(ipaddr);      PRINTF(", out of memory/n");      return NULL;    } else {      PRINTF("uip_ds6_defrt_add: adding default route to ");      PRINT6ADDR(ipaddr);      PRINTF("/n");    }    list_push(defaultrouterlist, d);  }  uip_ipaddr_copy(&d->ipaddr, ipaddr);  if(interval != 0) {    stimer_set(&d->lifetime, interval);    d->isinfinite = 0;  } else {    d->isinfinite = 1;  }  ANNOTATE("#L %u 1/n", ipaddr->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);#if UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATIONS  call_route_callback(UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATION_DEFRT_ADD, ipaddr, ipaddr);#endif#if DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE */  return d;}

示例22: ipcp_init

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voidipcp_init(void){  ANNOTATE("ipcp init/n");  ipcp_state = 0;  ppp_retry = 0;  pppif.ipaddr.u16[0] = pppif.ipaddr.u16[1] = 0;  //disable for gprs modem  #if 0  pppif.ipaddr.u8[0]=UIP_IPADDR0;  pppif.ipaddr.u8[1]=UIP_IPADDR1;  pppif.ipaddr.u8[2]=UIP_IPADDR2;  pppif.ipaddr.u8[3]=UIP_IPADDR3;  #endif  TIMER_expire();}

示例23: uip_ds6_route_rm

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voiduip_ds6_route_rm(uip_ds6_route_t *route){  route->isused = 0;#if (DEBUG & DEBUG_ANNOTATE) == DEBUG_ANNOTATE  /* we need to check if this was the last route towards "nexthop" */  /* if so - remove that link (annotation) */  for(locroute = uip_ds6_routing_table;      locroute < uip_ds6_routing_table + UIP_DS6_ROUTE_NB;      locroute++) {    if(locroute->isused && uip_ipaddr_cmp(&locroute->nexthop, &route->nexthop))      {      /* we found another link using the specific nexthop, so keep the #L */      return;    }  }  ANNOTATE("#L %u 0/n",route->nexthop.u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);#endif}

示例24: new_dio_interval

static voidnew_dio_interval(rpl_dag_t *dag){  uint32_t time;  /* TODO: too small timer intervals for many cases */  time = 1UL << dag->dio_intcurrent;  /* Convert from milliseconds to CLOCK_TICKS. */  time = (time * CLOCK_SECOND) / 1000;  dag->dio_next_delay = time;  /* random number between I/2 and I */  time = time >> 1;  time += (time * random_rand()) / RANDOM_RAND_MAX;  /*   * The intervals must be equally long among the nodes for Trickle to   * operate efficiently. Therefore we need to calculate the delay between   * the randomized time and the start time of the next interval.   */  dag->dio_next_delay -= time;  dag->dio_send = 1;#if RPL_CONF_STATS  /* keep some stats */  dag->dio_totint++;  dag->dio_totrecv += dag->dio_counter;  ANNOTATE("#A rank=Xu.Xu(Xu),stats=Xd Xd Xd Xd,color=Xs");//, DAG_RANK(dag->rank, dag), (10 * (dag->rank % dag->min_hoprankinc)) / dag->min_hoprankinc, dag->version, dag->dio_totint, dag->dio_totsend, dag->dio_totrecv,dag->dio_intcurrent, dag->rank == ROOT_RANK(dag) ? "BLUE" : "ORANGE");#endif /* RPL_CONF_STATS */  /* reset the redundancy counter */  dag->dio_counter = 0;  /* schedule the timer */  PRINTF("RPL: Scheduling DIO timer Xlu ticks in future (Interval)");  PRINTF_DEC(time);  ctimer_set(&dag->dio_timer, time, &handle_dio_timer, dag);}

示例25: rpl_add_parent

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/rpl_parent_t *rpl_add_parent(rpl_dag_t *dag, rpl_dio_t *dio, uip_ipaddr_t *addr){  rpl_parent_t *p;  if(RPL_PARENT_COUNT(dag) == RPL_MAX_PARENTS_PER_DAG) {    return NULL;  }  p = memb_alloc(&parent_memb);  if(p == NULL) {    RPL_STAT(rpl_stats.mem_overflows++);    return NULL;  }  memcpy(&p->addr, addr, sizeof(p->addr));  p->dag = dag;  p->rank = dio->rank;  p->dtsn = dio->dtsn;  p->link_metric = INITIAL_LINK_METRIC;  memcpy(&p->mc, &dio->mc, sizeof(p->mc));  list_add(dag->parents, p);  ANNOTATE("#L %u 1/n", p->addr.u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);  return p;}

示例26: ipv6cp_task

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/voidipv6cp_task(u8_t *buffer){  u8_t *bptr;  u16_t	t;  IPCPPKT *pkt;  /* IPCP tx not up and hasn't timed out then lets see if we need to     send a request */  if(!(ipv6cp_state & IPV6CP_TX_UP) && !(ipv6cp_state & IPV6CP_TX_TIMEOUT)) {    /* Check if we have a request pending */    /*t=get_seconds()-ipv6cp_tx_time;*/#if 1//0//phlb modify    if(TIMER_timeout(IPV6CP_TIMEOUT)) {#else    if((clock_seconds() - prev_ipv6cp_seconds) > IPV6CP_TIMEOUT) {      prev_ipv6cp_seconds = clock_seconds();#endif      /*       * No pending request, lets build one       */      pkt=(IPCPPKT *)buffer;		            /* Configure-Request only here, write id */      pkt->code = CONF_REQ;      pkt->id = ppp_id;			      bptr = (u8_t*)&pkt->data;             /*       * Write options, we want IP address, and DNS addresses if set.       */			      /* Write zeros for IP address the first time */      *bptr++ = 0x01;//IPV6CP_IPADDRESS;      *bptr++ = 0x0a;//10      *bptr++ = ((u8_t*)uip_hostaddr.u8)[8];      *bptr++ = ((u8_t*)uip_hostaddr.u8)[9];      *bptr++ = ((u8_t*)uip_hostaddr.u8)[10];      *bptr++ = ((u8_t*)uip_hostaddr.u8)[11];      *bptr++ = ((u8_t*)uip_hostaddr.u8)[12];      *bptr++ = ((u8_t*)uip_hostaddr.u8)[13];      *bptr++ = ((u8_t*)uip_hostaddr.u8)[14];      *bptr++ = ((u8_t*)uip_hostaddr.u8)[15];      #ifdef IPV6CP_GET_PRI_DNS      if(!(ipv6cp_state & IPCP_PRI_DNS_BIT)) {	/* Write zeros for IP address the first time */	*bptr++ = IPV6CP_PRIMARY_DNS;	*bptr++ = 0x6;	*bptr++ = ((u8_t*)pri_dns_addr.u8)[0];	*bptr++ = ((u8_t*)pri_dns_addr.u8)[1];	*bptr++ = ((u8_t*)pri_dns_addr.u8)[2];	*bptr++ = ((u8_t*)pri_dns_addr.u8)[3];      }#endif#ifdef IPV6CP_GET_SEC_DNS      if(!(ipv6cp_state & IPV6CP_SEC_DNS_BIT)) {	/* Write zeros for IP address the first time */	*bptr++ = IPV6CP_SECONDARY_DNS;	*bptr++ = 0x6;	*bptr++ = ((u8_t*)sec_dns_addr)[0];	*bptr++ = ((u8_t*)sec_dns_addr)[1];	*bptr++ = ((u8_t*)sec_dns_addr)[2];	*bptr++ = ((u8_t*)sec_dns_addr)[3];      }#endif      /* Write length */      t = bptr - buffer;      /* length here -  code and ID + */      pkt->len = uip_htons(t);	            ANNOTATE("/n**Sending IPV6CP Request packet/n");            /* Send packet ahdlc_txz(procol,header,data,headerlen,datalen); */      ahdlc_tx(IPV6CP, 0, buffer, 0, t);      /* Set timer */      /*ipv6cp_tx_time=get_seconds();*/      TIMER_set();      /* Inc retry */      /*ipv6cp_retry++;*/     // ppp_retry++;      /*       * Have we timed out? (combide the timers?)       */      if(ppp_retry > IPV6CP_RETRY_COUNT)	      ipv6cp_state |= IPV6CP_TX_TIMEOUT;	      }  }}

示例27: ipv6cp_rx

/* * IPCP RX protocol Handler */voidipv6cp_rx(u8_t *buffer, u16_t count){  u8_t *bptr = buffer;//  IPCPPKT *pkt=(IPCPPKT *)buffer;  u16_t len;  ANNOTATE("IPV6CP len %d/n",count);	  switch(*bptr++) {  case CONF_REQ:    /* parce request and see if we can ACK it */    ++bptr;    len = (*bptr++ << 8);    len |= *bptr++;    /* len-=2; */    ANNOTATE("check lcplist/n");    if(scan_packet(IPV6CP, ipv6cplist, buffer, bptr, (u16_t)(len - 4))) {      UIP_LOG("option was bad/n");    } else {      ANNOTATE("IPV6CP options are good/n");      /*       * Parse out the results       */      /* lets try to implement what peer wants */      /* Reject any protocol not */      /* Error? if we we need to send a config Reject ++++ this is	 good for a subroutine*/      //GD-2011-09-15 None of the IPv6CP options are supported with current implementation.#if 0#warning option implementation example based on IPCP IPv4 address configuration.      /* All we should get is the peer IP address */      if(IPV6CP_IPADDRESS == *bptr++) {	         /* dump length */	         ++bptr;         #ifdef IPV6CP_GET_PEER_IP	         ((u8_t*)peer_ip_addr.u8)[0] = *bptr++;	         ((u8_t*)peer_ip_addr.u8)[1] = *bptr++;	         ((u8_t*)peer_ip_addr.u8)[2] = *bptr++;	         ((u8_t*)peer_ip_addr.u8)[3] = *bptr++;	         ANNOTATE("Peer IP ");	         /*	printip(peer_ip_addr);*/	         ANNOTATE("/n");         #else	         bptr += 18;         #endif      } else {	      UIP_LOG("HMMMM this shouldn't happen IPV6CP1/n");      }#endif      #if 0			      if(error) {	      /* write the config NAK packet we've built above, take on the header */	      bptr = buffer;	      *bptr++ = CONF_NAK;		/* Write Conf_rej */	      *bptr++;	      /*tptr++;*/  /* skip over ID */	      /* Write new length */	      *bptr++ = 0;	      *bptr = tptr - buffer;	      	      /* write the reject frame */	      UIP_LOG("Writing NAK frame /n");	      ahdlc_tx(IPV6CP, buffer, (u16_t)(tptr - buffer));	      ANNOTATE("- End NAK Write frame/n");	            } else {      }#endif         /*          * If we get here then we are OK, lets send an ACK and tell the rest          * of our modules our negotiated config.          */         ipv6cp_state |= IPV6CP_RX_UP;         ipv6cp_state &= ~IPV6CP_TX_UP;//phlb force send request with ipv6cp task         ANNOTATE("Send IPV6CP ACK!/n");         bptr = buffer;         *bptr++ = CONF_ACK;		/* Write Conf_ACK */         bptr++;				/* Skip ID (send same one) */         /*          * Set stuff          */         ppp_flags |= tflag;         ANNOTATE("SET- stuff -- are we up? c=%d dif=%d /n", count, (u16_t)(bptr-buffer));	            /* write the ACK frame */         ANNOTATE("Writing ACK frame /n");         /* Send packet ahdlc_txz(procol,header,data,headerlen,datalen);	*/         ahdlc_tx(IPV6CP, 0, buffer, 0, count /*bptr-buffer*/);         ANNOTATE("- End ACK Write frame/n");	            /* expire the timer to make things happen after a state change */         TIMER_expire(); //timer_expire(); //modify phlb uncomment//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例28: uip_ds6_route_add

//.........这里部分代码省略.........    /* If there is no routing entry, create one. We first need to       check if we have room for this route. If not, we remove the       least recently used one we have. */    if(uip_ds6_route_num_routes() == UIP_DS6_ROUTE_NB) {      /* Removing the oldest route entry from the route table. The         least recently used route is the first route on the list. */      uip_ds6_route_t *oldest;      oldest = list_tail(routelist); /* uip_ds6_route_head(); */      PRINTF("uip_ds6_route_add: dropping route to ");      PRINT6ADDR(&oldest->ipaddr);      PRINTF("/n");      uip_ds6_route_rm(oldest);    }    /* Every neighbor on our neighbor table holds a struct       uip_ds6_route_neighbor_routes which holds a list of routes that       go through the neighbor. We add our route entry to this list.       We first check to see if we already have this neighbor in our       nbr_route table. If so, the neighbor already has a route entry       list.    */    routes = nbr_table_get_from_lladdr(nbr_routes,                                       (linkaddr_t *)nexthop_lladdr);    if(routes == NULL) {      /* If the neighbor did not have an entry in our neighbor table,         we create one. The nbr_table_add_lladdr() function returns a         pointer to a pointer that we may use for our own purposes. We         initialize this pointer with the list of routing entries that         are attached to this neighbor. */      routes = nbr_table_add_lladdr(nbr_routes,                                    (linkaddr_t *)nexthop_lladdr);      if(routes == NULL) {        /* This should not happen, as we explicitly deallocated one           route table entry above. */        PRINTF("uip_ds6_route_add: could not allocate neighbor table entry/n");        return NULL;      }      LIST_STRUCT_INIT(routes, route_list);    }    /* Allocate a routing entry and populate it. */    r = memb_alloc(&routememb);    if(r == NULL) {      /* This should not happen, as we explicitly deallocated one         route table entry above. */      PRINTF("uip_ds6_route_add: could not allocate route/n");      return NULL;    }    /* add new routes first - assuming that there is a reason to add this       and that there is a packet coming soon. */    list_push(routelist, r);    nbrr = memb_alloc(&neighborroutememb);    if(nbrr == NULL) {      /* This should not happen, as we explicitly deallocated one         route table entry above. */      PRINTF("uip_ds6_route_add: could not allocate neighbor route list entry/n");      memb_free(&routememb, r);      return NULL;    }    nbrr->route = r;    /* Add the route to this neighbor */    list_add(routes->route_list, nbrr);    r->neighbor_routes = routes;    num_routes++;    PRINTF("uip_ds6_route_add num %d/n", num_routes);  }  uip_ipaddr_copy(&(r->ipaddr), ipaddr);  r->length = length;#ifdef UIP_DS6_ROUTE_STATE_TYPE  memset(&r->state, 0, sizeof(UIP_DS6_ROUTE_STATE_TYPE));#endif  PRINTF("uip_ds6_route_add: adding route: ");  PRINT6ADDR(ipaddr);  PRINTF(" via ");  PRINT6ADDR(nexthop);  PRINTF("/n");  ANNOTATE("#L %u 1;blue/n", nexthop->u8[sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t) - 1]);#if UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATIONS  call_route_callback(UIP_DS6_NOTIFICATION_ROUTE_ADD, ipaddr, nexthop);#endif#if DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE  assert_nbr_routes_list_sane();#endif /* DEBUG != DEBUG_NONE */  return r;}

