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自学教程:C++ ANSI_TO_TCHAR函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:35:11
这篇教程C++ ANSI_TO_TCHAR函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ANSI_TO_TCHAR函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ANSI_TO_TCHAR函数的具体用法?C++ ANSI_TO_TCHAR怎么用?C++ ANSI_TO_TCHAR使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: check

void* FLinuxPlatformProcess::GetDllHandle( const TCHAR* Filename ){	check( Filename );	FString AbsolutePath = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(Filename);	void *Handle = dlopen( TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*AbsolutePath), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL );	if (!Handle)	{		UE_LOG(LogLinux, Warning, TEXT("dlopen failed: %s"), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(dlerror()) );	}	return Handle;}

示例2: FString

FString FJavascriptWebSocket::LocalEndPoint(){#if !PLATFORM_HTML5	return FString(ANSI_TO_TCHAR(libwebsocket_canonical_hostname(Context)));#endif #if PLATFORM_HTML5	return FString(TEXT("TODO:LOCALENDPOINT"));#endif}

示例3: getenv

void FIOSPlatformMisc::GetEnvironmentVariable(const TCHAR* VariableName, TCHAR* Result, int32 ResultLength){	ANSICHAR *AnsiResult = getenv(TCHAR_TO_ANSI(VariableName));	if (AnsiResult)	{		wcsncpy(Result, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(AnsiResult), ResultLength);	}	else	{		*Result = 0;	}}


bool UNdiMediaFinder::GetSources(TArray<FNdiMediaSourceId>& OutSources) const{	if (!FNdi::IsInitialized() || (FindInstance == nullptr))	{		return false;	}	uint32_t NumSources = 0;	const NDIlib_source_t* Sources = FNdi::Lib->NDIlib_find_get_current_sources(FindInstance, &NumSources);	for (uint32_t SourceIndex = 0; SourceIndex < NumSources; ++SourceIndex)	{		const NDIlib_source_t& Source = Sources[SourceIndex];		OutSources.Add(FNdiMediaSourceId(			ANSI_TO_TCHAR(Source.p_ip_address),			ANSI_TO_TCHAR(Source.p_ndi_name)		));	}	return true;}

示例5: CreateBones

/** * Create the bones needed to hold the transforms for the destructible chunks associated with an Apex Destructible Asset. * @param ImportData - SkeletalMesh import data into which we are extracting information * @param ApexDestructibleAsset - the Apex Destructible Asset */static void CreateBones(FSkeletalMeshImportData &ImportData, const NxDestructibleAsset& ApexDestructibleAsset){	// Just need to create ApexDestructibleAsset.getChunkCount() bones, all with identity transform poses	const uint32 ChunkCount = ApexDestructibleAsset.getChunkCount();	if( ChunkCount == 0 )	{		UE_LOG(LogApexDestructibleAssetImport, Warning,TEXT("%s has no chunks"), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(ApexDestructibleAsset.getName()) );		return;	}	const uint32 BoneCount = ChunkCount + 1;	// Adding one more bone for the root bone, required by the skeletal mesh	// Format for bone names	uint32 Q = ChunkCount-1;	int32 MaxNumberWidth = 1;	while ((Q /= 10) != 0)	{		++MaxNumberWidth;	}	// Turn parts into bones	for (uint32 BoneIndex=0; BoneIndex<BoneCount; ++BoneIndex)	{		ImportData.RefBonesBinary.Add( VBone() );		// Set bone		VBone& Bone = ImportData.RefBonesBinary[BoneIndex];		if (BoneIndex == 0)		{			// Bone 0 is the required root bone			Bone.Name = TEXT("Root");			Bone.NumChildren = ChunkCount;			Bone.ParentIndex = INDEX_NONE;		}		else		{			// The rest are the parts			Bone.Name = FString::Printf( TEXT("Part%0*d"), MaxNumberWidth, BoneIndex-1);			Bone.NumChildren = 0;			// Creates a simple "flat" hierarchy			Bone.ParentIndex = 0;		}		// Set transform to identity		VJointPos& JointMatrix = Bone.BonePos;		JointMatrix.Orientation = FQuat(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);		JointMatrix.Position = FVector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);		JointMatrix.Length = 1.0f;		JointMatrix.XSize = 100.0f;		JointMatrix.YSize = 100.0f;		JointMatrix.ZSize = 100.0f;	}}

示例6: Buffer

void FLinuxTime::PrintCalibrationLog(){	// clock selection happens too early to be printed to log, print it now	FString Buffer(ANSI_TO_TCHAR(CalibrationLog));	TArray<FString> Lines;	Buffer.ParseIntoArrayLines(Lines);	for(const FString& Line : Lines)	{		UE_LOG(LogLinux, Log, TEXT("%s"), *Line);	}}

示例7: TEXT

bool FSandboxPlatformFile::ShouldBeUsed(IPlatformFile* Inner, const TCHAR* CmdLine) const{	FString SandboxDir;	bool bResult = FParse::Value( CmdLine, TEXT("-Sandbox="), SandboxDir );#if PLATFORM_DESKTOP && (UE_GAME || UE_SERVER)	if (FPlatformProperties::RequiresCookedData() && SandboxDir.IsEmpty() && Inner == &FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile() && bEntireEngineWillUseThisSandbox)	{		FString SandboxName = FString(TEXT("Cooked-")) + ANSI_TO_TCHAR(FPlatformProperties::PlatformName());		SandboxDir = FPaths::Combine(*(FPaths::GameDir()), TEXT("Saved"), TEXT("Sandboxes"), *SandboxDir);		bResult = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile().DirectoryExists(*SandboxDir);	}#endif	return bResult;}

示例8: Super

UOnlineHotfixManager::UOnlineHotfixManager() :	Super(),	TotalFiles(0),	NumDownloaded(0),	TotalBytes(0),	NumBytes(0){	OnEnumerateFilesCompleteDelegate = FOnEnumerateFilesCompleteDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &UOnlineHotfixManager::OnEnumerateFilesComplete);	OnReadFileProgressDelegate = FOnReadFileProgressDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &UOnlineHotfixManager::OnReadFileProgress);	OnReadFileCompleteDelegate = FOnReadFileCompleteDelegate::CreateUObject(this, &UOnlineHotfixManager::OnReadFileComplete);	// So we only try to apply files for this platform	PlatformPrefix = ANSI_TO_TCHAR(FPlatformProperties::PlatformName());	PlatformPrefix += TEXT("_");}

示例9: TEXT

const TCHAR* FLinuxPlatformProcess::UserDir(){	// The UserDir is where user visible files (such as game projects) live.	// On Linux (just like on Mac) this corresponds to $HOME/Documents.	// To accomodate localization requirement we use xdg-user-dir command,	// and fall back to $HOME/Documents if setting not found.	static TCHAR Result[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("");	if (!Result[0])	{		char DocPath[MAX_PATH];				FILE* FilePtr = popen("xdg-user-dir DOCUMENTS", "r");		if(fgets(DocPath, MAX_PATH, FilePtr) == NULL)		{			char* Home = secure_getenv("HOME");			if (!Home)			{				UE_LOG(LogHAL, Warning, TEXT("Unable to read the $HOME environment variable"));			}			else			{				FCString::Strcpy(Result, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(Home));				FCString::Strcat(Result, TEXT("/Documents/"));			}		}		else		{				size_t DocLen = strlen(DocPath) - 1;				DocPath[DocLen] = '/0';				FCString::Strcpy(Result, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(DocPath));				FCString::Strcat(Result, TEXT("/"));		}		pclose(FilePtr);	}	return Result;}

示例10: check

bool FProcState::IsRunning(){	if (bIsRunning)	{		check(!bHasBeenWaitedFor);	// check for the sake of internal consistency		// check if actually running		int KillResult = kill(GetProcessId(), 0);	// no actual signal is sent		check(KillResult != -1 || errno != EINVAL);		bIsRunning = (KillResult == 0 || (KillResult == -1 && errno == EPERM));		// additional check if it's a zombie		if (bIsRunning)		{			for(;;)	// infinite loop in case we get EINTR and have to repeat			{				siginfo_t SignalInfo;				SignalInfo.si_pid = 0;	// if remains 0, treat as child was not waitable (i.e. was running)				if (waitid(P_PID, GetProcessId(), &SignalInfo, WEXITED | WNOHANG | WNOWAIT))				{					if (errno != EINTR)					{						int ErrNo = errno;						UE_LOG(LogHAL, Fatal, TEXT("FLinuxPlatformProcess::WaitForProc: waitid for pid %d failed (errno=%d, %s)"), 							static_cast< int32 >(GetProcessId()), ErrNo, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(strerror(ErrNo)));						break;	// exit the loop if for some reason Fatal log (above) returns					}				}				else				{					bIsRunning = ( SignalInfo.si_pid != GetProcessId() );					break;				}			}		}		// If child is a zombie, wait() immediately to free up kernel resources. Higher level code		// (e.g. shader compiling manager) can hold on to handle of no longer running process for longer,		// which is a dubious, but valid behavior. We don't want to keep zombie around though.		if (!bIsRunning)		{			UE_LOG(LogHAL, Log, TEXT("Child %d is no more running (zombie), Wait()ing immediately."), GetProcessId() );			Wait();		}	}	return bIsRunning;}

示例11: switch

	JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_ers_bluetones_BlueService_receiveData		(JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jstring device, jobject data){		const char* devi = env->GetStringUTFChars(device, JNI_FALSE);		jbyte *buffy = (jbyte*)(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(data));		switch(buffy[0]) {			case 0:				UCPPRelay::players.Add(FString(devi), buffy[1]);				break;			case 1:				UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s mov %d"), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(devi), buffy[1])				UCPPRelay::movement.Add(FString(devi), buffy[1]);				break;		}		env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(device, devi);	}

示例12: Close

FLibvlcMedia* FVlcMediaSource::OpenUrl(const FString& Url){	Close();	Media = FVlc::MediaNewLocation(VlcInstance, TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*Url));	if (Media == nullptr)	{		UE_LOG(LogVlcMedia, Warning, TEXT("Failed to open media %s: %s"), *Url, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(FVlc::Errmsg()));	}	CurrentUrl = Url;	return Media;}

示例13: switch

bool FVulkanDevice::QueryGPU(int32 DeviceIndex){	bool bDiscrete = false;	VulkanRHI::vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(Gpu, &GpuProps);	auto GetDeviceTypeString = [&]()	{		FString Info;		switch (GpuProps.deviceType)		{		case  VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_OTHER:			Info = TEXT("Other");			break;		case VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_INTEGRATED_GPU:			Info = TEXT("Integrated GPU");			break;		case VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_DISCRETE_GPU:			Info = TEXT("Discrete GPU");			bDiscrete = true;			break;		case VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_VIRTUAL_GPU:			Info = TEXT("Virtual GPU");			break;		case VK_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU:			Info = TEXT("CPU");			break;		default:			Info = TEXT("Unknown");			break;		}		return Info;	};	UE_LOG(LogVulkanRHI, Display, TEXT("Initializing Device %d"), DeviceIndex);	UE_LOG(LogVulkanRHI, Display, TEXT("API 0x%x Driver 0x%x VendorId 0x%x"), GpuProps.apiVersion, GpuProps.driverVersion, GpuProps.vendorID);	UE_LOG(LogVulkanRHI, Display, TEXT("Name %s Device 0x%x Type %s"), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(GpuProps.deviceName), GpuProps.deviceID, *GetDeviceTypeString());	UE_LOG(LogVulkanRHI, Display, TEXT("Max Descriptor Sets Bound %d Timestamps %d"), GpuProps.limits.maxBoundDescriptorSets, GpuProps.limits.timestampComputeAndGraphics);	uint32 QueueCount = 0;	VulkanRHI::vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(Gpu, &QueueCount, nullptr);	check(QueueCount >= 1);	QueueFamilyProps.AddUninitialized(QueueCount);	VulkanRHI::vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(Gpu, &QueueCount, QueueFamilyProps.GetData());	return bDiscrete;}

示例14: FString

	void FMacroCallback::MacroDefined(const clang::Token &MacroNameTok, const clang::MacroDirective *MD)	{		auto MacroName = MacroNameTok.getIdentifierInfo()->getName();		if (IsMacroDefinedInCommandLine(MacroName) || IsBuiltInMacro(MD) || IsPredefinedMacro(MacroName))		{			return;		}		auto MacroDefinitionFile = FString(SourceManager.getFilename(MacroNameTok.getLocation()).data());		MacroDefinitionFile.ReplaceInline(TEXT("//"), TEXT("/"));		if (MacroDefinitionFile.IsEmpty())		{			OutputFileContents.Logf(TEXT("Found unexpected definition of macro %s."), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(MacroName.data()));		}		MacroDefinitionToFile.Add(MacroName.data(), MacroDefinitionFile);	}


void FLinuxCrashContext::CaptureStackTrace(){	// Only do work the first time this function is called - this is mainly a carry over from Windows where it can be called multiple times, left intact for extra safety.	if (!bCapturedBacktrace)	{		const SIZE_T StackTraceSize = 65535;		ANSICHAR* StackTrace = (ANSICHAR*) FMemory::Malloc( StackTraceSize );		StackTrace[0] = 0;		// Walk the stack and dump it to the allocated memory (ignore first 2 callstack lines as those are in stack walking code)		FPlatformStackWalk::StackWalkAndDump( StackTrace, StackTraceSize, 2, this);		FCString::Strncat( GErrorHist, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(StackTrace), ARRAY_COUNT(GErrorHist) - 1 );		CreateExceptionInfoString(Signal, Info);		FMemory::Free( StackTrace );		bCapturedBacktrace = true;	}}

示例16: SignalHandler

static void SignalHandler(int32 Signal, struct __siginfo* Info, void* Context){	static int32 bHasEntered = 0;	if (FPlatformAtomics::InterlockedCompareExchange(&bHasEntered, 1, 0) == 0)	{		const SIZE_T StackTraceSize = 65535;		ANSICHAR* StackTrace = (ANSICHAR*)FMemory::Malloc(StackTraceSize);		StackTrace[0] = 0;				// Walk the stack and dump it to the allocated memory.		FPlatformStackWalk::StackWalkAndDump(StackTrace, StackTraceSize, 0, (ucontext_t*)Context);		UE_LOG(LogEngine, Error, TEXT("%s"), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(StackTrace));		FMemory::Free(StackTrace);				GError->HandleError();		FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(true);	}}

示例17: SimpleCrashHandler

/**  * A simple crash handler that prints the callstack to the log */int32 SimpleCrashHandler( LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionInfo ){	const SIZE_T StackTraceSize = 65535;	ANSICHAR* StackTrace = (ANSICHAR*)GMalloc->Malloc( StackTraceSize );	StackTrace[0] = 0;	FPlatformStackWalk::StackWalkAndDump( StackTrace, StackTraceSize, 0, ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord );	FCString::Strncat( GErrorHist, TEXT( "/r/n/r/n" ), ARRAY_COUNT( GErrorHist ) );	FCString::Strncat( GErrorHist, ANSI_TO_TCHAR( StackTrace ), ARRAY_COUNT( GErrorHist ) );	GMalloc->Free( StackTrace );	GError->HandleError();	FPlatformMisc::RequestExit( true );	return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER;}


const TCHAR* FLinuxPlatformProcess::ComputerName(){	static bool bHaveResult = false;	static TCHAR CachedResult[ PlatformProcessLimits::MaxComputerName ];	if (!bHaveResult)	{		struct utsname name;		const char * SysName = name.nodename;		if(uname(&name))		{			SysName = "Linux Computer";		}		FCString::Strcpy(CachedResult, ARRAY_COUNT(CachedResult) - 1, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(SysName));		CachedResult[ARRAY_COUNT(CachedResult) - 1] = 0;		bHaveResult = true;	}	return CachedResult;}

示例19: CompileShader

static void CompileShader( const FString& Filename, const FString& EntryPoint, const FString& ShaderModel, TRefCountPtr<ID3DBlob>& OutBlob ){	uint32 ShaderFlags = D3DCOMPILE_ENABLE_STRICTNESS;#if UE_BUILD_DEBUG	ShaderFlags |= D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG;#else	ShaderFlags |= D3DCOMPILE_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL3;#endif	TRefCountPtr<ID3DBlob> ErrorBlob;	HRESULT Hr = D3DX11CompileFromFile( *Filename, NULL, NULL, TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*EntryPoint), TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*ShaderModel), ShaderFlags, 0, NULL, OutBlob.GetInitReference(), ErrorBlob.GetInitReference(), NULL );	if( FAILED(Hr) )	{		if( ErrorBlob.GetReference() )		{			checkf(0, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(ErrorBlob->GetBufferPointer()));		}	}}

示例20: GetGLSLProgramLog

/** * Returns the current program log for a GLSL program                    */static FString GetGLSLProgramLog( GLuint Program ){	GLint Len;	FString ProgramLog;	glGetProgramiv( Program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &Len );	if( Len > 0 )	{		GLchar* Log = new GLchar[Len];		GLsizei ActualLen;		glGetProgramInfoLog( Program, Len, &ActualLen, Log );		ProgramLog = ANSI_TO_TCHAR( Log );		delete[] Log;	}	return ProgramLog;}

示例21: GetGLSLShaderLog

/** * Returns the current shader log for a GLSL shader                    */static FString GetGLSLShaderLog( GLuint Shader ){	GLint Len;	FString ShaderLog;	glGetShaderiv(Shader, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &Len);	if(Len > 0)	{		GLsizei ActualLen;		GLchar *Log = new GLchar[Len];		glGetShaderInfoLog(Shader, Len, &ActualLen, Log);			ShaderLog = ANSI_TO_TCHAR( Log );		delete[] Log;	}	return ShaderLog;}

示例22: GetOwner

void ALeapMotionHandActor::CreateBones(const TSubclassOf<class ALeapMotionBoneActor>& BoneBlueprint){	FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;	SpawnParams.Owner = GetOwner();	SpawnParams.Instigator = GetInstigator();	float CombinedScale = GetCombinedScale();	FLeapMotionDevice* Device = FLeapMotionControllerPlugin::GetLeapDeviceSafe();	if (Device && Device->IsConnected())	{		for (ELeapBone LeapBone = bShowArm ? ELeapBone::Forearm : ELeapBone::Palm; LeapBone <= ELeapBone::Finger4Tip; ((int8&)LeapBone)++)		{			FVector Position;			FRotator Orientation;			float Width;			float Length;			bool Success = Device->GetBonePostionAndOrientation(HandId, LeapBone, Position, Orientation);			Success &= Device->GetBoneWidthAndLength(HandId, LeapBone, Width, Length);			if (Success)			{				FQuat RefQuat = GetRootComponent()->GetComponentRotation().Quaternion();				Position = RefQuat * Position * CombinedScale + GetRootComponent()->GetComponentLocation();				Orientation = (RefQuat * Orientation.Quaternion()).Rotator();				ALeapMotionBoneActor* BoneActor = GWorld->SpawnActor<ALeapMotionBoneActor>(BoneBlueprint ? BoneBlueprint : ALeapMotionBoneActor::StaticClass(), Position, Orientation, SpawnParams);				if (BoneActor) 				{					BoneActors.Add(BoneActor);#					if WITH_EDITOR						BoneActor->SetActorLabel(*FString::Printf(TEXT("LeapBone:%s"), ANSI_TO_TCHAR(LEAP_GET_BONE_NAME(LeapBone))));#					endif					BoneActor->AttachRootComponentToActor(this, NAME_None, EAttachLocation::KeepWorldPosition, true);					BoneActor->Init(LeapBone, CombinedScale, Width, Length, bShowCollider, bShowMesh);				}			}		}	}}

示例23: UE_LOG

const TCHAR* FLinuxPlatformProcess::ExecutableName(bool bRemoveExtension){	static bool bHaveResult = false;	static TCHAR CachedResult[ PlatformProcessLimits::MaxBaseDirLength ];	if (!bHaveResult)	{		char SelfPath[ PlatformProcessLimits::MaxBaseDirLength ] = {0};		if (readlink( "/proc/self/exe", SelfPath, ARRAY_COUNT(SelfPath) - 1) == -1)		{			int ErrNo = errno;			UE_LOG(LogHAL, Fatal, TEXT("readlink() failed with errno = %d (%s)"), ErrNo,				StringCast< TCHAR >(strerror(ErrNo)).Get());			return CachedResult;		}		SelfPath[ARRAY_COUNT(SelfPath) - 1] = 0;		FCString::Strcpy(CachedResult, ARRAY_COUNT(CachedResult) - 1, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(basename(SelfPath)));		CachedResult[ARRAY_COUNT(CachedResult) - 1] = 0;		bHaveResult = true;	}	return CachedResult;}

示例24: UpdateADBPath

	virtual void UpdateADBPath() override	{		FScopeLock PathUpdateLock(&ADBPathCheckLock);		TCHAR AndroidDirectory[32768] = { 0 };		FPlatformMisc::GetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("ANDROID_HOME"), AndroidDirectory, 32768);		FString ADBPath;		#if PLATFORM_MAC		if (AndroidDirectory[0] == 0)		{			// didn't find ANDROID_HOME, so parse the .bash_profile file on MAC			FArchive* FileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*FString([@"~/.bash_profile" stringByExpandingTildeInPath]));			if (FileReader)			{				const int64 FileSize = FileReader->TotalSize();				ANSICHAR* AnsiContents = (ANSICHAR*)FMemory::Malloc(FileSize);				FileReader->Serialize(AnsiContents, FileSize);				FileReader->Close();				delete FileReader;				TArray<FString> Lines;				FString(ANSI_TO_TCHAR(AnsiContents)).ParseIntoArrayLines(&Lines);				FMemory::Free(AnsiContents);				for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Lines.Num(); Index++)				{					if (AndroidDirectory[0] == 0 && Lines[Index].StartsWith(TEXT("export ANDROID_HOME=")))					{						FString Directory;						Lines[Index].Split(TEXT("="), NULL, &Directory);						Directory = Directory.Replace(TEXT("/""), TEXT(""));						FCString::Strcpy(AndroidDirectory, *Directory);						setenv("ANDROID_HOME", TCHAR_TO_ANSI(AndroidDirectory), 1);					}				}			}		}

示例25: ReportCrash

int32 ReportCrash(ucontext_t *Context, int32 Signal, struct __siginfo* Info){	static bool GAlreadyCreatedMinidump = false;	// Only create a minidump the first time this function is called.	// (Can be called the first time from the RenderThread, then a second time from the MainThread.)	if ( GAlreadyCreatedMinidump == false )	{		GAlreadyCreatedMinidump = true;		const SIZE_T StackTraceSize = 65535;		ANSICHAR* StackTrace = (ANSICHAR*) FMemory::Malloc( StackTraceSize );		StackTrace[0] = 0;		// Walk the stack and dump it to the allocated memory.		FPlatformStackWalk::StackWalkAndDump( StackTrace, StackTraceSize, 0, Context );#if WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA        FCString::Strncat( GErrorHist, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(StackTrace), ARRAY_COUNT(GErrorHist) - 1 );		CreateExceptionInfoString(Signal, Info);#endif		FMemory::Free( StackTrace );	}	return 0;}

示例26: FString

FString FDesktopPlatformBase::GetEngineSavedConfigDirectory(const FString& Identifier){	// Get the engine root directory	FString RootDir;	if (!GetEngineRootDirFromIdentifier(Identifier, RootDir))	{		return FString();	}	// Get the path to the game agnostic settings	FString UserDir;	if (IsStockEngineRelease(Identifier))	{		UserDir = FPaths::Combine(FPlatformProcess::UserSettingsDir(), *FApp::GetEpicProductIdentifier(), *Identifier);	}	else	{		UserDir = FPaths::Combine(*RootDir, TEXT("Engine"));	}	// Get the game agnostic config dir	return UserDir / TEXT("Saved/Config") / ANSI_TO_TCHAR(FPlatformProperties::PlatformName());}

示例27: ReportCrash

int32 ReportCrash(const FLinuxCrashContext & Context){	static bool GAlreadyCreatedMinidump = false;	// Only create a minidump the first time this function is called.	// (Can be called the first time from the RenderThread, then a second time from the MainThread.)	if ( GAlreadyCreatedMinidump == false )	{		GAlreadyCreatedMinidump = true;		const SIZE_T StackTraceSize = 65535;		ANSICHAR* StackTrace = (ANSICHAR*) FMemory::Malloc( StackTraceSize );		StackTrace[0] = 0;		// Walk the stack and dump it to the allocated memory (ignore first 2 callstack lines as those are in stack walking code)		FPlatformStackWalk::StackWalkAndDump( StackTrace, StackTraceSize, 2, const_cast< FLinuxCrashContext* >( &Context ) );		FCString::Strncat( GErrorHist, ANSI_TO_TCHAR(StackTrace), ARRAY_COUNT(GErrorHist) - 1 );		CreateExceptionInfoString(Context.Signal, Context.Info);		FMemory::Free( StackTrace );	}	return 0;}


C++ ANNOTATE函数代码示例