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自学教程:C++ APLOGNO函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:35:22
这篇教程C++ APLOGNO函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中APLOGNO函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ APLOGNO函数的具体用法?C++ APLOGNO怎么用?C++ APLOGNO使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。



/* Before sending the signal to the pid this function verifies that * the pid is a member of the current process group; either using * apr_proc_wait(), where waitpid() guarantees to fail for non-child * processes; or by using getpgid() directly, if available. */AP_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_mpm_safe_kill(pid_t pid, int sig){#ifndef HAVE_GETPGID    apr_proc_t proc;    apr_status_t rv;    apr_exit_why_e why;    int status;    /* Ensure pid sanity */    if (pid < 1) {        return APR_EINVAL;    }    proc.pid = pid;    rv = apr_proc_wait(&proc, &status, &why, APR_NOWAIT);    if (rv == APR_CHILD_DONE) {        /* The child already died - log the termination status if         * necessary: */        ap_process_child_status(&proc, why, status);        return APR_EINVAL;    }    else if (rv != APR_CHILD_NOTDONE) {        /* The child is already dead and reaped, or was a bogus pid -         * log this either way. */        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, rv, ap_server_conf, APLOGNO(00048)                     "cannot send signal %d to pid %ld (non-child or "                     "already dead)", sig, (long)pid);        return APR_EINVAL;    }#else    pid_t pg;    /* Ensure pid sanity. */    if (pid < 1) {        return APR_EINVAL;    }    pg = getpgid(pid);    if (pg == -1) {        /* Process already dead... */        return errno;    }    if (pg != getpgrp()) {        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ALERT, 0, ap_server_conf, APLOGNO(00049)                     "refusing to send signal %d to pid %ld outside "                     "process group", sig, (long)pid);        return APR_EINVAL;    }#endif    return kill(pid, sig) ? errno : APR_SUCCESS;}

示例2: get_realm_hash

static authn_status get_realm_hash(request_rec *r, const char *user,                                   const char *realm, char **rethash){    authn_file_config_rec *conf = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,                                                       &authn_file_module);    ap_configfile_t *f;    char l[MAX_STRING_LEN];    apr_status_t status;    char *file_hash = NULL;    if (!conf->pwfile) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(01621)                      "AuthUserFile not specified in the configuration");        return AUTH_GENERAL_ERROR;    }    status = ap_pcfg_openfile(&f, r->pool, conf->pwfile);    if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r, APLOGNO(01622)                      "Could not open password file: %s", conf->pwfile);        return AUTH_GENERAL_ERROR;    }    while (!(ap_cfg_getline(l, MAX_STRING_LEN, f))) {        const char *rpw, *w, *x;        /* Skip # or blank lines. */        if ((l[0] == '#') || (!l[0])) {            continue;        }        rpw = l;        w = ap_getword(r->pool, &rpw, ':');        x = ap_getword(r->pool, &rpw, ':');        if (x && w && !strcmp(user, w) && !strcmp(realm, x)) {            /* Remember that this is a md5 hash of user:realm:password.  */            file_hash = ap_getword(r->pool, &rpw, ':');            break;        }    }    ap_cfg_closefile(f);    if (!file_hash) {        return AUTH_USER_NOT_FOUND;    }    *rethash = file_hash;    AUTHN_CACHE_STORE(r, user, realm, file_hash);    return AUTH_USER_FOUND;}

示例3: restore_slotmem

static apr_status_t restore_slotmem(void *ptr, const char *storename,                                    apr_size_t size, apr_pool_t *pool){    apr_file_t *fp;    apr_size_t nbytes = size;    apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS;    unsigned char digest[APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE];    unsigned char digest2[APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE];    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, ap_server_conf, APLOGNO(02335)                 "restoring %s", storename);    if (storename) {        rv = apr_file_open(&fp, storename, APR_READ | APR_WRITE, APR_OS_DEFAULT,                           pool);        if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {            rv = apr_file_read(fp, ptr, &nbytes);            if ((rv == APR_SUCCESS || rv == APR_EOF) && nbytes == size) {                rv = APR_SUCCESS;   /* for successful return @ EOF */                /*                 * if at EOF, don't bother checking md5                 *  - backwards compatibility                 *  */                if (apr_file_eof(fp) != APR_EOF) {                    apr_size_t ds = APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE;                    rv = apr_file_read(fp, digest, &ds);                    if ((rv == APR_SUCCESS || rv == APR_EOF) &&                        ds == APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE) {                        rv = APR_SUCCESS;                        apr_md5(digest2, ptr, nbytes);                        if (memcmp(digest, digest2, APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE)) {                            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, ap_server_conf,                                         APLOGNO(02551) "bad md5 match");                            rv = APR_EGENERAL;                        }                    }                }                else {                    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, 0, ap_server_conf,                                 APLOGNO(02552) "at EOF... bypassing md5 match check (old persist file?)");                }            }            else if (nbytes != size) {                ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, ap_server_conf,                             APLOGNO(02553) "Expected %" APR_SIZE_T_FMT ": Read %" APR_SIZE_T_FMT,                             size, nbytes);                rv = APR_EGENERAL;            }            apr_file_close(fp);        }    }    return rv;}

示例4: h2_request_add_header

apr_status_t h2_request_add_header(h2_request *req, apr_pool_t *pool,                                    const char *name, size_t nlen,                                   const char *value, size_t vlen){    apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS;        if (nlen <= 0) {        return status;    }        if (name[0] == ':') {        /* pseudo header, see ch., always should come first */        if (!apr_is_empty_table(req->headers)) {            ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, pool,                          APLOGNO(02917)                           "h2_request(%d): pseudo header after request start",                          req->id);            return APR_EGENERAL;        }                if (H2_HEADER_METHOD_LEN == nlen            && !strncmp(H2_HEADER_METHOD, name, nlen)) {            req->method = apr_pstrndup(pool, value, vlen);        }        else if (H2_HEADER_SCHEME_LEN == nlen                 && !strncmp(H2_HEADER_SCHEME, name, nlen)) {            req->scheme = apr_pstrndup(pool, value, vlen);        }        else if (H2_HEADER_PATH_LEN == nlen                 && !strncmp(H2_HEADER_PATH, name, nlen)) {            req->path = apr_pstrndup(pool, value, vlen);        }        else if (H2_HEADER_AUTH_LEN == nlen                 && !strncmp(H2_HEADER_AUTH, name, nlen)) {            req->authority = apr_pstrndup(pool, value, vlen);        }        else {            char buffer[32];            memset(buffer, 0, 32);            strncpy(buffer, name, (nlen > 31)? 31 : nlen);            ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, pool,                          APLOGNO(02954)                           "h2_request(%d): ignoring unknown pseudo header %s",                          req->id, buffer);        }    }    else {        /* non-pseudo header, append to work bucket of stream */        status = add_h1_header(req, pool, name, nlen, value, vlen);    }        return status;}

示例5: ap_log_rerror

static char *authz_owner_get_file_group(request_rec *r){    /* file-group only figures out the file's group and lets    * other modules do the actual authorization (against a group file/db).    * Thus, these modules have to hook themselves after    * mod_authz_owner and of course recognize 'file-group', too.    */#if !APR_HAS_USER    return NULL;#else  /* APR_HAS_USER */    char *reason = NULL;    char *group = NULL;    apr_finfo_t finfo;    apr_status_t status = 0;    if (!r->filename) {        reason = "no filename available";        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r, APLOGNO(01638)                      "Authorization of user %s to access %s failed, reason: %s",                      r->user, r->uri, reason ? reason : "unknown");        return NULL;    }    status = apr_stat(&finfo, r->filename, APR_FINFO_GROUP, r->pool);    if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {        reason = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, "could not stat file ",                                r->filename, NULL);        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r, APLOGNO(01639)                      "Authorization of user %s to access %s failed, reason: %s",                      r->user, r->uri, reason ? reason : "unknown");        return NULL;    }    if (!(finfo.valid & APR_FINFO_GROUP)) {        reason = "no file group information available";        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r, APLOGNO(01640)                      "Authorization of user %s to access %s failed, reason: %s",                      r->user, r->uri, reason ? reason : "unknown");        return NULL;    }    status = apr_gid_name_get(&group, finfo.group, r->pool);    if (status != APR_SUCCESS || !group) {        reason = "could not get name of file group";        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r, APLOGNO(01641)                      "Authorization of user %s to access %s failed, reason: %s",                      r->user, r->uri, reason ? reason : "unknown");        return NULL;    }    return group;#endif /* APR_HAS_USER */}

示例6: authz_dbd_group_query

static int authz_dbd_group_query(request_rec *r, authz_dbd_cfg *cfg,                                 apr_array_header_t *groups){    /* SELECT group FROM authz WHERE user = %s */    int rv;    const char *message;    ap_dbd_t *dbd = dbd_handle(r);    apr_dbd_prepared_t *query;    apr_dbd_results_t *res = NULL;    apr_dbd_row_t *row = NULL;    const char **group;    if (cfg->query == NULL) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(01649)                      "No query configured for dbd-group!");        return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;    }    query = apr_hash_get(dbd->prepared, cfg->query, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);    if (query == NULL) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(01650)                      "Error retrieving query for dbd-group!");        return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;    }    rv = apr_dbd_pvselect(dbd->driver, r->pool, dbd->handle, &res,                          query, 0, r->user, NULL);    if (rv == 0) {        for (rv = apr_dbd_get_row(dbd->driver, r->pool, res, &row, -1);             rv != -1;             rv = apr_dbd_get_row(dbd->driver, r->pool, res, &row, -1)) {            if (rv == 0) {                group = apr_array_push(groups);                *group = apr_dbd_get_entry(dbd->driver, row, 0);            }            else {                message = apr_dbd_error(dbd->driver, dbd->handle, rv);                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(01651)                        "authz_dbd in get_row; group query for user=%s [%s]",                        r->user, message?message:noerror);                return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;            }        }    }    else {        message = apr_dbd_error(dbd->driver, dbd->handle, rv);        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(01652)                      "authz_dbd, in groups query for %s [%s]",                      r->user, message?message:noerror);        return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;    }    return OK;}

示例7: dbd_load

/** * Load the session by the key specified. */static apr_status_t dbd_load(request_rec * r, const char *key, const char **val){    apr_status_t rv;    ap_dbd_t *dbd = NULL;    apr_dbd_prepared_t *statement = NULL;    apr_dbd_results_t *res = NULL;    apr_dbd_row_t *row = NULL;    apr_int64_t expiry = (apr_int64_t) apr_time_now();    session_dbd_dir_conf *conf = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,                                                      &session_dbd_module);    if (conf->selectlabel == NULL) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(01853)                      "no SessionDBDselectlabel has been specified");        return APR_EGENERAL;    }    rv = dbd_init(r, conf->selectlabel, &dbd, &statement);    if (rv) {        return rv;    }    rv = apr_dbd_pvbselect(dbd->driver, r->pool, dbd->handle, &res, statement,                          0, key, &expiry, NULL);    if (rv) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(01854)                      "query execution error saving session '%s' "                      "in database using query '%s': %s", key, conf->selectlabel,                      apr_dbd_error(dbd->driver, dbd->handle, rv));        return APR_EGENERAL;    }    for (rv = apr_dbd_get_row(dbd->driver, r->pool, res, &row, -1);         rv != -1;         rv = apr_dbd_get_row(dbd->driver, r->pool, res, &row, -1)) {        if (rv != 0) {            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(01855)                          "error retrieving results while saving '%s' "                          "in database using query '%s': %s", key, conf->selectlabel,                           apr_dbd_error(dbd->driver, dbd->handle, rv));            return APR_EGENERAL;        }        if (*val == NULL) {            *val = apr_dbd_get_entry(dbd->driver, row, 0);        }        /* we can't break out here or row won't get cleaned up */    }    return APR_SUCCESS;}

示例8: crypt_init

/** * Initialise the encryption as per the current config. * * Returns APR_SUCCESS if successful. */static apr_status_t crypt_init(request_rec *r,        const apr_crypto_t *f, apr_crypto_block_key_type_e **cipher,        session_crypto_dir_conf * dconf){    apr_status_t res;    apr_hash_t *ciphers;    res = apr_crypto_get_block_key_types(&ciphers, f);    if (APR_SUCCESS != res) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, res, r, APLOGNO(01823)                "no ciphers returned by APR. "                "session encryption not possible");        return res;    }    *cipher = apr_hash_get(ciphers, dconf->cipher, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);    if (!(*cipher)) {        apr_hash_index_t *hi;        const void *key;        apr_ssize_t klen;        int sum = 0;        int offset = 0;        char *options = NULL;        for (hi = apr_hash_first(r->pool, ciphers); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi)) {            apr_hash_this(hi, NULL, &klen, NULL);            sum += klen + 2;        }        for (hi = apr_hash_first(r->pool, ciphers); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi)) {            apr_hash_this(hi, &key, &klen, NULL);            if (!options) {                options = apr_palloc(r->pool, sum + 1);            }            else {                options[offset++] = ',';                options[offset++] = ' ';            }            strncpy(options + offset, key, klen);            offset += klen;        }        options[offset] = 0;        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, res, r, APLOGNO(01824)                "cipher '%s' not recognised by crypto driver. "                "session encryption not possible, options: %s", dconf->cipher, options);        return APR_EGENERAL;    }    return APR_SUCCESS;}

示例9: open_scoreboard

/* ToDo: This function should be made to handle setting up * a scoreboard shared between processes using any IPC technique, * not just a shared memory segment */static apr_status_t open_scoreboard(apr_pool_t *pconf){#if APR_HAS_SHARED_MEMORY    apr_status_t rv;    char *fname = NULL;    apr_pool_t *global_pool;    /* We don't want to have to recreate the scoreboard after     * restarts, so we'll create a global pool and never clean it.     */    rv = apr_pool_create(&global_pool, NULL);    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, rv, ap_server_conf, APLOGNO(00002)                     "Fatal error: unable to create global pool "                     "for use by the scoreboard");        return rv;    }    /* The config says to create a name-based shmem */    if (ap_scoreboard_fname) {        /* make sure it's an absolute pathname */        fname = ap_server_root_relative(pconf, ap_scoreboard_fname);        if (!fname) {            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, APR_EBADPATH, ap_server_conf, APLOGNO(00003)                         "Fatal error: Invalid Scoreboard path %s",                         ap_scoreboard_fname);            return APR_EBADPATH;        }        return create_namebased_scoreboard(global_pool, fname);    }    else { /* config didn't specify, we get to choose shmem type */        rv = apr_shm_create(&ap_scoreboard_shm, scoreboard_size, NULL,                            global_pool); /* anonymous shared memory */        if ((rv != APR_SUCCESS) && (rv != APR_ENOTIMPL)) {            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, rv, ap_server_conf, APLOGNO(00004)                         "Unable to create or access scoreboard "                         "(anonymous shared memory failure)");            return rv;        }        /* Make up a filename and do name-based shmem */        else if (rv == APR_ENOTIMPL) {            /* Make sure it's an absolute pathname */            ap_scoreboard_fname = DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD;            fname = ap_server_root_relative(pconf, ap_scoreboard_fname);            return create_namebased_scoreboard(global_pool, fname);        }    }#endif /* APR_HAS_SHARED_MEMORY */    return APR_SUCCESS;}

示例10: ef_output_filter

static apr_status_t ef_output_filter(ap_filter_t *f, apr_bucket_brigade *bb){    request_rec *r = f->r;    ef_ctx_t *ctx = f->ctx;    apr_status_t rv;    if (!ctx) {        if ((rv = init_filter_instance(f)) != APR_SUCCESS) {            ctx = f->ctx;            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(01467)                          "can't initialise output filter %s: %s",                          f->frec->name,                          (ctx->dc->onfail == 1) ? "removing" : "aborting");            ap_remove_output_filter(f);            if (ctx->dc->onfail == 1) {                return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);            }            else {                apr_bucket *e;                f->r->status_line = "500 Internal Server Error";                apr_brigade_cleanup(bb);                e = ap_bucket_error_create(HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,                                           NULL, r->pool,                                           f->c->bucket_alloc);                APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, e);                e = apr_bucket_eos_create(f->c->bucket_alloc);                APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, e);                ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);                return AP_FILTER_ERROR;            }        }        ctx = f->ctx;    }    if (ctx->noop) {        ap_remove_output_filter(f);        return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);    }    rv = ef_unified_filter(f, bb);    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(01468)                      "ef_unified_filter() failed");    }    if ((rv = ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb)) != APR_SUCCESS) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, r, APLOGNO(01469)                      "ap_pass_brigade() failed");    }    return rv;}

示例11: ssl_die

apr_status_t ssl_die(server_rec *s){    if (s != NULL && s->is_virtual && s->error_fname != NULL)        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_EMERG, 0, NULL, APLOGNO(02311)                     "Fatal error initialising mod_ssl, exiting. "                     "See %s for more information",                     ap_server_root_relative(s->process->pool,                                             s->error_fname));    else        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_EMERG, 0, NULL, APLOGNO(02312)                     "Fatal error initialising mod_ssl, exiting.");    return APR_EGENERAL;}

示例12: proxy_wstunnel_transfer

static int proxy_wstunnel_transfer(request_rec *r, conn_rec *c_i, conn_rec *c_o,                                     apr_bucket_brigade *bb, char *name){    int rv;#ifdef DEBUGGING    apr_off_t len;#endif    do {        apr_brigade_cleanup(bb);        rv = ap_get_brigade(c_i->input_filters, bb, AP_MODE_READBYTES,                            APR_NONBLOCK_READ, AP_IOBUFSIZE);        if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {            if (c_o->aborted) {                return APR_EPIPE;            }            if (APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(bb)) {                break;            }#ifdef DEBUGGING            len = -1;            apr_brigade_length(bb, 0, &len);            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r, APLOGNO(02440)                          "read %" APR_OFF_T_FMT                          " bytes from %s", len, name);#endif            rv = ap_pass_brigade(c_o->output_filters, bb);            if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {                ap_fflush(c_o->output_filters, bb);            }            else {                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(02441)                              "error on %s - ap_pass_brigade",                              name);            }        } else if (!APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(rv) && !APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(rv)) {            ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, r, APLOGNO(02442)                          "error on %s - ap_get_brigade",                          name);        }    } while (rv == APR_SUCCESS);    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, rv, r, "wstunnel_transfer complete");    if (APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(rv)) {        rv = APR_SUCCESS;    }       return rv;}

示例13: include_cmd

static apr_status_t include_cmd(include_ctx_t *ctx, ap_filter_t *f,                                apr_bucket_brigade *bb, const char *command){    cgi_exec_info_t  e_info;    const char **argv;    apr_file_t *script_out = NULL, *script_in = NULL, *script_err = NULL;    apr_status_t rv;    request_rec *r = f->r;    add_ssi_vars(r);    e_info.process_cgi = 0;    e_info.cmd_type    = APR_SHELLCMD;    e_info.detached    = 0;    e_info.in_pipe     = APR_NO_PIPE;    e_info.out_pipe    = APR_FULL_BLOCK;    e_info.err_pipe    = APR_NO_PIPE;    e_info.prog_type   = RUN_AS_SSI;    e_info.bb          = &bb;    e_info.ctx         = ctx;    e_info.next        = f->next;    e_info.addrspace   = 0;    if ((rv = cgi_build_command(&command, &argv, r, r->pool,                                &e_info)) != APR_SUCCESS) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(01226)                      "don't know how to spawn cmd child process: %s",                      r->filename);        return rv;    }    /* run the script in its own process */    if ((rv = run_cgi_child(&script_out, &script_in, &script_err,                            command, argv, r, r->pool,                            &e_info)) != APR_SUCCESS) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(01227)                      "couldn't spawn child process: %s", r->filename);        return rv;    }    APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, apr_bucket_pipe_create(script_in,                            f->c->bucket_alloc));    ctx->flush_now = 1;    /* We can't close the pipe here, because we may return before the     * full CGI has been sent to the network.  That's okay though,     * because we can rely on the pool to close the pipe for us.     */    return APR_SUCCESS;}

示例14: checkLastFromFiles

int checkLastFromFiles(request_rec * r, const char * filter, const char * packet) {	BLOOM * bloom;		FILE * fp = fopen(filter, "r");		size_t read;		/* read the filter size */	size_t size;	read = fread(&size, sizeof(size_t), 1, fp);		/* Re-create the filter */			if(!(bloom=bloom_create(size, 2, sax_hash, sdbm_hash)))		ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(05011) "check last: bloom filter");	/* Read the filter from file */				read = fread(bloom->a, sizeof(char), (bloom->asize+CHAR_BIT-1)/CHAR_BIT, fp);		fclose(fp);					fp = fopen(packet, "r");		/* Read len of the packet */				int buflen;	read = fread(&buflen, sizeof(int), 1, fp);		/* Alocate memory for the buffer */			char * buffer;	if((buffer = (char *) malloc(buflen * sizeof(char))) == NULL)		ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(05011) "check last: buffer");	/* Read the buffer */		read = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), buflen, fp);				fclose(fp);			/* Check and return if the request was received */	if(bloom_check(bloom, buffer)){		free(buffer);		bloom_destroy(bloom);		return 1;	}	else{		free(buffer);		bloom_destroy(bloom);		return 0;	}}

示例15: apr_bucket_alloc

/* Create a CGI bucket using pipes from script stdout 'out' * and stderr 'err', for request 'r'. */static apr_bucket *cgi_bucket_create(request_rec *r,                                     apr_file_t *out, apr_file_t *err,                                     apr_bucket_alloc_t *list){    apr_bucket *b = apr_bucket_alloc(sizeof(*b), list);    apr_status_t rv;    apr_pollfd_t fd;    struct cgi_bucket_data *data = apr_palloc(r->pool, sizeof *data);    APR_BUCKET_INIT(b);    b->free = apr_bucket_free;    b->list = list;    b->type = &bucket_type_cgi;    b->length = (apr_size_t)(-1);    b->start = -1;    /* Create the pollset */    rv = apr_pollset_create(&data->pollset, 2, r->pool, 0);    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(01217)                     "apr_pollset_create(); check system or user limits");        return NULL;    }    fd.desc_type = APR_POLL_FILE;    fd.reqevents = APR_POLLIN;    fd.p = r->pool;    fd.desc.f = out; /* script's stdout */    fd.client_data = (void *)1;    rv = apr_pollset_add(data->pollset, &fd);    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(01218)                     "apr_pollset_add(); check system or user limits");        return NULL;    }    fd.desc.f = err; /* script's stderr */    fd.client_data = (void *)2;    rv = apr_pollset_add(data->pollset, &fd);    if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r, APLOGNO(01219)                     "apr_pollset_add(); check system or user limits");        return NULL;    }    data->r = r;    b->data = data;    return b;}

示例16: STACK_OF

STACK_OF(X509) *ssl_read_pkcs7(server_rec *s, const char *pkcs7){    PKCS7 *p7;    STACK_OF(X509) *certs = NULL;    FILE *f;    f = fopen(pkcs7, "r");    if (!f) {        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_EMERG, 0, s, APLOGNO(02212) "Can't open %s", pkcs7);        ssl_die(s);    }    p7 = PEM_read_PKCS7(f, NULL, NULL, NULL);    if (!p7) {        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, s, APLOGNO(02274)                     "Can't read PKCS7 object %s", pkcs7);        ssl_log_ssl_error(SSLLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, s);        exit(1);    }    switch (OBJ_obj2nid(p7->type)) {    case NID_pkcs7_signed:        certs = p7->d.sign->cert;        p7->d.sign->cert = NULL;        PKCS7_free(p7);        break;    case NID_pkcs7_signedAndEnveloped:        certs = p7->d.signed_and_enveloped->cert;        p7->d.signed_and_enveloped->cert = NULL;        PKCS7_free(p7);        break;    default:        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_EMERG, 0, s, APLOGNO(02213)                     "Don't understand PKCS7 file %s", pkcs7);        ssl_die(s);    }    if (!certs) {        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_EMERG, 0, s, APLOGNO(02214)                     "No certificates in %s", pkcs7);        ssl_die(s);    }    fclose(f);    return certs;}

示例17: simple_pre_config

static intsimple_pre_config(apr_pool_t * pconf, apr_pool_t * plog, apr_pool_t * ptemp){    int run_debug;    apr_status_t rv;    simple_core_t *sc;    /* this is our first 'real' entry point, so setup everything here. */    rv = simple_core_init_once();    if (rv) {        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, rv, NULL, APLOGNO(00257)                     "simple_core_init_once: Fatal Error Encountered");        return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;    }    sc = simple_core_get();    sc->restart_num++;    run_debug = ap_exists_config_define("DEBUG");    if (run_debug) {        sc->run_foreground = 1;        sc->run_single_process = 1;    }    else {        sc->run_foreground = ap_exists_config_define("FOREGROUND");    }    if (sc->restart_num == 2) {        if (sc->run_foreground) {            rv = apr_proc_detach(APR_PROC_DETACH_FOREGROUND);        }        else {            rv = apr_proc_detach(APR_PROC_DETACH_DAEMONIZE);        }        if (rv) {            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, rv, NULL, APLOGNO(00258)                         "simple_pre_config: apr_proc_detach(%s) failed",                         sc->run_foreground ? "FOREGROUND" : "DAEMONIZE");            return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;        }    }    return OK;}


/** * Read a cookie called name, placing its value in val. * * Both the Cookie and Cookie2 headers are scanned for the cookie. * * If the cookie is duplicated, this function returns APR_EGENERAL. If found, * and if remove is non zero, the cookie will be removed from the headers, and * thus kept private from the backend. */AP_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_cookie_read(request_rec * r, const char *name, const char **val,                                        int remove){    ap_cookie_do v;    v.r = r;    v.encoded = NULL;    v.new_cookies = apr_table_make(r->pool, 10);    v.duplicated = 0;    v.name = name;    apr_table_do((int (*) (void *, const char *, const char *))                 extract_cookie_line, (void *) &v, r->headers_in,                 "Cookie", "Cookie2", NULL);    if (v.duplicated) {        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(00011) LOG_PREFIX         "client submitted cookie '%s' more than once: %s", v.name, r->uri);        return APR_EGENERAL;    }    /* remove our cookie(s), and replace them */    if (remove) {        apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "Cookie");        apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "Cookie2");        r->headers_in = apr_table_overlay(r->pool, r->headers_in, v.new_cookies);    }    *val = v.encoded;    return APR_SUCCESS;}

示例19: ssl_scache_store

BOOL ssl_scache_store(server_rec *s, UCHAR *id, int idlen,                      apr_time_t expiry, SSL_SESSION *sess,                      apr_pool_t *p){    SSLModConfigRec *mc = myModConfig(s);    unsigned char encoded[SSL_SESSION_MAX_DER], *ptr;    unsigned int len;    apr_status_t rv;    /* Serialise the session. */    len = i2d_SSL_SESSION(sess, NULL);    if (len > sizeof encoded) {        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, s, APLOGNO(01875)                     "session is too big (%u bytes)", len);        return FALSE;    }    ptr = encoded;    len = i2d_SSL_SESSION(sess, &ptr);    if (mc->sesscache->flags & AP_SOCACHE_FLAG_NOTMPSAFE) {        ssl_mutex_on(s);    }    rv = mc->sesscache->store(mc->sesscache_context, s, id, idlen,                              expiry, encoded, len, p);    if (mc->sesscache->flags & AP_SOCACHE_FLAG_NOTMPSAFE) {        ssl_mutex_off(s);    }    return rv == APR_SUCCESS ? TRUE : FALSE;}

示例20: am_check_access

static int am_check_access(request_rec *r){    int method = r->method_number;    am_conf_t *conf;    conf = (am_conf_t *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,                                              &allowmethods_module);    if (!conf || conf->allowed == 0) {        return DECLINED;    }    r->allowed = conf->allowed;    if (conf->allowed & (AP_METHOD_BIT << method)) {        return DECLINED;    }    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r, APLOGNO(01623)                  "client method denied by server configuration: '%s' to %s%s",                  r->method,                  r->filename ? "" : "uri ",                  r->filename ? r->filename : r->uri);    return HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED;}

示例21: cache_remove_url

/* * delete all URL entities from the cache * */int cache_remove_url(cache_request_rec *cache, request_rec *r){    cache_provider_list *list;    cache_handle_t *h;    list = cache->providers;    /* Remove the stale cache entry if present. If not, we're     * being called from outside of a request; remove the     * non-stale handle.     */    h = cache->stale_handle ? cache->stale_handle : cache->handle;    if (!h) {       return OK;    }    ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r, APLOGNO(00691)                 "cache: Removing url %s from the cache", h->cache_obj->key);    /* for each specified cache type, delete the URL */    while(list) {        list->provider->remove_url(h, r);        list = list->next;    }    return OK;}

示例22: restore_slotmem

/* should be apr_status_t really */static void restore_slotmem(void *ptr, const char *name, apr_size_t size,                            apr_pool_t *pool){    const char *storename;    apr_file_t *fp;    apr_size_t nbytes = size;    apr_status_t rv;    storename = slotmem_filename(pool, name, 1);    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, ap_server_conf, APLOGNO(02335)                 "restoring %s", storename);    if (storename) {        rv = apr_file_open(&fp, storename, APR_READ | APR_WRITE, APR_OS_DEFAULT,                           pool);        if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {            apr_finfo_t fi;            if (apr_file_info_get(&fi, APR_FINFO_SIZE, fp) == APR_SUCCESS) {                if (fi.size == nbytes) {                    apr_file_read(fp, ptr, &nbytes);                }                else {                    apr_file_close(fp);                    apr_file_remove(storename, pool);                    return;                }            }            apr_file_close(fp);        }    }}

示例23: os_fork

/* BS2000 requires a "special" version of fork() before a setuid() call */pid_t os_fork(const char *user){    pid_t pid;    char  username[USER_LEN+1];    switch (os_forktype(0)) {      case bs2_FORK:        pid = fork();        break;      case bs2_UFORK:        apr_cpystrn(username, user, sizeof username);        /* Make user name all upper case - for some versions of ufork() */        ap_str_toupper(username);        pid = ufork(username);        if (pid == -1 && errno == EPERM) {            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_EMERG, errno, ap_server_conf,                         APLOGNO(02181) "ufork: Possible mis-configuration "                         "for user %s - Aborting.", user);            exit(1);        }        break;      default:        pid = 0;        break;    }    return pid;}

示例24: stream_open

static int stream_open(h2_session *session, int stream_id){    h2_stream * stream;    if (session->aborted) {        return NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE;    }        stream = h2_mplx_open_io(session->mplx, stream_id);    if (stream) {        h2_stream_set_add(session->streams, stream);        if (stream->id > session->max_stream_received) {            session->max_stream_received = stream->id;        }                ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, session->c,                      "h2_session: stream(%ld-%d): opened",                      session->id, stream_id);                return 0;    }        ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_ENOMEM, session->c,                  APLOGNO(02918)                   "h2_session: stream(%ld-%d): unable to create",                  session->id, stream_id);    return NGHTTP2_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_ID;}

示例25: on_header_cb

static int on_header_cb(nghttp2_session *ngh2, const nghttp2_frame *frame,                        const uint8_t *name, size_t namelen,                        const uint8_t *value, size_t valuelen,                        uint8_t flags,                        void *userp){    h2_session *session = (h2_session *)userp;    h2_stream * stream;    apr_status_t status;        (void)ngh2;    (void)flags;    if (session->aborted) {        return NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE;    }    stream = h2_stream_set_get(session->streams,                                           frame->hd.stream_id);    if (!stream) {        ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, session->c,                      APLOGNO(02920)                       "h2_session:  stream(%ld-%d): on_header for unknown stream",                      session->id, (int)frame->hd.stream_id);        return NGHTTP2_ERR_TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE;    }        status = h2_stream_write_header(stream,                                               (const char *)name, namelen,                                               (const char *)value, valuelen);    if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {        return NGHTTP2_ERR_TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE;    }    return 0;}

示例26: h2_session_handle_response

/* Start submitting the response to a stream request. This is possible * once we have all the response headers. The response body will be * read by the session using the callback we supply. */apr_status_t h2_session_handle_response(h2_session *session, h2_stream *stream){    apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS;    int rv = 0;    AP_DEBUG_ASSERT(session);    AP_DEBUG_ASSERT(stream);    AP_DEBUG_ASSERT(stream->response);        if (stream->response->ngheader) {        rv = submit_response(session, stream->response);    }    else {        rv = nghttp2_submit_rst_stream(session->ngh2, NGHTTP2_FLAG_NONE,                                       stream->id, NGHTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR);    }        if (nghttp2_is_fatal(rv)) {        status = APR_EGENERAL;        h2_session_abort_int(session, rv);        ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, session->c,                      APLOGNO(02940) "submit_response: %s",                       nghttp2_strerror(rv));    }    return status;}

示例27: submit_response

static int submit_response(h2_session *session, h2_response *response){    nghttp2_data_provider provider;    int rv;        memset(&provider, 0, sizeof(provider));    provider.source.fd = response->stream_id;    provider.read_callback = stream_data_cb;        ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE1, 0, session->c,                  "h2_stream(%ld-%d): submitting response %s",                  session->id, response->stream_id, response->status);        rv = nghttp2_submit_response(session->ngh2, response->stream_id,                                 response->ngheader->nv,                                  response->ngheader->nvlen, &provider);        if (rv != 0) {        ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, session->c,                      APLOGNO(02939) "h2_stream(%ld-%d): submit_response: %s",                      session->id, response->stream_id, nghttp2_strerror(rv));    }    else {        ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, session->c,                      "h2_stream(%ld-%d): submitted response %s, rv=%d",                      session->id, response->stream_id,                       response->status, rv);    }    return rv;}

示例28: apr_table_make

static apr_table_t *parse_headers(apr_array_header_t *hlines, apr_pool_t *pool){    if (hlines) {        apr_table_t *headers = apr_table_make(pool, hlines->nelts);                int i;                for (i = 0; i < hlines->nelts; ++i) {            char *hline = ((char **)hlines->elts)[i];            char *sep = ap_strchr(hline, ':');            if (!sep) {                ap_log_perror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, APR_EINVAL, pool,                              APLOGNO(02955) "h2_response: invalid header[%d] '%s'",                              i, (char*)hline);                /* not valid format, abort */                return NULL;            }            (*sep++) = '/0';            while (*sep == ' ' || *sep == '/t') {                ++sep;            }                        if (!h2_util_ignore_header(hline)) {                apr_table_merge(headers, hline, sep);            }        }        return headers;    }    else {        return apr_table_make(pool, 0);            }}

示例29: sig_coredump

/* handle all varieties of core dumping signals */static void sig_coredump(int sig){    apr_filepath_set(ap_coredump_dir, pconf);    apr_signal(sig, SIG_DFL);#if AP_ENABLE_EXCEPTION_HOOK    run_fatal_exception_hook(sig);#endif    /* linuxthreads issue calling getpid() here:     *   This comparison won't match if the crashing thread is     *   some module's thread that runs in the parent process.     *   The fallout, which is limited to linuxthreads:     *   The special log message won't be written when such a     *   thread in the parent causes the parent to crash.     */    if (getpid() == parent_pid) {        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE,                     0, ap_server_conf, APLOGNO(00060)                     "seg fault or similar nasty error detected "                     "in the parent process");        /* XXX we can probably add some rudimentary cleanup code here,         * like getting rid of the pid file.  If any additional bad stuff         * happens, we are protected from recursive errors taking down the         * system since this function is no longer the signal handler   GLA         */    }    kill(getpid(), sig);    /* At this point we've got sig blocked, because we're still inside     * the signal handler.  When we leave the signal handler it will     * be unblocked, and we'll take the signal... and coredump or whatever     * is appropriate for this particular Unix.  In addition the parent     * will see the real signal we received -- whereas if we called     * abort() here, the parent would only see SIGABRT.     */}


C++ APPEND函数代码示例