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自学教程:C++ APPEND函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:35:22
这篇教程C++ APPEND函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中APPEND函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ APPEND函数的具体用法?C++ APPEND怎么用?C++ APPEND使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: generateTrueTypeCMap

static QByteArray generateTrueTypeCMap(QFontEngine *fe){    QByteArray cmap;    const int glyphCount = fe->glyphCount();    if (!glyphCount)        return cmap;    // cmap header    APPEND(quint16, 0); // table version number    APPEND(quint16, 1); // number of tables    // encoding record    APPEND(quint16, 3); // platform-id    APPEND(quint16, 10); // encoding-id (ucs-4)    const int cmapOffset = cmap.size() + sizeof(quint32);    APPEND(quint32, cmapOffset); // offset to sub-table    APPEND(quint16, 4); // subtable format    const int cmapTableLengthOffset = cmap.size();    APPEND(quint16, 0); // length in bytes, will fill in later    APPEND(quint16, 0); // language field    QList<CMapSegment> segments;    CMapSegment currentSegment;    currentSegment.start = 0xffff;    currentSegment.end = 0;    currentSegment.startGlyphIndex = 0;    quint32 previousGlyphIndex = 0xfffffffe;    bool inSegment = false;    QGlyphLayoutArray<10> layout;    for (uint uc = 0; uc < 0x10000; ++uc) {        QChar ch(uc);        int nglyphs = 10;        bool validGlyph = fe->stringToCMap(&ch, 1, &layout, &nglyphs, /*flags*/ 0)                          && nglyphs == 1 && layout.glyphs[0];        // leaving a segment?        if (inSegment && (!validGlyph || layout.glyphs[0] != previousGlyphIndex + 1)) {            Q_ASSERT(currentSegment.start != 0xffff);            // store the current segment            currentSegment.end = uc - 1;            segments.append(currentSegment);            currentSegment.start = 0xffff;            inSegment = false;        }        // entering a new segment?        if (validGlyph && (!inSegment || layout.glyphs[0] != previousGlyphIndex + 1)) {            currentSegment.start = uc;            currentSegment.startGlyphIndex = layout.glyphs[0];            inSegment = true;        }        if (validGlyph)            previousGlyphIndex = layout.glyphs[0];        else            previousGlyphIndex = 0xfffffffe;    }    currentSegment.start = 0xffff;    currentSegment.end = 0xffff;    currentSegment.startGlyphIndex = 0;    segments.append(currentSegment);    if (QPF::debugVerbosity > 3)        qDebug() << "segments:" << segments.count();    Q_ASSERT(!inSegment);    const quint16 entrySelector = int(log2(segments.count()));    const quint16 searchRange = 2 * (1 << entrySelector);    const quint16 rangeShift = segments.count() * 2 - searchRange;    if (QPF::debugVerbosity > 3)        qDebug() << "entrySelector" << entrySelector << "searchRange" << searchRange                 << "rangeShift" << rangeShift;    APPEND(quint16, segments.count() * 2); // segCountX2    APPEND(quint16, searchRange);    APPEND(quint16, entrySelector);    APPEND(quint16, rangeShift);    // end character codes    for (int i = 0; i < segments.count(); ++i)        APPEND(quint16, segments.at(i).end);    APPEND(quint16, 0); // pad    // start character codes    for (int i = 0; i < segments.count(); ++i)        APPEND(quint16, segments.at(i).start);    // id deltas    for (int i = 0; i < segments.count(); ++i)        APPEND(quint16, segments.at(i).startGlyphIndex - segments.at(i).start);    // id range offsets    for (int i = 0; i < segments.count(); ++i)        APPEND(quint16, 0);//.........这里部分代码省略.........


void SkRecorder::onClipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect, SkClipOp op, ClipEdgeStyle edgeStyle) {    INHERITED(onClipRRect, rrect, op, edgeStyle);    SkRecords::ClipOpAndAA opAA(op, kSoft_ClipEdgeStyle == edgeStyle);    APPEND(ClipRRect, this->getDeviceClipBounds(), rrect, opAA);}


void SkRecorder::didRestore() {    APPEND(Restore, this->getDeviceClipBounds(), this->getTotalMatrix());}


void SkRecorder::onDrawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) {    TRY_MINIRECORDER(drawRect, rect, paint);    APPEND(DrawRect, paint, rect);}

示例5: OCTET_STRING_decode_ber

/* * Decode OCTET STRING type. */asn_dec_rval_tOCTET_STRING_decode_ber(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx,	asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,	void **sptr, const void *buf_ptr, size_t size, int tag_mode) {	asn_OCTET_STRING_specifics_t *specs = td->specifics				? (asn_OCTET_STRING_specifics_t *)td->specifics				: &asn_DEF_OCTET_STRING_specs;	BIT_STRING_t *st = (BIT_STRING_t *)*sptr;	asn_dec_rval_t rval;	asn_struct_ctx_t *ctx;	ssize_t consumed_myself = 0;	struct _stack *stck;		/* Expectations stack structure */	struct _stack_el *sel = 0;	/* Stack element */	int tlv_constr;	enum asn_OS_Subvariant type_variant = specs->subvariant;	ASN_DEBUG("Decoding %s as %s (frame %ld)",		td->name,		(type_variant == ASN_OSUBV_STR) ?			"OCTET STRING" : "OS-SpecialCase",		(long)size);	/*	 * Create the string if does not exist.	 */	if(st == NULL) {		st = (BIT_STRING_t *)(*sptr = CALLOC(1, specs->struct_size));		if(st == NULL) RETURN(RC_FAIL);	}	/* Restore parsing context */	ctx = (asn_struct_ctx_t *)((char *)st + specs->ctx_offset);	switch(ctx->phase) {	case 0:		/*		 * Check tags.		 */		rval = ber_check_tags(opt_codec_ctx, td, ctx,			buf_ptr, size, tag_mode, -1,			&ctx->left, &tlv_constr);		if(rval.code != RC_OK)			return rval;		if(tlv_constr) {			/*			 * Complex operation, requires stack of expectations.			 */			ctx->ptr = _new_stack();			if(ctx->ptr) {				stck = (struct _stack *)ctx->ptr;			} else {				RETURN(RC_FAIL);			}		} else {			/*			 * Jump into stackless primitive decoding.			 */			_CH_PHASE(ctx, 3);			if(type_variant == ASN_OSUBV_ANY && tag_mode != 1)				APPEND(buf_ptr, rval.consumed);			ADVANCE(rval.consumed);			goto phase3;		}		NEXT_PHASE(ctx);		/* Fall through */	case 1:	phase1:		/*		 * Fill the stack with expectations.		 */		stck = (struct _stack *)ctx->ptr;		sel = stck->cur_ptr;	  do {		ber_tlv_tag_t tlv_tag;		ber_tlv_len_t tlv_len;		ber_tlv_tag_t expected_tag;		ssize_t tl, ll, tlvl;				/* This one works even if (sel->left == -1) */		ssize_t Left = ((!sel||(size_t)sel->left >= size)					?(ssize_t)size:sel->left);		ASN_DEBUG("%p, s->l=%ld, s->wn=%ld, s->g=%ld/n", sel,			(long)(sel?sel->left:0),			(long)(sel?sel->want_nulls:0),			(long)(sel?sel->got:0)		);		if(sel && sel->left <= 0 && sel->want_nulls == 0) {			if(sel->prev) {				struct _stack_el *prev = sel->prev;				if(prev->left != -1) {					if(prev->left < sel->got)						RETURN(RC_FAIL);					prev->left -= sel->got;				}//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例6: main

int main(int   argc,         char *argv[]){    ptl_handle_ni_t ni_logical;    ptl_pt_index_t  logical_pt_index;    ptl_process_t   myself;    struct timeval  start, stop;    int             potato = 0;    ENTRY_T         potato_catcher;    HANDLE_T        potato_catcher_handle;    ptl_md_t        potato_launcher;    ptl_handle_md_t potato_launcher_handle;    int             num_procs;    ptl_handle_eq_t pt_eq_handle;    CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlInit());    CHECK_RETURNVAL(libtest_init());    num_procs = libtest_get_size();    if (NULL != getenv("MAKELEVEL") && num_procs > 2) {        return 77;    }    CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlNIInit                        (PTL_IFACE_DEFAULT, NI_TYPE | PTL_NI_LOGICAL, PTL_PID_ANY,                        NULL, NULL, &ni_logical));    CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlSetMap(ni_logical, num_procs,                              libtest_get_mapping(ni_logical)));    CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlGetId(ni_logical, &myself));    CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlEQAlloc(ni_logical, 100, &pt_eq_handle));    CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlPTAlloc                        (ni_logical, 0, pt_eq_handle, PTL_PT_ANY,                        &logical_pt_index));    assert(logical_pt_index == 0);    /* Now do the initial setup on ni_logical */    potato_catcher.start   = &potato;    potato_catcher.length  = sizeof(potato);    potato_catcher.uid     = PTL_UID_ANY;    potato_catcher.options = OPTIONS;#if INTERFACE == 1    potato_catcher.match_id.rank = PTL_RANK_ANY;    potato_catcher.match_bits    = 1;    potato_catcher.ignore_bits   = ~potato_catcher.match_bits;#endif    potato_catcher.ct_handle = PTL_CT_NONE;    CHECK_RETURNVAL(APPEND                        (ni_logical, logical_pt_index, &potato_catcher,                        PTL_PRIORITY_LIST, NULL, &potato_catcher_handle));    {        ptl_event_t event;        CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlEQWait(pt_eq_handle, &event));       // wait for link event        assert(event.type == PTL_EVENT_LINK);    }    /* Now do a barrier (on ni_physical) to make sure that everyone has their     * logical interface set up */    libtest_barrier();    /* now I can communicate between ranks with ni_logical */    /* set up the potato launcher */    potato_launcher.start     = &potato;    potato_launcher.length    = sizeof(potato);    potato_launcher.options   = PTL_MD_EVENT_CT_ACK | PTL_MD_EVENT_CT_SEND;    potato_launcher.eq_handle = PTL_EQ_NONE;    // i.e. don't queue send events    CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlCTAlloc(ni_logical, &potato_launcher.ct_handle));    CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlMDBind                        (ni_logical, &potato_launcher, &potato_launcher_handle));    /* rank 0 starts the potato going */    if (myself.rank == 0) {        ptl_process_t nextrank;        nextrank.rank  = myself.rank + 1;        nextrank.rank *= (nextrank.rank <= num_procs - 1);        gettimeofday(&start, NULL);        CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlPut(potato_launcher_handle, 0, potato_launcher.length,                               (LOOPS == 1) ? PTL_OC_ACK_REQ : PTL_NO_ACK_REQ,                               nextrank, logical_pt_index, 1, 0, NULL, 1));    }    {                                  /* the potato-passing loop */        size_t         waitfor;        ptl_ct_event_t ctc;        ptl_process_t  nextrank;        nextrank.rank  = myself.rank + 1;        nextrank.rank *= (nextrank.rank <= num_procs - 1);        for (waitfor = 1; waitfor <= LOOPS; ++waitfor) {            do {                ptl_event_t event;                CHECK_RETURNVAL(PtlEQWait(pt_eq_handle, &event));       // wait for potato                if (event.type != PTL_EVENT_PUT) {                    printf("unexpected event: %i/n", (int)event.type);                } else {                    break;                }            } while (1);            /* I have the potato! *///.........这里部分代码省略.........


void IRenderPass::assignDrawBuffer(GLenum buf) {  APPEND(_drawBuffers,buf);  flags|=RP_SET_DRAW_BUFFERS;}


C++ APPL_LOG函数代码示例
C++ APLOGNO函数代码示例