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自学教程:C++ zpool_close函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-03 12:02:10
这篇教程C++ zpool_close函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中zpool_close函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ zpool_close函数的具体用法?C++ zpool_close怎么用?C++ zpool_close使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: add_pool

/* * Callback function for pool_list_get().  Adds the given pool to the AVL tree * of known pools. */static intadd_pool(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *data){	zpool_list_t *zlp = data;	zpool_node_t *node = safe_malloc(sizeof (zpool_node_t));	uu_avl_index_t idx;	node->zn_handle = zhp;	uu_avl_node_init(node, &node->zn_avlnode, zlp->zl_pool);	if (uu_avl_find(zlp->zl_avl, node, NULL, &idx) == NULL) {		if (zlp->zl_proplist &&		    zpool_expand_proplist(zhp, zlp->zl_proplist) != 0) {			zpool_close(zhp);			free(node);			return (-1);		}		uu_avl_insert(zlp->zl_avl, node, idx);	} else {		zpool_close(zhp);		free(node);		return (-1);	}	return (0);}

示例2: zfs_mark_pool

/*ARGSUSED*/static intzfs_mark_pool(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *unused){	zfs_case_t *zcp;	uint64_t pool_guid;	nvlist_t *config, *vd;	int ret;	pool_guid = zpool_get_prop_int(zhp, ZPOOL_PROP_GUID, NULL);	/*	 * Mark any cases associated with just this pool.	 */	for (zcp = uu_list_first(zfs_cases); zcp != NULL;	    zcp = uu_list_next(zfs_cases, zcp)) {		if (zcp->zc_data.zc_pool_guid == pool_guid &&		    zcp->zc_data.zc_vdev_guid == 0)			zcp->zc_present = B_TRUE;	}	if ((config = zpool_get_config(zhp, NULL)) == NULL) {		zpool_close(zhp);		return (-1);	}	ret = nvlist_lookup_nvlist(config, ZPOOL_CONFIG_VDEV_TREE, &vd);	assert(ret == 0);	zfs_mark_vdev(pool_guid, vd);	zpool_close(zhp);	return (0);}

示例3: fmd_fmri_present

intfmd_fmri_present(nvlist_t *nvl){	uint64_t pool_guid, vdev_guid;	cbdata_t cb;	int ret;	(void) nvlist_lookup_uint64(nvl, FM_FMRI_ZFS_POOL, &pool_guid);	cb.cb_guid = pool_guid;	cb.cb_pool = NULL;	if (zpool_iter(g_zfs, find_pool, &cb) != 1)		return (0);	if (nvlist_lookup_uint64(nvl, FM_FMRI_ZFS_VDEV, &vdev_guid) != 0) {		zpool_close(cb.cb_pool);		return (1);	}	ret = (find_vdev(cb.cb_pool, vdev_guid) != NULL);	zpool_close(cb.cb_pool);	return (ret);}

示例4: zpool_open_silent

/* * Like the above, but silent on error.  Used when iterating over pools (because * the configuration cache may be out of date). */intzpool_open_silent(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, const char *pool, zpool_handle_t **ret){	zpool_handle_t *zhp;	boolean_t missing;	if ((zhp = zfs_alloc(hdl, sizeof (zpool_handle_t))) == NULL)		return (-1);	zhp->zpool_hdl = hdl;	(void) strlcpy(zhp->zpool_name, pool, sizeof (zhp->zpool_name));	if (zpool_refresh_stats(zhp, &missing) != 0) {		zpool_close(zhp);		return (-1);	}	if (missing) {		zpool_close(zhp);		*ret = NULL;		return (0);	}	*ret = zhp;	return (0);}

示例5: fmd_fmri_replaced

intfmd_fmri_replaced(nvlist_t *nvl){	uint64_t pool_guid, vdev_guid;	cbdata_t cb;	int ret;	(void) nvlist_lookup_uint64(nvl, FM_FMRI_ZFS_POOL, &pool_guid);	cb.cb_guid = pool_guid;	cb.cb_pool = NULL;	if (zpool_iter(g_zfs, find_pool, &cb) != 1)		return (FMD_OBJ_STATE_NOT_PRESENT);	if (nvlist_lookup_uint64(nvl, FM_FMRI_ZFS_VDEV, &vdev_guid) != 0) {		zpool_close(cb.cb_pool);		return (FMD_OBJ_STATE_STILL_PRESENT);	}	ret = (find_vdev(cb.cb_pool, vdev_guid) != NULL) ?	    FMD_OBJ_STATE_STILL_PRESENT : FMD_OBJ_STATE_NOT_PRESENT;	zpool_close(cb.cb_pool);	return (ret);}

示例6: set_bootfs

/* * Function:	set_bootfs * Description:	Sets the bootfs property on the boot pool to be the *		root dataset of the activated BE. * Parameters: *		boot_pool - The pool we're setting bootfs in. *		be_root_ds - The main dataset for the BE. * Return: *		BE_SUCCESS - Success *		be_errno_t - Failure * Scope: *		Private */static intset_bootfs(char *boot_rpool, char *be_root_ds){	zpool_handle_t *zhp;	int err = BE_SUCCESS;	if ((zhp = zpool_open(g_zfs, boot_rpool)) == NULL) {		be_print_err(gettext("set_bootfs: failed to open pool "		    "(%s): %s/n"), boot_rpool, libzfs_error_description(g_zfs));		err = zfs_err_to_be_err(g_zfs);		return (err);	}	err = zpool_set_prop(zhp, "bootfs", be_root_ds);	if (err) {		be_print_err(gettext("set_bootfs: failed to set "		    "bootfs property for pool %s: %s/n"), boot_rpool,		    libzfs_error_description(g_zfs));		err = zfs_err_to_be_err(g_zfs);		zpool_close(zhp);		return (err);	}	zpool_close(zhp);	return (BE_SUCCESS);}

示例7: ztop

/* * given the path to a zvol, return the cXtYdZ name * returns < 0 on error, 0 if it isn't a zvol, > 1 on success */static intztop(char *arg, char *diskname){	zpool_handle_t *zpool_handle;	nvlist_t *config, *nvroot;	nvlist_t **child;	uint_t children;	libzfs_handle_t *lzfs;	char *vname;	char *p;	char pool_name[MAXPATHLEN];	if (strncmp(arg, "/dev/zvol/dsk/", 14)) {		return (0);	}	arg += 14;	(void) strncpy(pool_name, arg, MAXPATHLEN);	if ((p = strchr(pool_name, '/')) != NULL)		*p = '/0';	STRCPYLIM(new_cc.cf_fs, p + 1, "statefile path");	if ((lzfs = libzfs_init()) == NULL) {		mesg(MERR, "failed to initialize ZFS library/n");		return (-1);	}	if ((zpool_handle = zpool_open(lzfs, pool_name)) == NULL) {		mesg(MERR, "couldn't open pool '%s'/n", pool_name);		libzfs_fini(lzfs);		return (-1);	}	config = zpool_get_config(zpool_handle, NULL);	if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist(config, ZPOOL_CONFIG_VDEV_TREE,	    &nvroot) != 0) {		zpool_close(zpool_handle);		libzfs_fini(lzfs);		return (-1);	}	verify(nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array(nvroot, ZPOOL_CONFIG_CHILDREN,	    &child, &children) == 0);	if (children != 1) {		mesg(MERR, "expected one vdev, got %d/n", children);		zpool_close(zpool_handle);		libzfs_fini(lzfs);		return (-1);	}	vname = zpool_vdev_name(lzfs, zpool_handle, child[0], B_FALSE);	if (vname == NULL) {		mesg(MERR, "couldn't determine vdev name/n");		zpool_close(zpool_handle);		libzfs_fini(lzfs);		return (-1);	}	(void) strcpy(diskname, "/dev/dsk/");	(void) strcat(diskname, vname);	free(vname);	zpool_close(zpool_handle);	libzfs_fini(lzfs);	return (1);}

示例8: zfsdle_vdev_online

static intzfsdle_vdev_online(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *data){    char *devname = data;    boolean_t avail_spare, l2cache;    vdev_state_t newstate;    nvlist_t *tgt;    zed_log_msg(LOG_INFO, "zfsdle_vdev_online: searching for '%s' in '%s'",                devname, zpool_get_name(zhp));    if ((tgt = zpool_find_vdev_by_physpath(zhp, devname,                                           &avail_spare, &l2cache, NULL)) != NULL) {        char *path, fullpath[MAXPATHLEN];        uint64_t wholedisk = 0ULL;        verify(nvlist_lookup_string(tgt, ZPOOL_CONFIG_PATH,                                    &path) == 0);        verify(nvlist_lookup_uint64(tgt, ZPOOL_CONFIG_WHOLE_DISK,                                    &wholedisk) == 0);        (void) strlcpy(fullpath, path, sizeof (fullpath));        if (wholedisk) {            char *spath = zfs_strip_partition(fullpath);            if (!spath) {                zed_log_msg(LOG_INFO, "%s: Can't alloc",                            __func__);                return (0);            }            (void) strlcpy(fullpath, spath, sizeof (fullpath));            free(spath);            /*             * We need to reopen the pool associated with this             * device so that the kernel can update the size             * of the expanded device.             */            (void) zpool_reopen(zhp);        }        if (zpool_get_prop_int(zhp, ZPOOL_PROP_AUTOEXPAND, NULL)) {            zed_log_msg(LOG_INFO, "zfsdle_vdev_online: setting "                        "device '%s' to ONLINE state in pool '%s'",                        fullpath, zpool_get_name(zhp));            if (zpool_get_state(zhp) != POOL_STATE_UNAVAIL)                (void) zpool_vdev_online(zhp, fullpath, 0,                                         &newstate);        }        zpool_close(zhp);        return (1);    }    zpool_close(zhp);    return (0);}

示例9: zfs_mark_pool

/*ARGSUSED*/static intzfs_mark_pool(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *unused){	zfs_case_t *zcp;	uint64_t pool_guid;	uint64_t *tod;	er_timeval_t loaded = { 0 };	nvlist_t *config, *vd;	uint_t nelem = 0;	int ret;	pool_guid = zpool_get_prop_int(zhp, ZPOOL_PROP_GUID, NULL);	/*	 * Mark any cases associated with just this pool.	 */	for (zcp = uu_list_first(zfs_cases); zcp != NULL;	    zcp = uu_list_next(zfs_cases, zcp)) {		if (zcp->zc_data.zc_pool_guid == pool_guid &&		    zcp->zc_data.zc_vdev_guid == 0)			zcp->zc_present = B_TRUE;	}	if ((config = zpool_get_config(zhp, NULL)) == NULL) {		zpool_close(zhp);		return (-1);	}	(void) nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(config, ZPOOL_CONFIG_LOADED_TIME,	    &tod, &nelem);	if (nelem == 2) {		loaded.ertv_sec = tod[0];		loaded.ertv_nsec = tod[1];		for (zcp = uu_list_first(zfs_cases); zcp != NULL;		    zcp = uu_list_next(zfs_cases, zcp)) {			if (zcp->zc_data.zc_pool_guid == pool_guid &&			    zcp->zc_data.zc_vdev_guid == 0) {				zcp->zc_when = loaded;			}		}	}	ret = nvlist_lookup_nvlist(config, ZPOOL_CONFIG_VDEV_TREE, &vd);	if (ret) {		zpool_close(zhp);		return (-1);	}	zfs_mark_vdev(pool_guid, vd, &loaded);	zpool_close(zhp);	return (0);}

示例10: name_or_guid_exists

static intname_or_guid_exists(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *data){	importargs_t *import = data;	int found = 0;	if (import->poolname != NULL) {		char *pool_name;		verify(nvlist_lookup_string(zhp->zpool_config,		    ZPOOL_CONFIG_POOL_NAME, &pool_name) == 0);		if (strcmp(pool_name, import->poolname) == 0)			found = 1;	} else {		uint64_t pool_guid;		verify(nvlist_lookup_uint64(zhp->zpool_config,		    ZPOOL_CONFIG_POOL_GUID, &pool_guid) == 0);		if (pool_guid == import->guid)			found = 1;	}	zpool_close(zhp);	return (found);}

示例11: find_aux

static intfind_aux(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *data){	aux_cbdata_t *cbp = data;	nvlist_t **list;	uint_t i, count;	uint64_t guid;	nvlist_t *nvroot;	verify(nvlist_lookup_nvlist(zhp->zpool_config, ZPOOL_CONFIG_VDEV_TREE,	    &nvroot) == 0);	if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array(nvroot, cbp->cb_type,	    &list, &count) == 0) {		for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {			verify(nvlist_lookup_uint64(list[i],			    ZPOOL_CONFIG_GUID, &guid) == 0);			if (guid == cbp->cb_guid) {				cbp->cb_zhp = zhp;				return (1);			}		}	}	zpool_close(zhp);	return (0);}

示例12: zpool_find_load_time

static intzpool_find_load_time(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *arg){	struct load_time_arg *lta = arg;	uint64_t pool_guid;	uint64_t *tod;	nvlist_t *config;	uint_t nelem;	if (lta->lt_found)		return (0);	pool_guid = zpool_get_prop_int(zhp, ZPOOL_PROP_GUID, NULL);	if (pool_guid != lta->lt_guid)		return (0);	if ((config = zpool_get_config(zhp, NULL)) == NULL) {		zpool_close(zhp);		return (-1);	}	if (nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(config, ZPOOL_CONFIG_LOADED_TIME,	    &tod, &nelem) == 0 && nelem == 2) {		lta->lt_found = B_TRUE;		lta->lt_time->ertv_sec = tod[0];		lta->lt_time->ertv_nsec = tod[1];	}	return (0);}

示例13: zfs_enable_ds

voidzfs_enable_ds(void *arg){	unavailpool_t *pool = (unavailpool_t *)arg;	(void) zpool_enable_datasets(pool->uap_zhp, NULL, 0);	zpool_close(pool->uap_zhp);	free(pool);}

示例14: pool_list_remove

/* * Remove the given pool from the list.  When running iostat, we want to remove * those pools that no longer exist. */voidpool_list_remove(zpool_list_t *zlp, zpool_handle_t *zhp){	zpool_node_t search, *node;	search.zn_handle = zhp;	if ((node = uu_avl_find(zlp->zl_avl, &search, NULL, NULL)) != NULL) {		uu_avl_remove(zlp->zl_avl, node);		zpool_close(node->zn_handle);		free(node);	}}

示例15: find_pool

static intfind_pool(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *data){	find_cbdata_t *cbp = data;	if (cbp->cb_guid == zpool_get_guid(zhp)) {		cbp->cb_zhp = zhp;		return (1);	}	zpool_close(zhp);	return (0);}

示例16: zpool_open_canfail

/* * Open a handle to the given pool, even if the pool is currently in the FAULTED * state. */zpool_handle_t *zpool_open_canfail(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, const char *pool){	zpool_handle_t *zhp;	boolean_t missing;	/*	 * Make sure the pool name is valid.	 */	if (!zpool_name_valid(hdl, B_TRUE, pool)) {		(void) zfs_error(hdl, EZFS_INVALIDNAME,		    dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN, "cannot open '%s'"),		    pool);		return (NULL);	}	if ((zhp = zfs_alloc(hdl, sizeof (zpool_handle_t))) == NULL)		return (NULL);	zhp->zpool_hdl = hdl;	(void) strlcpy(zhp->zpool_name, pool, sizeof (zhp->zpool_name));	if (zpool_refresh_stats(zhp, &missing) != 0) {		zpool_close(zhp);		return (NULL);	}	if (missing) {		zfs_error_aux(hdl, dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN,		    "no such pool"));		(void) zfs_error(hdl, EZFS_NOENT,		    dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN, "cannot open '%s'"),		    pool);		zpool_close(zhp);		return (NULL);	}	return (zhp);}

示例17: fmd_fmri_unusable

intfmd_fmri_unusable(nvlist_t *nvl){	uint64_t pool_guid, vdev_guid;	cbdata_t cb;	nvlist_t *vd;	int ret;	(void) nvlist_lookup_uint64(nvl, FM_FMRI_ZFS_POOL, &pool_guid);	cb.cb_guid = pool_guid;	cb.cb_pool = NULL;	if (zpool_iter(g_zfs, find_pool, &cb) != 1)		return (1);	if (nvlist_lookup_uint64(nvl, FM_FMRI_ZFS_VDEV, &vdev_guid) != 0) {		ret = (zpool_get_state(cb.cb_pool) == POOL_STATE_UNAVAIL);		zpool_close(cb.cb_pool);		return (ret);	}	vd = find_vdev(cb.cb_pool, vdev_guid);	if (vd == NULL) {		ret = 1;	} else {		vdev_stat_t *vs;		uint_t c;		(void) nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(vd, ZPOOL_CONFIG_STATS,		    (uint64_t **)&vs, &c);		ret = (vs->vs_state < VDEV_STATE_DEGRADED);	}	zpool_close(cb.cb_pool);	return (ret);}

示例18: zfs_enable_ds

static void *zfs_enable_ds(void *arg){    unavailpool_t *pool = (unavailpool_t *)arg;    assert(pool->uap_enable_tid = pthread_self());    (void) zpool_enable_datasets(pool->uap_zhp, NULL, 0);    zpool_close(pool->uap_zhp);    pool->uap_zhp = NULL;    /* Note: zfs_slm_fini() will cleanup this pool entry on exit */    return (NULL);}

示例19: find_pool

static intfind_pool(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *data){	cbdata_t *cbp = data;	if (zpool_get_prop_int(zhp, ZPOOL_PROP_GUID, NULL) == cbp->cb_guid) {		cbp->cb_pool = zhp;		return (1);	}	zpool_close(zhp);	return (0);}

示例20: find_root_device_from_libzfs

static char *find_root_device_from_libzfs (const char *dir){  char *device;  char *poolname;  char *poolfs;  grub_find_zpool_from_dir (dir, &poolname, &poolfs);  if (! poolname)    return NULL;  {    zpool_handle_t *zpool;    libzfs_handle_t *libzfs;    nvlist_t *nvlist;    nvlist_t **nvlist_array;    unsigned int nvlist_count;    libzfs = grub_get_libzfs_handle ();    if (! libzfs)      return NULL;    zpool = zpool_open (libzfs, poolname);    nvlist = zpool_get_config (zpool, NULL);    if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist (nvlist, "vdev_tree", &nvlist) != 0)      error (1, errno, "nvlist_lookup_nvlist (/"vdev_tree/")");    if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array (nvlist, "children", &nvlist_array, &nvlist_count) != 0)      error (1, errno, "nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array (/"children/")");    do      {	assert (nvlist_count > 0);      } while (nvlist_lookup_nvlist_array (nvlist_array[0], "children",					   &nvlist_array, &nvlist_count) == 0);    if (nvlist_lookup_string (nvlist_array[0], "path", &device) != 0)      error (1, errno, "nvlist_lookup_string (/"path/")");    zpool_close (zpool);  }  free (poolname);  if (poolfs)    free (poolfs);  return device;}

示例21: zfs_iter_pool

static intzfs_iter_pool(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *data){    nvlist_t *config, *nvl;    dev_data_t *dp = data;    uint64_t pool_guid;    unavailpool_t *pool;    zed_log_msg(LOG_INFO, "zfs_iter_pool: evaluating vdevs on %s (by %s)",                zpool_get_name(zhp), dp->dd_vdev_guid ? "GUID" : dp->dd_prop);    /*     * For each vdev in this pool, look for a match to apply dd_func     */    if ((config = zpool_get_config(zhp, NULL)) != NULL) {        if (dp->dd_pool_guid == 0 ||                (nvlist_lookup_uint64(config, ZPOOL_CONFIG_POOL_GUID,                                      &pool_guid) == 0 && pool_guid == dp->dd_pool_guid)) {            (void) nvlist_lookup_nvlist(config,                                        ZPOOL_CONFIG_VDEV_TREE, &nvl);            zfs_iter_vdev(zhp, nvl, data);        }    }    /*     * if this pool was originally unavailable,     * then enable its datasets asynchronously     */    if (g_enumeration_done)  {        for (pool = list_head(&g_pool_list); pool != NULL;                pool = list_next(&g_pool_list, pool)) {            if (pool->uap_enable_tid != 0)                continue;	/* entry already processed */            if (strcmp(zpool_get_name(zhp),                       zpool_get_name(pool->uap_zhp)))                continue;            if (zfs_toplevel_state(zhp) >= VDEV_STATE_DEGRADED) {                /* send to a background thread; keep on list */                (void) pthread_create(&pool->uap_enable_tid,                                      NULL, zfs_enable_ds, pool);                break;            }        }    }    zpool_close(zhp);    return (dp->dd_found);	/* cease iteration after a match */}

示例22: zfs_unavail_pool

static intzfs_unavail_pool(zpool_handle_t *zhp, void *data){	zed_log_msg(LOG_INFO, "zfs_unavail_pool: examining '%s' (state %d)",	    zpool_get_name(zhp), (int)zfs_toplevel_state(zhp));	if (zfs_toplevel_state(zhp) < VDEV_STATE_DEGRADED) {		unavailpool_t *uap;		uap = malloc(sizeof (unavailpool_t));		uap->uap_zhp = zhp;		list_insert_tail((list_t *)data, uap);	} else {		zpool_close(zhp);	}	return (0);}

示例23: zpool_open

/* * Similar to zpool_open_canfail(), but refuses to open pools in the faulted * state. */zpool_handle_t *zpool_open(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, const char *pool){	zpool_handle_t *zhp;	if ((zhp = zpool_open_canfail(hdl, pool)) == NULL)		return (NULL);	if (zhp->zpool_state == POOL_STATE_UNAVAIL) {		(void) zfs_error(hdl, EZFS_POOLUNAVAIL,		    dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN, "cannot open '%s'"), zhp->zpool_name);		zpool_close(zhp);		return (NULL);	}	return (zhp);}

示例24: lzwu_find_spare

int lzwu_find_spare(zpool_handle_t *p_zpool, void *data){        spare_cbdata_t *cbp = (spare_cbdata_t*)data;        nvlist_t *config, *pnv_root;        config = zpool_get_config(p_zpool, NULL);        verify(nvlist_lookup_nvlist(config, ZPOOL_CONFIG_VDEV_TREE,            &pnv_root) == 0);        if(lzwu_zpool_find_vdev(pnv_root, cbp->cb_guid))        {                cbp->cb_zhp = p_zpool;                return 1;        }        zpool_close(p_zpool);        return 0;}

示例25: zpool_get_stats

intzpool_get_stats(zpool_handle_t * zhp, void * data) {	config_t * cnf = (config_t *)data;	uint_t c;    boolean_t missing;	nvlist_t * nv, * config;	vdev_stat_t * vs;    if (zpool_refresh_stats(zhp, &missing) != 0)		return 1;	config = zpool_get_config(zhp, NULL);	if (nvlist_lookup_nvlist(config,                ZPOOL_CONFIG_VDEV_TREE, &nv) != 0) {                return 1;        }        if (nvlist_lookup_uint64_array(nv,                ZPOOL_CONFIG_VDEV_STATS, (uint64_t **)&vs, &c) != 0) {                return 1;        }	if (!strcmp(zpool_get_name(zhp), cnf->zname)) {		cnf->zpool.read_ops  = vs->vs_ops[ZIO_TYPE_READ];					cnf->zpool.write_ops = vs->vs_ops[ZIO_TYPE_WRITE];		cnf->zpool.read_bts  = vs->vs_bytes[ZIO_TYPE_READ];		cnf->zpool.write_bts = vs->vs_bytes[ZIO_TYPE_WRITE];		cnf->zpool.alloc = vs->vs_alloc;		cnf->zpool.free = vs->vs_space - vs->vs_alloc;		cnf->zpool.health = zpool_get_health(zhp);		cnf->zpool.dedupratio = zpool_get_dedupratio(zhp);		cnf->zpool.name = zpool_get_poolname(zhp);		cnf->zpool.ddt_memory = get_dedup_stats(config);	}	zpool_close(zhp);	return 0;}

示例26: pool_active

/* * Returns true if the named pool matches the given GUID. */static intpool_active(libzfs_handle_t *hdl, const char *name, uint64_t guid,    boolean_t *isactive){	zpool_handle_t *zhp;	uint64_t theguid;	if (zpool_open_silent(hdl, name, &zhp) != 0)		return (-1);	if (zhp == NULL) {		*isactive = B_FALSE;		return (0);	}	verify(nvlist_lookup_uint64(zhp->zpool_config, ZPOOL_CONFIG_POOL_GUID,	    &theguid) == 0);	zpool_close(zhp);	*isactive = (theguid == guid);	return (0);}

示例27: fmd_fmri_nvl2str

ssize_tfmd_fmri_nvl2str(nvlist_t *nvl, char *buf, size_t buflen){	uint64_t pool_guid, vdev_guid;	cbdata_t cb;	ssize_t len;	const char *name;	char guidbuf[64];	(void) nvlist_lookup_uint64(nvl, FM_FMRI_ZFS_POOL, &pool_guid);	/*	 * Attempt to convert the pool guid to a name.	 */	cb.cb_guid = pool_guid;	cb.cb_pool = NULL;	if (zpool_iter(g_zfs, find_pool, &cb) == 1) {		name = zpool_get_name(cb.cb_pool);	} else {		(void) snprintf(guidbuf, sizeof (guidbuf), "%llx", pool_guid);		name = guidbuf;	}	if (nvlist_lookup_uint64(nvl, FM_FMRI_ZFS_VDEV, &vdev_guid) == 0)		len = snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s://pool=%s/vdev=%llx",		    FM_FMRI_SCHEME_ZFS, name, vdev_guid);	else		len = snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s://pool=%s",		    FM_FMRI_SCHEME_ZFS, name);	if (cb.cb_pool)		zpool_close(cb.cb_pool);	return (len);}


C++ zprintf函数代码示例
C++ zpoller_new函数代码示例