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自学教程:C++ zprintf函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-03 12:02:10
这篇教程C++ zprintf函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中zprintf函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ zprintf函数的具体用法?C++ zprintf怎么用?C++ zprintf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: v4l2_reset_crop

static inline int v4l2_reset_crop (zbar_video_t *vdo){    /* check cropping */    struct v4l2_cropcap ccap;    memset(&ccap, 0, sizeof(ccap));    ccap.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;    if(ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOC_CROPCAP, &ccap) < 0)        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_SYSTEM, __func__,                           "querying crop support (VIDIOC_CROPCAP)"));    zprintf(1, "crop bounds: %d x %d @ (%d, %d)/n",            ccap.bounds.width, ccap.bounds.height,            ccap.bounds.left, ccap.bounds.top);    zprintf(1, "current crop win: %d x %d @ (%d, %d) aspect %d / %d/n",            ccap.defrect.width, ccap.defrect.height,            ccap.defrect.left, ccap.defrect.top,            ccap.pixelaspect.numerator, ccap.pixelaspect.denominator);    if(!vdo->width || !vdo->height) {        vdo->width = ccap.defrect.width;        vdo->height = ccap.defrect.height;    }    /* reset crop parameters */    struct v4l2_crop crop;    memset(&crop, 0, sizeof(crop));    crop.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;    crop.c = ccap.defrect;    if(ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOC_S_CROP, &crop) < 0 && errno != EINVAL)        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_SYSTEM, __func__,                           "setting default crop window (VIDIOC_S_CROP)"));    return(0);}

示例2: wht_printf_scaled_bidir

void wht_printf_scaled_bidir(const struct wht *w1, unsigned int b1,			     const struct wht *w2, unsigned int b2,			     zfile f) {  int64_t s[4];  uint64_t n = b1 + b2;  if (n == 0) {    return;    /* there was no data, so there is no WHT to print */  }  /* combine each direction */  s[0] = w1->spectrum[0] + w2->spectrum[0];    s[1] = w1->spectrum[1] + w2->spectrum[1];    s[2] = w1->spectrum[2] + w2->spectrum[2];    s[3] = w1->spectrum[3] + w2->spectrum[3];    zprintf(f, ",/"wht/":[%.5g,%.5g,%.5g,%.5g]",	  (float) s[0] / n, 	  (float) s[1] / n,	  (float) s[2] / n,	  (float) s[3] / n);#if 0  zprintf(f, ",/"RAW1/":[%d,%d,%d,%d]",	  w1->spectrum[0], 	  w1->spectrum[1],	  w1->spectrum[2],	  w1->spectrum[3]);  zprintf(f, ",/"RAW2/":[%d,%d,%d,%d]",	  w1->spectrum[0], 	  w1->spectrum[1],	  w1->spectrum[2],	  w1->spectrum[3]);#endif }

示例3: _zbar_video_open

int _zbar_video_open (zbar_video_t *vdo,                      const char *dev){    vdo->fd = open(dev, O_RDWR);    if(vdo->fd < 0)        return(err_capture_str(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_SYSTEM, __func__,                               "opening video device '%s'", dev));    zprintf(1, "opened camera device %s (fd=%d)/n", dev, vdo->fd);    int rc = -1;#ifdef HAVE_LINUX_VIDEODEV2_H    if(vdo->intf != VIDEO_V4L1)        rc = _zbar_v4l2_probe(vdo);    if(rc)#else    zprintf(1, "WARNING: not compiled with v4l2 support, trying v4l1/n");#endif        rc = _zbar_v4l1_probe(vdo);    if(rc && vdo->fd >= 0) {        close(vdo->fd);        vdo->fd = -1;    }    return(rc);}

示例4: slice

void slice(){  slice_vertical_position = getbits(8);  zprintf(3, "/nslice_start_code = 0x000001%02X/n", slice_vertical_position);  if (vertical_size > 2800)  {    slice_vertical_position_extension = getbits(3);    zprintf(3, "  slice_vertical_position_extension = %d/n", slice_vertical_position_extension);	 mb_row = (slice_vertical_position_extension << 7) + slice_vertical_position - 1;  }  else	 mb_row = slice_vertical_position - 1;  previous_macroblock_address = (mb_row * mb_width) - 1;  if (sequence_scalable_extension_present == 1)    if (scalable_mode == DATA_PARTITIONING)      zprintf(3, "  priority_breakpoint = %d/n", getbits(7));  zprintf(3, "  quantiser_scale_code = %d/n", getbits(5));  if (nextbits(1) == 1)  {    zprintf(3, "  intra_slice_flag = %d/n", get1bit());    zprintf(3, "  intra_slice = %d/n", get1bit());    zprintf(3, "  reserve_bits = %d/n", getbits(7));    while (nextbits(1) == 1)    {      zprintf(3, "  extra_bit_slice = %d/n", get1bit());      zprintf(3, "  extra_information_slice = %d/n", getbits(8));    }  }  zprintf(3, "  extra_bit_slice = %d/n", get1bit());//  do//    macroblock();//  while (nextbits(23) != 0);  next_start_code();}

示例5: cmd_add_cid

int cmd_add_cid(proc_add_cid_t rec) {	uint16_t addr=rec.token.addr;	if( addr < GP_START_TICKET_BOUND ) {		addr=devices[rec.dev].bound_token;	}		uint64_t cid2=db_get_cid_by_a(addr);	if ( cid2 != 0 && cid2 != rec.token.cid ) {		zprintf(3, "Conflict in db was: 0x%016llX, new: 0x%016llX for addr: 0x%04x/n", cid2, rec.token.cid, addr);		return 0;	}		gp_token_rec_t t2;		memset(&t2, 0, sizeof(gp_token_rec_t));	int2bin(t2.cid, rec.token.cid, 6, devices[rec.dev].cid_revert);	t2.attr=rec.token.attr; 	t2.schedule_mask=rec.token.schedule_mask;	//	t2.attr=0; t2.schedule_mask=0xFF; t2.schedule_mask=1;		zprintf(7,"Writing  cid: 0x%012llX, dev=%d, addr=0x%04X, mask=0x%02X/n", 		rec.token.cid, rec.dev, addr, rec.token.schedule_mask);	ad_set_token(AD_Q_SECOND, rec.dev, addr, &t2, 1);		if( addr >= devices[rec.dev].bound_token ) {		devices[rec.dev].bound_token = addr + sizeof(gp_token_rec_t);		gp_cfg.max_bound_token=MAX(gp_cfg.max_bound_token,devices[rec.dev].bound_token);		ad_set_token_bound(AD_Q_SECOND, rec.dev, devices[rec.dev].bound_token);	}	return 1;}

示例6: video_init_images

static inline int video_init_images (zbar_video_t *vdo){    int i;    assert(vdo->datalen);    if(vdo->iomode != VIDEO_MMAP) {        assert(!vdo->buf);        vdo->buflen = vdo->num_images * vdo->datalen;        vdo->buf = calloc(1, vdo->buflen);        if(!vdo->buf)            return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_FATAL, ZBAR_ERR_NOMEM, __func__,                               "unable to allocate image buffers"));        zprintf(1, "pre-allocated %d %s buffers size=0x%lx/n", vdo->num_images,                (vdo->iomode == VIDEO_READWRITE) ? "READ" : "USERPTR",                vdo->buflen);    }    for(i = 0; i < vdo->num_images; i++) {        zbar_image_t *img = vdo->images[i];        img->format = vdo->format;        zbar_image_set_size(img, vdo->width, vdo->height);        if(vdo->iomode != VIDEO_MMAP) {            unsigned long offset = i * vdo->datalen;            img->datalen = vdo->datalen;            img->data = (uint8_t*)vdo->buf + offset;            zprintf(2, "    [%02d] @%08lx/n", i, offset);        }    }    return(0);}

示例7: v4l2_set_format

static int v4l2_set_format (zbar_video_t *vdo,                            uint32_t fmt){    struct v4l2_format vfmt;    struct v4l2_pix_format *vpix = &vfmt.fmt.pix;    memset(&vfmt, 0, sizeof(vfmt));    vfmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;    vpix->width = vdo->width;    vpix->height = vdo->height;    vpix->pixelformat = fmt;    vpix->field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;    int rc = 0;    if((rc = ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &vfmt)) < 0) {        /* several broken drivers return an error if we request         * no interlacing (NB v4l2 spec violation)         * ...try again with an interlaced request         */        zprintf(1, "VIDIOC_S_FMT returned %d(%d), trying interlaced.../n",                rc, errno);        /* FIXME this might be _ANY once we can de-interlace */        vpix->field = V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED;        if(ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &vfmt) < 0)            return(err_capture_int(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_SYSTEM, __func__,                                   "setting format %x (VIDIOC_S_FMT)", fmt));        zprintf(0, "WARNING: broken driver returned error when non-interlaced"                " format requested/n");    }    struct v4l2_format newfmt;    struct v4l2_pix_format *newpix = &newfmt.fmt.pix;    memset(&newfmt, 0, sizeof(newfmt));    newfmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;    if(ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOC_G_FMT, &newfmt) < 0)        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_SYSTEM, __func__,                           "querying format (VIDIOC_G_FMT)"));    if(newpix->field != V4L2_FIELD_NONE)        err_capture(vdo, SEV_WARNING, ZBAR_ERR_INVALID, __func__,                    "video driver only supports interlaced format,"                    " vertical scanning may not work");    if(newpix->pixelformat != fmt       /* FIXME bpl/bpp checks? */)        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_INVALID, __func__,                           "video driver can't provide compatible format"));    vdo->format = fmt;    vdo->width = newpix->width;    vdo->height = newpix->height;    vdo->datalen = newpix->sizeimage;    zprintf(1, "set new format: %.4s(%08x) %u x %u (0x%lx)/n",            (char*)&vdo->format, vdo->format, vdo->width, vdo->height,            vdo->datalen);    return(0);}

示例8: _zbar_v4l2_probe

int _zbar_v4l2_probe (zbar_video_t *vdo){    /* check capabilities */    struct v4l2_capability vcap;    memset(&vcap, 0, sizeof(vcap));    if(ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &vcap) < 0)        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_WARNING, ZBAR_ERR_UNSUPPORTED, __func__,                           "video4linux version 2 not supported (VIDIOC_QUERYCAP)"));        zprintf(1, "%.32s on %.32s driver %.16s (version %u.%u.%u)/n", vcap.card,            (vcap.bus_info[0]) ? (char*)vcap.bus_info : "<unknown>",            vcap.driver, (vcap.version >> 16) & 0xff,            (vcap.version >> 8) & 0xff, vcap.version & 0xff);    zprintf(1, "    capabilities:%s%s%s%s/n",            (vcap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE) ? " CAPTURE" : "",            (vcap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_OVERLAY) ? " OVERLAY" : "",            (vcap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_READWRITE) ? " READWRITE" : "",            (vcap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_STREAMING) ? " STREAMING" : "");    if(!(vcap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE) ||       !(vcap.capabilities & (V4L2_CAP_READWRITE | V4L2_CAP_STREAMING)))        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_WARNING, ZBAR_ERR_UNSUPPORTED, __func__,                           "v4l2 device does not support usable CAPTURE"));    if(v4l2_reset_crop(vdo))        /* ignoring errors (driver cropping support questionable) */;    if(!vdo->width || !vdo->height) {        /* fallback to large size, driver reduces to max available */        vdo->width = 640 * 64;        vdo->height = 480 * 64;    }    if(v4l2_probe_formats(vdo))        return(-1);    /* FIXME report error and fallback to readwrite? (if supported...) */    if(vdo->iomode != VIDEO_READWRITE &&       (vcap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_STREAMING) &&       v4l2_probe_iomode(vdo))        return(-1);    if(!vdo->iomode)        vdo->iomode = VIDEO_READWRITE;    zprintf(1, "using I/O mode: %s/n",            (vdo->iomode == VIDEO_READWRITE) ? "READWRITE" :            (vdo->iomode == VIDEO_MMAP) ? "MMAP" :            (vdo->iomode == VIDEO_USERPTR) ? "USERPTR" : "<UNKNOWN>");    vdo->intf = VIDEO_V4L2;    vdo->init = v4l2_init;    vdo->cleanup = v4l2_cleanup;    vdo->start = v4l2_start;    vdo->stop = v4l2_stop;    vdo->nq = v4l2_nq;    vdo->dq = v4l2_dq;    return(0);}

示例9: test_hex

void test_hex(void){    zprintf("%%8x  %8x</n", 0xabc);    zprintf("%%08x %08x</n", 0xabc);    zprintf("%%-8x %-8x</n", 0xabc);    zprintf("%%8X  %8X</n", 0xabc);    zprintf("%%8p  %8p</n", 0xabc);}

示例10: test_string

void test_string(void){    zprintf("<%c>/n", 'a');    zprintf("<%s>/n", "abcde");    zprintf("<%2s>/n", "abcde");    zprintf("<%10s>/n", "abcde");    zprintf("<%-10s>/n", "abcde");}

示例11: picture_temporal_scalable_extension

void picture_temporal_scalable_extension(){  zprintf(1, "  picture_temporal_scalable_extension_id = %01X/n", getbits(4));  zprintf(2, "  reference_select_code = %d/n", getbits(2));  zprintf(2, "  forward_temporal_reference = %d/n", getbits(10));  zprintf(2, "  marker bit = %d/n", get1bit());  zprintf(2, "  backward_temporal_reference = %d/n", getbits(10));  next_start_code();}

示例12: zbar_image_write

int zbar_image_write (const zbar_image_t *img,                      const char *filebase){    int len = strlen(filebase) + 16;    char *filename = (char *)malloc(len);    int n = 0, rc = 0;    FILE *f;    zimg_hdr_t hdr;    strcpy(filename, filebase);    if((img->format & 0xff) >= ' ')        n = snprintf(filename, len, "%s.%.4s.zimg",                     filebase, (char*)&img->format);    else        n = snprintf(filename, len, "%s.%08" PRIx32 ".zimg",                     filebase, img->format);    assert(n < len - 1);    filename[len - 1] = '/0';    zprintf(1, "dumping %.4s(%08" PRIx32 ") image to %s/n",            (char*)&img->format, img->format, filename);    f = fopen(filename, "w");    if(!f) {#ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H        rc = errno;        zprintf(1, "ERROR opening %s: %s/n", filename, strerror(rc));#else        rc = 1;#endif        goto error;    }    hdr.magic = 0x676d697a;    hdr.format = img->format;    hdr.width = img->width;    hdr.height = img->height;    hdr.size = img->datalen;    if(fwrite(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 1, f) != 1 ||       fwrite(img->data, 1, img->datalen, f) != img->datalen) {#ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H        rc = errno;        zprintf(1, "ERROR writing %s: %s/n", filename, strerror(rc));#else        rc = 1;#endif        fclose(f);        goto error;    }    rc = fclose(f);error:    free(filename);    return(rc);}

示例13: cb_push_new_cid_default

int cb_push_new_cid_default (proc_add_cid_t rec) {	zprintf(4, "dev: %u, subdev: %u, ev: 0x%02x, cid: 0x%016llX/n",  			rec.dev, rec.subdev, rec.ev, rec.token.cid );		zprintf(8,"Writing  cid in all devs/n");		rec.token.schedule_mask=0xFF;	rec.token.attr=0;	return cmd_add_cid_to_all(rec);}

示例14: expand_format_string

static voidexpand_format_string(int error, const char *fmt, char *buf, int buf_chars){	const char *from;		/* pointer into fmt */	char *to;			/* pointer into buf */	char *errmsg;			/* expansion for %m */	char *trunc_msg = "Truncated NFS error message: ";	zoneid_t zoneid = getzoneid();	/*	 * Copy the given format string into the result buffer, expanding	 * %m as we go.  If the result buffer is too short, complain and	 * truncate the message.  (We don't expect this to ever happen,	 * though.)	 */	for (from = fmt, to = buf; *from; from++) {		if (to >= buf + buf_chars - 1) {			zprintf(zoneid, trunc_msg);			break;		}		if (*from == '%' && *(from+1) == 'm') {			errmsg = nfs_strerror(error);			/*			 * If there's an error message and room to display			 * it, copy it in.  If there's no message or not			 * enough room, try just printing an error number.			 * (We assume that the error value is in a			 * reasonable range.)  If there's no room for			 * anything, bail out.			 */			if (errmsg != NULL &&			    strlen(buf) + strlen(errmsg) < buf_chars) {				(void) strcpy(to, errmsg);				to += strlen(errmsg);			} else if (strlen(buf) + strlen("error XXX") <			    buf_chars) {				(void) sprintf(to, "error %d", error);				/*				 * Don't try to guess how many characters				 * were laid down.				 */				to = buf + strlen(buf);			} else {				zprintf(zoneid, trunc_msg);				break;			}			from++;		} else {			*to++ = *from;		}	}	*to = '/0';}

示例15: vfw_set_format

static int vfw_set_format (zbar_video_t *vdo,                           uint32_t fmt){    const zbar_format_def_t *fmtdef = _zbar_format_lookup(fmt);    if(!fmtdef->format)        return(err_capture_int(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_INVALID, __func__,                               "unsupported vfw format: %x", fmt));    BITMAPINFOHEADER *bih = vdo->state->bih;    assert(bih);    bih->biWidth = vdo->width;    bih->biHeight = vdo->height;    switch(fmtdef->group) {    case ZBAR_FMT_GRAY:        bih->biBitCount = 8;        break;    case ZBAR_FMT_YUV_PLANAR:    case ZBAR_FMT_YUV_PACKED:    case ZBAR_FMT_YUV_NV:        bih->biBitCount = 8 + (16 >> (fmtdef->p.yuv.xsub2 + fmtdef->p.yuv.ysub2));        break;    case ZBAR_FMT_RGB_PACKED:        bih->biBitCount = fmtdef->p.rgb.bpp * 8;        break;    default:        bih->biBitCount = 0;    }    bih->biClrUsed = bih->biClrImportant = 0;    bih->biCompression = fmt;    zprintf(8, "seting format: %.4s(%08x) " BIH_FMT "/n",            (char*)&fmt, fmt, BIH_FIELDS(bih));    if(!capSetVideoFormat(vdo->state->hwnd, bih, vdo->state->bi_size))        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_INVALID, __func__,                           "setting video format"));    if(!capGetVideoFormat(vdo->state->hwnd, bih, vdo->state->bi_size))        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_INVALID, __func__,                           "getting video format"));    if(bih->biCompression != fmt)        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_INVALID, __func__,                           "video format set ignored"));    vdo->format = fmt;    vdo->width = bih->biWidth;    vdo->height = bih->biHeight;    vdo->datalen = bih->biSizeImage;    zprintf(4, "set new format: %.4s(%08x) " BIH_FMT "/n",            (char*)&fmt, fmt, BIH_FIELDS(bih));    return(0);}

示例16: zprintf_nbytes

void zprintf_nbytes(zfile f, char *s, size_t len) {  char tmp[1024];    if (len > 1024) {    zprintf(f, "error: string longer than fixed buffer (length: %zu)/n", len);    return;  }  memcpy(tmp, s, len);  tmp[len] = 0;  zprintf(f, "%s", tmp);  }

示例17: dump_stats

static inline void dump_stats (const zbar_image_scanner_t *iscn){	zprintf(1, "symbol sets allocated   = %-4d/n", iscn->stat_syms_new);	zprintf(1, "    scanner syms in use = %-4d/trecycled  = %-4d/n",			iscn->stat_iscn_syms_inuse, iscn->stat_iscn_syms_recycle);	zprintf(1, "    image syms in use   = %-4d/trecycled  = %-4d/n",			iscn->stat_img_syms_inuse, iscn->stat_img_syms_recycle);	zprintf(1, "symbols allocated       = %-4d/n", iscn->stat_sym_new);	int i;	for(i = 0; i < RECYCLE_BUCKETS; i++)		zprintf(1, "     recycled[%d]        = %-4d/n",				i, iscn->stat_sym_recycle[i]);}

示例18: v4l2_mmap_buffers

static int v4l2_mmap_buffers (zbar_video_t *vdo){    struct v4l2_requestbuffers rb;    memset(&rb, 0, sizeof(rb));    rb.count = vdo->num_images;    rb.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;    rb.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;    if(ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &rb) < 0)        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_SYSTEM, __func__,                           "requesting video frame buffers (VIDIOC_REQBUFS)"));    zprintf(1, "mapping %u buffers (of %d requested)/n",            rb.count, vdo->num_images);    if(!rb.count)        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_INVALID, __func__,                           "driver returned 0 buffers"));    if(vdo->num_images > rb.count)        vdo->num_images = rb.count;    struct v4l2_buffer vbuf;    memset(&vbuf, 0, sizeof(vbuf));    vbuf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;    vbuf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;    int i;    for(i = 0; i < vdo->num_images; i++) {        vbuf.index = i;        if(ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &vbuf) < 0)            /* FIXME cleanup */            return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_SYSTEM, __func__,                               "querying video buffer (VIDIOC_QUERYBUF)"));        if(vbuf.length < vdo->datalen)            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: insufficient v4l2 video buffer size:/n"                    "/tvbuf[%d].length=%x datalen=%lx image=%d x %d %.4s(%08x)/n",                    i, vbuf.length, vdo->datalen, vdo->width, vdo->height,                    (char*)&vdo->format, vdo->format);        zbar_image_t *img = vdo->images[i];        img->datalen = vbuf.length;        img->data = mmap(NULL, vbuf.length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,                         vdo->fd, vbuf.m.offset);        if(img->data == MAP_FAILED)            /* FIXME cleanup */            return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_SYSTEM, __func__,                               "mapping video frame buffers"));        zprintf(2, "    buf[%d] 0x%lx bytes @%p/n",                i, img->datalen, img->data);    }    return(0);}

示例19: zprintf_anon_nbytes

void zprintf_anon_nbytes(zfile f, char *s, size_t len) {  char tmp[1024];  unsigned int i;  if (len > 1024) {    zprintf(f, "error: string longer than fixed buffer (length: %zu)/n", len);    return;  }  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {    tmp[i] = '*';  }  tmp[len] = 0;  zprintf(f, "%s", tmp);  }

示例20: zbar_image_write

	int zbar_image_write (const zbar_image_t *img,		const char *filebase)	{		int len = strlen(filebase) + 16;		char *filename = (char*)malloc((size_t)len);		strcpy_s(filename, len, filebase);		int n = 0;		if(*(char*)&img->format >= ' ')			n = snprintf(filename, len, "%s.%.4s.zimg",			filebase, (char*)&img->format);		else			n = snprintf(filename, len, "%s.%08" PRIx32 ".zimg",			filebase, img->format);		assert(n < len);		filename[len] = '/0';		zprintf(1, "dumping %.4s(%08" PRIx32 ") image to %s/n",			(char*)&img->format, img->format, filename);		FILE *f;		errno_t ferr = fopen_s(&f, filename, "w");		if(ferr) {			int rc = errno;			//zprintf(1, "ERROR opening %s: %s/n", filename, strerror(rc));			zprintf(1, "ERROR opening %s./n", filename);			free(filename);			return(rc);		}		zimg_hdr_t hdr;		hdr.magic = 0x676d697a;		hdr.format = img->format;		hdr.width = img->width;		hdr.height = img->height;		hdr.size = img->datalen;		if(fwrite(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 1, f) != 1 ||			fwrite(img->data, 1, img->datalen, f) != img->datalen) {				int rc = errno;				//zprintf(1, "ERROR writing %s: %s/n", filename, strerror(rc));				zprintf(1, "ERROR writing %s./n", filename);				fclose(f);				free(filename);				return(rc);		}		free(filename);		return(fclose(f));	}

示例21: v4l1_probe_formats

static inline int v4l1_probe_formats (zbar_video_t *vdo){    struct video_picture vpic;    memset(&vpic, 0, sizeof(vpic));    if(ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOCGPICT, &vpic) < 0)        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_ERROR, ZBAR_ERR_SYSTEM, __func__,                           "querying format (VIDIOCGPICT)"));    vdo->format = 0;    if(vpic.palette <= VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV410P)        vdo->format = v4l1_formats[vpic.palette].format;    zprintf(1, "current format: %.4s(%08x) depth=%d palette=%d/n",            (char*)&vdo->format, vdo->format, vpic.depth, vpic.palette);    vdo->formats = calloc(16, sizeof(uint32_t));    if(!vdo->formats)        return(err_capture(vdo, SEV_FATAL, ZBAR_ERR_NOMEM, __func__,                           "allocating format list"));    int num_formats = 0;    zprintf(2, "probing supported formats:/n");    int i;    for(i = 1; i <= VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV410P; i++) {        if(!v4l1_formats[i].format)            continue;        vpic.depth = v4l1_formats[i].bpp;        vpic.palette = i;        if(ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOCSPICT, &vpic) < 0) {            zprintf(2, "    [%02d] %.4s...no (set fails)/n",                    i, (char*)&v4l1_formats[i].format);            continue;        }        if(ioctl(vdo->fd, VIDIOCGPICT, &vpic) < 0 ||           vpic.palette != i) {            zprintf(2, "    [%02d] %.4s...no (set ignored)/n",                    i, (char*)&v4l1_formats[i].format);            continue;        }        zprintf(2, "    [%02d] %.4s...yes/n",                i, (char*)&v4l1_formats[i].format);        vdo->formats[num_formats++] = v4l1_formats[i].format;    }    vdo->formats = realloc(vdo->formats, (num_formats + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t));    assert(vdo->formats);    return(v4l1_set_format(vdo, vdo->format));}

示例22: zbar_video_open

int zbar_video_open (zbar_video_t *vdo,                     const char *dev){    char *ldev = NULL;    int rc;    zbar_video_enable(vdo, 0);    video_lock(vdo);    if(vdo->intf != VIDEO_INVALID) {        if(vdo->cleanup) {            vdo->cleanup(vdo);            vdo->cleanup = NULL;        }        zprintf(1, "closed camera (fd=%d)/n", vdo->fd);        vdo->intf = VIDEO_INVALID;    }    video_unlock(vdo);    if(!dev)        return(0);    if((unsigned char)dev[0] < 0x10) {        /* default linux device, overloaded for other platforms */        int id = dev[0];        dev = ldev = strdup("/dev/video0");        ldev[10] = '0' + id;    }    rc = _zbar_video_open(vdo, dev);    if(ldev)        free(ldev);    return(rc);}

示例23: cmd_add_tocken_to_all

int cmd_add_tocken_to_all(ad_token_rec_t in_rec) {	int gp_dst;	proc_add_cid_t rec2;	//	printf("TEST1: rec. cid: 0x%016llX, schedule_mask: 0x%04x/n",in_rec.cid, in_rec.schedule_mask);	db_token_rec_t* rec=db_get_token_by_c(in_rec.cid);		if( rec == 0) {		rec2.token.cid=in_rec.cid;		rec2.token.attr=in_rec.attr;		rec2.token.schedule_mask=in_rec.schedule_mask;		rec2.token.addr=gp_cfg.max_bound_token;		if( db_add_token(&rec2.token) == 0){			zprintf(3, "Fail saved rec. cid: 0x%016llX, addr: 0x%04x/n",rec2.token.cid, rec2.token.addr);		}			} else {		memcpy(&rec2.token, rec, sizeof(db_token_rec_t));		rec2.token.attr=in_rec.attr;		rec2.token.schedule_mask=in_rec.schedule_mask;	}	//	printf("TEST2: rec. cid: 0x%016llX, addr: 0x%04x/n",rec2.token.cid, rec2.token.addr);	for(gp_dst=1;gp_dst<=gp_cfg.max_dev_n;gp_dst++) {		if( devices[gp_dst].activ == 1 ) {			rec2.dev=gp_dst;			if( cmd_add_cid(rec2) == 0 ) return 0;		}	}	return 1;}

示例24: extension_data

void extension_data(int i){  while (nextbits(8) == EXTENSION_START_CODE)  {    zprintf(1, "/nextension_start_code = 0x000001%02X/n", getbits(8));    if (i == 0)    {      if (nextbits(4) == SEQUENCE_DISPLAY_EXTENSION_ID)        sequence_display_extension();      if (nextbits(4) == SEQUENCE_SCALABLE_EXTENSION_ID)        sequence_scalable_extension();    }    if (i == 2)    {      if (nextbits(4) == QUANT_MATRIX_EXTENSION_ID)        quant_matrix_extension();      if (nextbits(4) == PICTURE_DISPLAY_EXTENSION_ID)        picture_display_extension();      if (nextbits(4) == PICTURE_SPATIAL_SCALABLE_EXTENSION_ID)        picture_spatial_scalable_extension();      if (nextbits(4) == PICTURE_TEMPORAL_SCALABLE_EXTENSION_ID)        picture_temporal_scalable_extension();    }  }}

示例25: proc_input_thread

static ZTHREAD proc_input_thread (void *arg){    zbar_processor_t *proc = arg;    zbar_thread_t *thread = &proc->input_thread;    int rc;    _zbar_mutex_lock(&proc->mutex);    thread->running = 1;    _zbar_event_trigger(&thread->activity);    zprintf(4, "spawned input thread/n");    rc = 0;    while(thread->started && rc >= 0) {        _zbar_mutex_unlock(&proc->mutex);        rc = _zbar_processor_input_wait(proc, &thread->notify, -1);        _zbar_mutex_lock(&proc->mutex);    }    _zbar_mutex_unlock(&proc->mutex);    _zbar_processor_close(proc);    _zbar_mutex_lock(&proc->mutex);    thread->running = 0;    _zbar_event_trigger(&thread->activity);    _zbar_mutex_unlock(&proc->mutex);    return(0);}

示例26: group_of_pictures_header

void group_of_pictures_header(){  zprintf(1, "/ngroup_start_code = 0x000001%02X/n", getbits(8));  zprintf(2, "  drop_frame_flag = %d/n", get1bit());  zprintf(2, "  time_code_hours = %d/n", getbits(5));  zprintf(2, "  time_code_minutes = %d/n", getbits(6));  zprintf(2, "  marker_bit = %d/n", get1bit());  zprintf(2, "  time_code_seconds = %d/n", getbits(6));  zprintf(2, "  time_code_pictures = %d/n", getbits(6));  zprintf(2, "  closed_gop = %d/n", get1bit());  zprintf(2, "  broken_link = %d/n", get1bit());  next_start_code();}

示例27: picture_spatial_scalable_extension

void picture_spatial_scalable_extension(){  zprintf(1, "  picture_spatial_scalable_extension_id = %01X/n", getbits(4));  zprintf(2, "  lower_layer_temporal_reference = %d/n", getbits(10));  zprintf(2, "  marker bit = %d/n", get1bit());  zprintf(2, "  lower_layer_horizontal_offset = %d/n", getbits(15));  zprintf(2, "  marker bit = %d/n", get1bit());  zprintf(2, "  lower_layer_vertical_offset = %d/n", getbits(15));  zprintf(2, "  spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index = %d/n", getbits(2));  zprintf(2, "  lower_layer_progressive_frame = %d/n", get1bit());  zprintf(2, "  lower_layer_deinterlaced_field_select = %d/n", get1bit());  next_start_code();}

示例28: vfw_probe_format

static int vfw_probe_format (zbar_video_t *vdo,                             uint32_t fmt){    const zbar_format_def_t *fmtdef = _zbar_format_lookup(fmt);    if(!fmtdef)        return(0);    zprintf(4, "    trying %.4s(%08x).../n", (char*)&fmt, fmt);    BITMAPINFOHEADER *bih = vdo->state->bih;    bih->biWidth = vdo->width;    bih->biHeight = vdo->height;    switch(fmtdef->group) {    case ZBAR_FMT_GRAY:        bih->biBitCount = 8;        break;    case ZBAR_FMT_YUV_PLANAR:    case ZBAR_FMT_YUV_PACKED:    case ZBAR_FMT_YUV_NV:        bih->biBitCount = 8 + (16 >> (fmtdef->p.yuv.xsub2 + fmtdef->p.yuv.ysub2));        break;    case ZBAR_FMT_RGB_PACKED:        bih->biBitCount = fmtdef->p.rgb.bpp * 8;        break;    default:        bih->biBitCount = 0;    }    bih->biCompression = fmt;    if(!capSetVideoFormat(vdo->state->hwnd, bih, vdo->state->bi_size)) {        zprintf(4, "/tno (set fails)/n");        return(0);    }    if(!capGetVideoFormat(vdo->state->hwnd, bih, vdo->state->bi_size))        return(0/*FIXME error...*/);    zprintf(6, "/tactual: " BIH_FMT "/n", BIH_FIELDS(bih));    if(bih->biCompression != fmt) {        zprintf(4, "/tno (set ignored)/n");        return(0);    }    zprintf(4, "/tyes/n");    return(1);}

示例29: error_check

void error_check(){  if (protection == 0)  {    crc_check = getbits(16);    zprintf(1, "  CRC = %d/n", crc_check);  }}

示例30: maxrep

int maxrep(unsigned int i){	struct section *tmpsection;	unsigned int j;	unsigned int count=1;	addr_size prev=0;	addr_size mostval=0;	unsigned int maxcount=0;//printf("--------- i: %u/n", i);	for(j=i*num_samples;j<(i+1)*num_samples;j++){//printf("j: %u /naslrtab[j]: 0x%016lx/nprev: 0x%016lx/ncount: %u/nmaxcount: %u/nmostval: 0x%016lx/n/n",j,aslrtab[j], prev, count, maxcount, mostval);		if(aslrtab[j]==prev){			count++;		}else{			prev=aslrtab[j];			count=1;		}		if(count>maxcount){			maxcount=count;			mostval=aslrtab[j];		}	}	// find matching section in liked list	tmpsection = zfirst;	// careful, not zfirst_aslr	while (tmpsection->next != 0x00) {		if((addr_size)tmpsection->num==i)			break;		tmpsection = tmpsection->next;	}	// flag its probability	tmpsection->proba=maxcount;	tmpsection->probableval=mostval;	// display results#ifdef __x86_64__	zprintf("[section:%03d] %s/n  most probable address:0x%016lx, proba%s%03d/%d/n",		i,tmpsection->name,mostval,(maxcount == (unsigned int)num_samples) ? "=" : "<",maxcount,num_samples);#else	zprintf("[section:%03d] %s/n  most probable address:0x%08x, proba%s%03d/%d/n",		i,tmpsection->name,mostval,(maxcount == (unsigned int)num_samples) ? "=" : "<",maxcount,num_samples);#endif	return 0;}


C++ zscal_函数代码示例
C++ zpool_close函数代码示例