1. Application和Session的事件处理器 每当一个应用程序或会话启动或结束时,ASP触发一个事件。可以通过在一个特殊的文件中编写普通的脚本代码来检测和应答这些事件,这个文件名为global.asa,位于一个应用程序的根目录中(对于缺省的Web网站是/InetPub/WWWRoot目录,或是作为一个实际应用程序定义的一个文件夹)。这个文件可以包含一个或多个HTML的<OBJECT>元素,用于创建将在该应用程序或用户会话内使用的组件实例。
<!-- Declare instance of the ASPCounter component with application-level scope //--> <OBJECT ID=”ASPCounter” RUNAT=”Server” SCOPE=”Application” PROGID=”MSWC.Counters”> </OBJECT>
<!-- Declare instance of the ASPContentLimk component with session-level scope //--> <OBJECT ID=”ASPContentLink” RUNAT=”Server” SCOPE=”Session” PROGID=”MSWC.NextLink”> </OBJECT>
Sub Application_onStart() ‘Create an instance of an ADO Recordset with application-level scope Set Application(“ADOConnection”)= Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”) Dim varArray(3) ‘Create a Variant array and fill it VarArray(0) = “This is a” VarArray(1) = “Variant array” VarArray(2) = “stored in the” VarArray(3) = “Application object” Application(“Variant_Array”) = varArray‘Store it in the Application Application(“Start_Time”) = CStr(Now) ‘Store the date/time as a string Application(“Visit_Count”) = 0 ‘Set Counter variable to zero End Sub
Sub Application_onEnd() Set Application(“ADOConnection”) = Nothing End Sub
Sub Sesson_onStart() ‘Create an instance of the AdRotator component with session-level scope Set Session(“ASPAdRotator”) = Server.CreateObject(“MSWC.AdRotator”) Dim varArray(3) ‘Create a Variant arry and fill it VarArray(0) = “This is a” VarArray(1) = “Variant array” VarArray(2) = “stored in the” VarArray(3) = “Session object” Session(“Variant_Array”) = varArray ‘Store it in the Session Session(“Start_Time”) = CStr(Now) ‘Store the date/time as a string ‘We can access the contents of the Request and Response in a Session_onStart ‘event handler for the page that initiated the session. This is the *only* ‘place that the ASP page context is available like this. ‘as an example, we can get the IP address of the user: Session(“Your_IP_Address”) = Request.ServerVariables(“REMOTE_ADDR”) Application.Lock intVisits = Application(“Visit_Count”) +1 Application(“Visit_Count”) = intVisits Application.Unlock End Sub
Sub Session_onEnd() Set Session(“ASPAdRotator”) = Nothing End Sub </SCRIPT> |
Application(“variable_name”) = variable_value Application(“variable_name”) = variant_array_variable_name Set Application(“variable_name”) = object_reference |
variable_value = Application(“variable_name”) variant_array_variable = Application(“variable_name”) Set object_reference = Application(“variable_name”) |
也可以看到一个基本的用户会话计数器是如何实现的。这里使用一个应用程序级的变量Visit_count,当新的会话启动时它就自动增加。 一般也不限制简单地把值保存到Application或Session对象中。例如,Web开发者的Web站点在http://webdev.wrox.co.uk上,有相应的一个global.asa文件,当一个新的会话启动时该文件就在服务器上的数据库中写入相应的条目,数据细节从Request.ServerVariables集合中获取。这提供了一个基本的方法统计访问者的数量,并收集访问者的一些基本信息。
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