这篇教程非官方插件工具包大全写得很实用,希望能帮到您。 embeds Python in a MATLAB(tm) 2011b extension module.
PyNaCl, bindings to the libsodium library.
pyNFFT, a wrapper around the NFFT library.
PyNIfTI provides access to NIfTI and ANALYZE files.
Pyo, a digital signal processing module.
PyODE, a set of bindings for the Open Dynamics Engine.
pyOpenSSL, an interface to the OpenSSL library.
PyQt5, a set of bindings for the Qt5 application framework.
Pysam, a module for reading and manipulating SAM nucleotide sequence alignment files.
Pysifreader reads Andor SIF multi-channel image files.
PySoundFile, an audio library based on libsndfile.
PySUNDIALS provides bindings for the SUNDIALS suite of solvers.
PySVN interfaces the Subversion version control system.
Python-Ogre, an interface to the Ogre 3D graphics library.
Pythonisosurfaces, a marching cubes iso-surface implementation.
PythonOCC, a 3D CAD/CAE/PLM development framework.
RootPy provides an interface with the ROOT data analysis framework on top of PyROOT.
Scikit-bio (unstable) provides data structures, algorithms, and educational resources for bioinformatics.
Scikit-tracker, objects detection and robust tracking for cell biology.
Sherpa, a modeling and fitting application.
SimpleCV, a framework for building computer vision applications.
SMC.FreeImage, a wrapper for the FreeImage library.
SpacePy tools for the space science community.
Stdic computes a deformation function between images (image registration).
STScI_python provides a general astronomical data analysis infrastructure.
Vaex, visualize and explore large tabular datasets interactively.
VIPS, an image processing library with no image size limits.
VisionEgg produces stimuli for vision research experiments.
Xmlsec, bindings for the XML Security Library.
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