这里有个小程序hdsn32.asm,是我2000年写的,在win9x下读取硬盘的序列号,它利用了类似CIH病毒的办法获得ring0权限,在win2000下不能运行. ; hdsn32.asm .386 .model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model option casemap :none ; case sensitive include /masm32/include/windows.inc include /MASM32/INCLUDE/shell32.inc include /MASM32/INCLUDE/masm32.inc include /masm32/include/user32.inc include /masm32/include/kernel32.inc
includelib /MASM32/LIB/shell32.lib includelib /MASM32/LIB/masm32.lib includelib /masm32/lib/user32.lib includelib /masm32/lib/kernel32.lib
IDTR df 0 ; This will receive the contents of the IDTR ; register
SavedGate dq 0 ; We save the gate we replace in here
OurGate dw 0 ; Offset low-order word dw 028h ; Segment selector dw 0EE00h ; dw 0 ; Offset high-order word BUFF1 DW 256 DUP(20H) hdsn_1 db '硬盘C序列号:',0DH,0AH hdsn_2 db 256 dup(0) hdsn_3 db 20 dup(0) szCaption db 'hdsn32 v1.0 for win9x 山东海化集团 盛玉增 编制 2000.12.21',0 name_buffer db 'hdsn.bin',0
.data? hFile HANDLE ? SizeReadWrite DWORD ?
.code Start: mov eax, offset Ring0Proc mov [OurGate], ax ; Put the offset words shr eax, 16 ; into our descriptor mov [OurGate+6], ax
sidt fword ptr IDTR mov ebx, dword ptr [IDTR+2] ; load IDT Base Address add ebx, 8*3 ; Address of int 3 descriptor in ebx
mov edi, offset SavedGate mov esi, ebx movsd ; Save the old descriptor movsd ; into SavedGate
mov edi, ebx mov esi, offset OurGate movsd ; Replace the old handler movsd ; with our new one
int 3h ; Trigger the exception, thus ; passing control to our Ring0 ; procedure
mov edi, ebx mov esi, offset SavedGate movsd ; Restore the old handler movsd invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr hdsn_1,addr szCaption,MB_OK
invoke CreateFile,ADDR name_buffer,/ GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE ,/ FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE,/ NULL,CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE,/ NULL mov hFile,eax push offset hdsn_2 pop esi push offset hdsn_3 pop edi mov ecx,20 jm_1: lodsb xor al,36h stosb loop jm_1 invoke WriteFile,hFile,ADDR hdsn_3,20,/ ADDR SizeReadWrite,NULL invoke CloseHandle,hFile invoke ExitProcess,eax
Ring0Proc PROC start_1: mov edx,1f7h in al,dx cmp al,50h jnz start_1 dec dx mov al,0a0h out dx,al mov dx,1f7h mov al,0ech out dx,al mov dx,1f7h st_1: in al,dx cmp al,58h jnz st_1 mov dx,1f0h mov edi,offset BUFF1 mov ecx,0 mov cx,256 st_2: in ax,dx xchg ah,al stosw loop st_2 sti push offset BUFF1[20] pop esi push offset hdsn_2 pop edi mov ecx,20 rep movsb iretd Ring0Proc ENDP end Start  