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	name	clean	page	55,132	title	'CLEAN --- Filter text file';; CLEAN --- a utility to filter text files.; This program removes all control codes except; for line feeds, carriage returns, and form; feeds, strips off the high bit of all characters,; and expands tabs.  Can be used to make a Wordstar; file acceptable for other screen or line editors,; and vice versa.;; version 1.1    10 Dec 83  Blocking/deblocking ; version 1.0    25 Nov 83;; Copyright (c) 1983 by Ray Duncancr	equ	0dh		;ASCII carriage returnlf	equ	0ah		;ASCII line feedff	equ	0ch		;ASCII form feedeof	equ	01ah		;End of file markertab	equ	09h		;ASCII tab charactercommand	equ	80h		;buffer for command tailblksize	equ	1024		;blocking/deblocking sizecseg	segment	para public 'CODE'	assume	cs:cseg,ds:data,es:data,ss:stackclean	proc	far		;entry point from PC-DOS	push	ds		;save DS:0000 for final	xor	ax,ax		;return to PC-DOS	push	ax	mov	ax,data		;make our data segment	mov	es,ax		;addressable via ES register	call	infile		;get path and file spec.				;for input file	mov	ax,es		;set DS=ES for remainder	mov	ds,ax		;of program	jnc	clean1		;jump, got acceptable name	mov	dx,offset msg4	;missing or illegal filespec,	jmp	clean9		;print error message and exit.clean1:	call	outfile		;set up output file name	call	open_input	;now try to open input file	jnc	clean2		;jump,opened input ok	mov	dx,offset msg1	;open of input file failed,	jmp	clean9		;print error msg and exit.clean2:	call	open_output	;try to open output file.	jnc	clean25		;jump,opened ok	mov	dx,offset msg2	;open of output file failed,	jmp	clean9		;print error message and exit.clean25:			;set up buffers	call	init_buffs	call	sign_on		;print ident and file names 				;files successfully opened,		clean3:				;now filter the file.  	call	get_char	;read 1 character from input.	and	al,07fh		;strip off the high bit	cmp	al,20h		;is it a control code?	jae	clean4		;no,write it to new file					;yes it is control code,	cmp	al,eof		;is it end of file marker?	je	clean6		;yes,jump to close files.	cmp	al,tab		;is it a tab command?	jz	clean5		;yes,jump to special processing.	cmp	al,cr		;if control code other than	je	clean35		;tab or end-of-file mark, throw 	cmp	al,ff		;it away unless it is a 	je	clean35		;form feed, carriage return,	cmp	al,lf		;or line feed.	jne	clean3		clean35:			;If it is one of those three,	mov	column,0	;incidentally initialize	jmp	clean45		;column count for tab processor.clean4:				;count alphanumeric chars. sent.	inc	columnclean45:			;write this character to 	call	put_char	;output file,	jnc	clean3		;if CY not set, write was				;ok so go get next char.clean47:	call	close_input	;if CY set, disk is full	call	close_output	;so close files and exit	mov	dx,offset msg5  ;with error message.	jmp	clean9clean5:				;process tab character	mov	ax,column	;let DX:AX=column count	cwd	mov	cx,8		;divide it by eight...	idiv	cx	sub	cx,dx		;remainder is in DX.	add	column,cx	;update column pointer.clean55:			;8 minus the remainder 	push	cx		;gives us the number of	mov	al,20h		;spaces to send out to	call	put_char	;move to the next tab position	pop	cx		;restore space count	jc	clean47		;jump if disk is full	loop	clean55	jmp	short clean3	;get next character clean6:				;end of file detected,	call	put_char	;write end-of-file marker,	jc	clean47		;jump if disk was full	call	flush_buffs	;write remaining data to disk	jc	clean47		;if CY set,disk was full				;otherwise file was written ok		call	close_input	;close input and output 	call	close_output	;files.	mov	dx,offset msg3	;addr of success message,clean9:				;print message and return	mov	ah,9		;control to PC-DOS	int	21h	retclean	endpinfile	proc	near		;process name of input file				;DS:SI <- addr command line		mov	si,offset command				;ES:DI <- addr filespec buffer	mov	di,offset input_name	cld	lodsb			;any command line present?	or	al,al		;return error status if not.	jz	infile4infile1:         		;scan over leading blanks	lodsb			;to file name	cmp	al,cr		;if we hit carriage return	jz	infile4 	;filename is missing.	cmp	al,20h		;is this a blank?	jz	infile1		;if so keep scanning.infile2: 			;found first char of name,	stosb			;move last char. to output				;file name buffer. 	lodsb			;check next character, found	cmp	al,cr		;carriage return yet?  		je	infile3		;yes,exit with success code	cmp	al,20h		;is this a blank?	jne 	infile2		;if not keep moving chars.infile3: 			;exit with carry =0	clc			;for success flag	retinfile4: 			;exit with carry =1	stc			;for error flag	retinfile  endp outfile	proc	near		;set up path and file	cld			;name for output file.	mov	cx,64		;length to move	mov	si,offset input_name  ;source addr	mov	di,offset output_name ;dest addr	rep movsb		;transfer the string	mov	di,offset output_nameoutfile1:			;scan string looking for	mov	al,[di] 	;"." marking start of extension	or	al,al		;or zero byte marking name end.	jz	outfile2	;if either is found,jump.	cmp	al,'.'	je	outfile2	;bump string pointer, loop	inc	di		;if neither '.' or zero found.	jmp	outfile1	outfile2:			;found zero or '.',force the				;extension of the output file					;to '.CLN'	mov	si,offset outfile_ext	mov	cx,5	rep movsb	ret			;back to calleroutfile endpopen_input proc near		;open input file				;DS:DX=addr filename	mov	dx,offset input_name	mov	al,0		;AL=0 for read only	mov	ah,3dh		;function 3dh=open	int     21h		;handle returned in AX,	mov	input_handle,ax ;save it for later.	ret			;CY is set if erroropen_input endpopen_output proc near		;open output file				;DS:DX=addr filename	mov	dx,offset output_name	mov	al,1		;AL=1 for write	only	mov	ah,3ch		;function 3ch=MAKE or	int	21h		;truncate existing file				;handle returned in AX	mov	output_handle,ax;save it for later.	ret			;return CY=true if erroropen_output endpclose_input proc near		;close input file	mov	bx,input_handle ;BX=handle	mov	ah,3eh	int	21h	retclose_input endpclose_output proc near		;close output file	mov	bx,output_handle;BX=handle	mov	ah,3eh	int	21h	retclose_output endpget_char proc 	near		;get one character from input buffer	mov	bx,input_ptr	cmp	bx,blksize	jne	get_char1	call	read_block	mov	bx,0get_char1:	mov	al,[input_buffer+bx]	inc	bx	mov	input_ptr,bx	retget_char endp	put_char proc	near		;put one character into output buffer	mov	bx,output_ptr	mov	[output_buffer+bx],al	inc	bx	mov	output_ptr,bx	cmp	bx,blksize	;buffer full yet?	jne	put_char1	;no,jump	call	write_block	;yes,write the block	ret			;return CY as status codeput_char1:	clc			;return CY clear for OK status	retput_char endpread_block proc near	mov	bx,input_handle ;read first block of input	mov	cx,blksize	mov	dx,offset input_buffer	mov	ah,3fh	int	21h	jnc	read_block1	;jump if no error status	mov	ax,0		;simulate a zero length read if errorread_block1:				cmp	ax,blksize	;was full buffer read in?	je	read_block2	;yes,jump	mov	bx,ax		;no, store End-of-File mark	mov	byte ptr [input_buffer+bx],eofread_block2:	xor	ax,ax		;initialize input buffer pointer	mov	input_ptr,ax		retread_block endpwrite_block proc near		;write blocked output (blksize bytes)	mov	dx,offset output_buffer	mov	cx,blksize	mov	bx,output_handle	mov	ah,40h	int	21h	xor	bx,bx		;initialize pointer to blocking buffer	mov	output_ptr,bx	cmp	ax,blksize	;was correct length written?	jne	write_block1	;no,disk must be full	clc			;yes,return CY=0 indicating all OK	retwrite_block1:			;disk is full, return CY =1	stc			;as error code	retwrite_block endpinit_buffs proc near	call	read_block	;read 1st block of input	xor	ax,ax		;initialize pointer to output	mov	output_ptr,ax	;output blocking buffer	retinit_buffs endpflush_buffs proc near		;write any data in output buffer to disk	mov	cx,output_ptr	or	cx,cx	jz	flush_buffs1	;jump,buffer is empty	mov	bx,output_handle	mov	dx,offset output_buffer	mov	ah,40h	int	21h	cmp	ax,output_ptr	;was write successful?	jnz	flush_buffs2	;no,jumpflush_buffs1: 	clc			;yes,return CY=0 for	ret			;success flagflush_buffs2:			;disk was full so write failed,	stc			;return CY=1 as error flag	retflush_buffs endpsign_on proc	near		;print sign-on message	mov	dx,offset msg6	;title...	mov	ah,9	int	21h	mov	dx,offset msg7	;input file:	mov	ah,9	int	21h	mov	dx,offset input_name	call	pasciiz	mov	dx,offset msg8	;output file:	mov	ah,9	int	21h	mov	dx,offset output_name	call	pasciiz	mov	dx,offset msg9	mov	ah,9	int	21h	retsign_on	endppasciiz	proc	near		;call DX=offset of ASCIIZ string	mov	bx,dx		;which will be printed on standard outputpasciiz1:	mov	dl,[bx]	or	dl,dl	jz	pasciiz9	cmp	dl,'A'	jb	pasciiz2	cmp	dl,'Z'	ja	pasciiz2	or	dl,20hpasciiz2:	mov	ah,2	int	21h	inc	bx	jmp	pasciiz1pasciiz9:	retpasciiz endpcseg	endsdata	segment	para public 'DATA'input_name	db	64 dup (0)	;buffer for input filespecoutput_name	db	64 dup (0)	;buffer for output filespec	input_handle	dw	0		;token returned by PCDOSoutput_handle	dw	0		;token returned by PCDOSinput_ptr	dw	0		;pointer to input blocking bufferoutput_ptr	dw	0		;pointer to output blocking bufferoutfile_ext	db 	'.CLN',0	;extension for filtered filecolumn		dw	0		;column count for tab processingmsg1		db	cr,lf		db	'Cannot find input file.'		db	cr,lf,'$'msg2		db	cr,lf		db	'Failed to open output file.'		db	cr,lf,'$'msg3		db	cr,lf		db	'File processing completed'		db	cr,lf,'$'msg4		db	cr,lf		db	'Missing file name.'		db	cr,lf,'$'msg5		db	cr,lf		db	'Disk is full.'		db	cr,lf,'$'msg6		db	cr,lf		db	'Clean Word Processing File'		db	cr,lf		db	'Copyright (c) 1983 Laboratory Microsystems Inc.'		db	cr,lf,'$'msg7		db	cr,lf,'Input file:   $'msg8		db	cr,lf,'Output file:  $'msg9		db	cr,lf,'$'input_buffer	db	blksize dup (?)	;buffer for deblocking of data					;from input fileoutput_buffer	db	blksize dup (?)	;buffer for blocking of data					;sent to output filedata 	ends	stack	segment	para stack 'STACK'	db	64 dup (?)stack	ends	end	clean



上一篇:汇编源码--CLEANF  下一篇:汇编源码--CALC