; Serial communications port interupt intercepter AHA 8502.27 ; ; Functions: ; al=0 then Disable communications interupt vector ; al=1 then Enable communications interupt vector ; Issue and int 44h ; progseg segment para public 'CODE' public setcom assume cs:progseg, ds:progseg, es:progseg org 100h doscall equ 21h ; startup proc far jmp setup ; setcom proc far push ds push es push dx push ax mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov es,ax pop ax cmp al,1 ;is function 1 jz enable ;then enable ; disable: mov dx,offset interupt ;get new vector address mov ax,cs mov ds,ax ;set segment mov ah,25h ;set interupt vector address function mov al,14h ;communications interupt vector int doscall ;set the interupt jmp exit ;exit enable: mov dx,word ptr vector ;set old segment mov ds,vector+2 ;set old communications vector mov ah,25h ;set interupt vector address function mov al,14h ;communications interupt vector int doscall exit: pop dx pop es pop ds ; interupt proc far sub ax,ax ;zero return status iret interupt endp setcom endp ; msg db 'Serial communications intercepter installed',0ah,0dh,'$' msg1 db 'Serial communications intercepter is already installed',0ah,0dh,'$' vector db 8 dup(0) ;only 4 needed 4 more for safety ; setup: mov ah,35h ;get interupt vector address function mov al,44h ;communications interupt vector int doscall ;go get it cmp bx,0 ;check if vector used jnz lderr ;if used then exit mov ax,es ;check segment cmp ax,0 jnz lderr ; mov dx,offset msg mov ah,9 int doscall ; mov ah,35h ;get interupt vector address function mov al,14h ;communications interupt vector int doscall ;go get it ; mov word ptr vector,bx ;save offset mov bx,es ;get segment address mov word ptr vector+2,bx ;save segment ; mov dx,offset setcom ;get new vector address mov ax,cs mov ds,ax ;set segment mov ah,25h ;set interupt vector address function mov al,44h ;set to our new interupt vector int doscall ;set the interupt ; mov dx,offset setup ;terminate and stay resident int 27h lderr: mov dx,offset msg1 mov ah,9 int doscall int 20h startup endp progseg ends ; end startup