;===================================================== ; ; Program: Detect ATAPI device exist or not ; If exist, change status. ; If now exist, do nothing. ; Not affect ATA device. ; Environment: Pure DOS. ; Author: Jim Yu (Yu Ling) ; Data: 2004.07.15 ; Version: 1.0.0 ; Mail: Jim.Yu@Mic.Com.Tw ; .MODEL SMALL .586P .STACK 1024 .DATA BSY EQU 80h DRQ EQU 8 START_STOP_UNIT EQU 1Bh EJECT_TRAY EQU 2 CLOSE_TRAY EQU 3 MODE_SENCE EQU 5Ah STATUS_PAGE EQU 2Ah SIZE_OF_CHANNEL_ITEM EQU 15h SHOW_DOOR_OPEN DB 'Door Opened.',0dh, 0ah, '$' SHOW_DOOR_CLOSE DB 'Door Closed.',0dh, 0ah, '$' NOT_EXIST DB 'Not Exist.',0dh, 0ah, '$' SS_CHANNEL DB '4.Secondary Slave $' SM_CHANNEL DB '3.Secondary Master $' PS_CHANNEL DB '2.Primany Slave $' PM_CHANNEL DB '1.Primany Master $' PACKET_COMMAND DB 12 DUP(0) .CODE START: MOV AX, @code MOV DS, AX PUSH DS ;Code start push seg PACKET_COMMAND pop ds mov cx, 4 next_device: call show_channel call detect_atapi jne not_atapi call detect_device jc @f call open_device call open_device Some ATAPI (e.g. DVD-ROM) call open_device Need send command 3 times. mov dx, offset SHOW_DOOR_OPEN jmp show_and_reset_device @@: call close_device call close_device Some ATAPI (e.g. DVD-ROM) call close_device Need send command 3 times. mov dx, offset SHOW_DOOR_CLOSE show_and_reset_device: mov ah, 9 int 21h call reset_device jmp check_device_finish not_atapi: mov dx, offset NOT_EXIST mov ah, 9 int 21h check_device_finish: loop next_device ;Code end POP DS MOV AX, 4C00h INT 21h ;===================================================== ; procedure: show_channel ; in: cx ; out: none ; destroy:none show_channel proc push cx push seg SS_CHANNEL pop ds mov dl, cl dec dl mov ax, SIZE_OF_CHANNEL_ITEM mul dl mov dx, ax add dx, offset SS_CHANNEL mov ah, 9 int 21h pop cx ret show_channel endp ;===================================================== ; procedure: waid_idle ; in: dx ; out: CY = time out ; NC = device idle ; destroy:none wait_idle proc push cx push dx push ax or dl, 7 mov cx, 0ffffh @@: call in_al_dx test al, BSY jz @f loop @b @@: pop ax pop dx pop cx ret wait_idle endp ;===================================================== ; procedure: req_data ; in: dx ; out: CY = time out ; NC = device request data ; destroy:none req_data proc push cx push dx push ax or dl, 7 mov cx, 0ffffh @@: call in_al_dx test al, DRQ jnz @f loop @b @@: pop ax pop dx pop cx ret req_data endp ;===================================================== ; procedure: set_feature ; in: ax ; out: none ; destroy:ax ; Set 1X1 = 0 ; Set 1X4 = AL ; Set 1X5 = AH ; Send 1X7 0A0h set_feature proc push dx push ax inc dl xor al, al call out_dx_al pop ax add dl, 3 call out_dx_al inc dl xchg ah, al call out_dx_al add dl, 2 mov al, 0a0h call out_dx_al pop dx ret set_feature endp ;===================================================== ; procedure: send_packet_command ; in: dx, si ; out: none ; destroy:ax, si send_packet_command proc push cx mov cx, 6 @@: mov ax, ds:[si] call out_dx_ax xor ax, ax mov ds:[si], ax add si, 2 loop @b call wait_idle pop cx ret send_packet_command endp ;===================================================== ; procedure: detect_device ; in: cx ; out: CY = Tray Open ; NC = Tray Close ; destroy:dx, ax, si ; Detect atapi device tray detect_device proc call set_device mov ax, 090h call set_feature call wait_idle @@: mov si, offset PACKET_COMMAND mov ax, (STATUS_PAGE * 100h) + MODE_SENCE mov ds:[si], al mov ds:[si+2], ah mov al, 90h mov ds:[si+8], al call send_packet_command call req_data call in_al_dx call in_al_dx cmp al, 70h je door_close stc ret door_close: clc ret detect_device endp ;===================================================== ; procedure: reset_device ; in: cx ; out: none ; none ; destroy:dx, ax, si ; Open atapi device tray reset_device proc call set_device mov ax, 0ffffh call set_feature call wait_idle call req_data mov si, offset PACKET_COMMAND xor ax, ax call send_packet_command ret reset_device endp ;===================================================== ; procedure: open_device ; in: cx ; out: none ; none ; destroy:dx, ax, si ; Open atapi device tray open_device proc call set_device mov ax, 0fffeh call set_feature call wait_idle call req_data mov si, offset PACKET_COMMAND mov ax, (EJECT_TRAY * 100h) + START_STOP_UNIT mov ds:[si], al mov ds:[si+4], ah call send_packet_command ret open_device endp ;===================================================== ; procedure: close_device ; in: cx ; out: none ; none ; destroy:dx, ax, si ; Close atapi device tray close_device proc call set_device xor ax, ax call set_feature call wait_idle call req_data mov si, offset PACKET_COMMAND mov ax, (CLOSE_TRAY * 100h) + START_STOP_UNIT mov ds:[si], al mov ds:[si+4], ah call send_packet_command ret close_device endp ;===================================================== ; procedure: detect_atapi ; in: cx ; out: PO = not atapi device ; PE = is atapi device ; destroy:none detect_atapi proc push cx call set_device call wait_idle add dl, 7 mov al, 0ech call out_dx_al call wait_idle sub dx, 3 call in_al_dx xchg ah, al inc dx call in_al_dx cmp ax, 014ebh pop cx ret detect_atapi endp ;===================================================== ; procedure: set_device ; in: cx ; out: none ; ; destroy:dx, ax ; ; Out 1X6 = 0A0h or 0B0h ; Set DX = 1X0 ; Set AL = 0A0h or 0B0h set_device proc mov dx, cx cmp dx, 2 mov dx, 1f6h ja @f mov dx, 176h @@: mov ax, cx and al, 1 shl al, 4 or al, 0a0h call out_dx_al and dl, 0F0h ret set_device endp in_al_dx proc in al, dx out 0edh, al ret in_al_dx endp in_ax_dx proc in ax, dx out 0edh, al ret in_ax_dx endp out_dx_al proc out dx, al out 0edh, al ret out_dx_al endp out_dx_ax proc out dx, ax out 0edh, al ret out_dx_ax endp END START  