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;   calling convention:;;       int chips( void );;;   returns:;;       tucked away neatly in your AX....;;       you get back   8x if an 8088/8086;                     18x if an 80186/80188;                     28x if an 80286;                     38x if an 80386;                     20x for a NEC V20/V30;                AND;                     xx0 if NO NDP is found;                     xx1 if an 8087;                     xx2 if an 80287;                     xx3 for an 80387;;   OR.....;;   >>> A return of 280 means you got an 80286 machine with no NDP, <<<;   >>> 383 means you have an 80386/80387 rig to work with, and a   <<<;   >>> return of 81 sez that you have 8088/8086 CPU with an 8087.  <<<;   >>> A 200 tells you that you got an NEC V20/V30 without an NDP. <<<;   >>> ETC., Etc., etc.                                            <<<;;   NOTE:;;       There are lotsa ways of handling the way this function returns;       it's data.  For my purposes, I have elected this one because;       it requires only int arithmetic on the caller's end to extract;       all the info I need from the return value.  I think that I'm;       well enough 'commented' in the following code so that you will;       be able to tinker and Putz until you find the best return tech-;       nique for Ur purposes without having to reinvent the wheel.;;     >>>>        Please see TEST.C, enclosed in this .ARC.      <<<<;;   REFERENCES:;;     _chips is made up of two PROC's, cpu_type and ndp_type.;;       cpu_type is based on uncopyrighted, published logic by;         Clif (that's the way he spells it) Purkiser of Intel -;         Santa Clara.;;       ndp_type is adopted from Ted Forgeron's article in PC;         Tech Journal, Aug '87 p43.;;     In the event of subsequent republication of this function,;       please carry forward reference to these two gentlemen as;       original authors.;;       Copr. 1987      Pat Shea - Psi! (that Copr. is on there cuz my;                                        lawyer sez I should, but feel;                                        free to hack away!!!    pats.);;       Update:   1/1/88 - changed this code slightly so that it is;                          compilable using MASM 5.0, and the test.c;                          file using MSC 5.0. .MODEL SMALL.CODE        PUBLIC  _chips_chips         PROCcontrol dw     0              ; control word needed for the NDP test        push   BP             ; save where Ur at        mov    BP,SP          ;   going in.....        push   DI        push   SI        push   CX             ; not really needed for MSC but kinda                              ;   nice to do cuz someone else might                              ;   want to use the function and we do                              ;   use CX later on        call   cpu_type       ; find out what kinda CPU you got and                              ;   and save it in DX for future reference        call   ndp_type       ; check for math coprocessor (NDP) type                              ;   and hold that result in AX        add    AX,DX          ; add the two results together and hold                              ;   'em in AX for Ur return to the caller        pop    CX             ; put things back the way that you        pop    SI             ;   found 'em when you started this        pop    DI             ;   little drill off.....        pop    BP                              ; AND        ret                   ; go back to where you came from....                              ;   ( ===>  the calling program )                              ;   with Ur results sittin' in AX !!_chips         endpcpu_type       PROC        pushf                 ; pump Ur flags register onto the stack        xor    DX,DX          ; blow out Ur DX and AX to start off        xor    AX,AX          ;   with a clean slate        push   AX             ; put AX on the stack        popf                  ; bring it back in Ur flags        pushf                 ; try to set bits 12 thru 15 to a zero        pop    AX             ; get back Ur flags word in AX        and    AX, 0f000h     ; if bits 12 thru 15 are set then you got        cmp    AX, 0f000h     ;   an Intel 8018x or a 808x or maybe even        jz     dig            ;   a NEC V20/V30 ??? - gotta look more...; OTHERWISE....;   Here's the BIG one.... 'tells the difference between an 80286 and;   an 80386 !!        mov    AX, 07000h     ; try to set FLAG bits 12 thru 14                              ;   - NT, IOPL        push   AX             ; put it onto the stack        popf                  ;   and try to pump 07000H into Ur flags        pushf                 ; push Ur flags, again        pop    AX             ;   and bring back AX for a compare        and    AX,07000h      ; if Ur bits 12 thru 14 are set        jnz    got386         ;   then Ur workin' with an 80386        mov    DX, 0280       ; save 280 in DX cuz it's an 80286        jmp    SHORT CPUbye   ;   and bail outgot386: mov    DX, 0380       ; save 380 in DX cuz it's an Intel 80386        jmp    SHORT CPUbye   ;   and bail out; here's we try to figger out whether it's an 80188/80186, an 8088/8086;   or an NEC V20/V30 - 'couple of slick tricks from Clif Purkiser.....dig:    mov    AX, 0ffffh     ; load up AX        mov    CL, 33         ; HERE's the FIRST TRICK.... this will                              ;   shift everything 33 times if it's                              ;   8088/8086, or once for a 80188/80186!        shl    AX, CL         ; on a shift of 33, all bits get zeroed        jz     digmor         ;   out so if anything is left ON it's                              ;   gotta be an 80188/80186        mov    DX,0180        ; save 180 in DX cuz it's an 80188/80186        jmp    SHORT CPUbye   ;   and bail outdigmor: xor    AL,AL          ; clean out AL to set ZF        mov    AL,40h         ; ANOTHER TRICK.... mul on an NEC duz NOT        mul    AL             ;   effect the zero flag BUT on an Intel        jz     gotNEC         ;   8088/8086, the zero flag gets thrown        mov    DX,0080        ; 80 into DX cuz it's an Intel 8088/8086        jmp    SHORT CPUbye   ;   and bail outgotNEC: mov    DX,0200        ; it's an NEC V20/V30 so save 200 in DXCPUbye: popf                  ; putchur flags back to where they were        ret                   ;   and go back to where you came from                              ;   (i.e., ===>  _chips) with the CPU type                              ;   tucked away in DX for future referencecpu_type       endp; Check for an NDP.;; >>>>NOTE:  If you are using an MASM version < 5.0, don't forget to; use the /R option or you will bomb cuz of the coprocessor instruc-; tions.  /R is not needed for version 5.0.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ndp_type       PROCdo_we:  fninit                          ; try to initialize the NDP        mov    byte ptr control+1,0     ; clear memory byte        fnstcw control                  ; put control word in memory        mov    AH,byte ptr control+1    ; iff AH is 03h, you got        cmp    AH,03h                   ;   an NDP on board !!        je     chk_87                   ; found somethin', keep goin'        xor    AX,AX                    ; clean out AX to show a zero        jmp    SHORT NDPbye             ;   return (i.e., no NDP); 'got an 8087 ??chk_87: and    control,NOT 0080h        ; turn ON interrupts (IEM = 0)        fldcw  control                  ; load control word        fdisi                           ; turn OFF interrupts (IEM = 1)        fstcw  control                  ; store control word        test   control,0080h            ; iff IEM=1, 8087        jz     chk287                   ; 'guess not!  March on....        mov    AX,0001                  ; set up for a 1 return to        jmp    SHORT NDPbye             ;   show an 8087 is on board; if not.... would you believe an 80287 maybe ??chk287: finit                 ; set default infinity mode        fld1                  ; make infinity        fldz                  ;   by dividing        fdiv                  ;   1 by zero !!        fld    st             ; now make a        fchs                  ;   negative infinity        fcompp                ; compare Ur two infinities        fstsw  control        ; iff, for 8087 or 80287        fwait                 ; sit tight 'til status word is put away        mov    AX,control     ; getchur control word        sahf                  ; putchur AH into flags        jnz    got387         ; NO GOOD.... march on !!        mov    AX,0002        ; gotta be a 80287 cuz we already tested        jmp    SHORT NDPbye   ;   for an 8087; We KNOW that there is an NDP on board otherwise we would have bailed; out after 'do_we'.  It isn't an 8087 or an 80287 or we wouldn't have; gotten this far.  It's gotta be an 80387 !!got387: mov    AX,0003        ; call it an 80387 and return 3NDPbye: ret                   ; and go back where you came from                              ;   (i.e., ===>  _chips) carrying the NDP                              ;   type in Ur AX registerndp_type       endp_text   ends        end



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