我的环境是WINXP+MASM5.0通过编译生成可执行文 件,双击,提示写入文件成功,按任意键推出。 在程序的同一目录下的TEMP.TXT中已经写入了: ABCD 4645 4F5B FFFF 四行用来测试而显示送入寄存器的值。 以下是完整的代码, MovToVar Macro m_Reg,Asc_AX mov bx,m_Reg call ConvertToAsc lea si,CAscii lea di,Asc_AX mov cx,4d rep movsb EndM data segment mAX dw 0 mBX dw 0 mCX dw 0 mDX dw 0
AscAX db 4 dup(?),0dh,0ah AscBX db 4 dup(?),0dh,0ah AscCX db 4 dup(?),0dh,0ah AscDX db 4 dup(?),0dh,0ah WriteBytes EQU $-AscAX
CAscii db 5 dup(?) ;临时存放转化结果
filename db 'temp.txt$',0h filehandle dw ? ferr_num1 db 'Error occurred when create file!$' ferr_num2 db 'Write file error!$' tssaveok db 'Write register value to file success.$' tsexit db 'Press any key to exit...$'
data ends
Code segment assume cs:code,ds:data,es:data
Main proc far start: push ds sub ax,ax mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov es,ax sub ax,ax
mov ax,0ABCDh ;四个测试数据 mov bx,4645h mov cx,4F5Bh mov dx,0FFFFh
call SaveRegToMem call MovAll call SaveToFile
call NextLine lea dx,tsexit call ShowString waittoexit: mov ah,0h int 16h exitprogram: mov ah,4ch int 21h Main Endp
MovAll proc near push ax push bx push cx push dx MovToVar mAX,AscAX MovToVar mBX,AscBX MovToVar mCX,AscCX MovToVar mDX,AscDX pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret MovAll endp
SaveRegToMem proc near mov mAX,ax mov mBX,bx mov mCX,cx mov mDX,dx ret SaveRegToMem endp
ShowString proc near ;显示DX所指的字符串 push ax mov ah,09h int 21h pop ax ret ShowString endp
NextLine proc near ;回车换行 mov ah,02h mov dl,0dh int 21h
mov ah,02h mov dl,0ah int 21h ret NextLine endp
ConvertToAsc proc near ;参数为BX ;将BX中的二进制数据转化成相应的ASCII码, ;并将结果保存到CAscii[] PUSH AX PUSH CX PUSH DX mov bp,0h mov ch,4h xh: mov cl,4h rol bx,cl mov al,bl and al,0fh add al,30h cmp al,3ah ;whether >'9'(Ascii:49) jl toCascii ;if not then store to CAscii add al,7h ;if yes then convert it to ascii
toCascii: mov CAscii[bp],al inc bp dec ch jnz xh
mov CAscii[bp],'$' POP DX POP CX POP AX ret ConvertToAsc endp
SaveToFile PROC NEAR ;保存内存中的数据到文件中 mov ah,3ch mov cx,0h lea dx,filename int 21h ;建立文件 jc ferr1 ;如果建立出错,跳转到显示相应信息 mov filehandle,ax ;文件代号存放入内存变量
mov ah,40h mov bx,filehandle mov cx,WriteBytes ;将要写入文件的字节数送入CX lea dx,AscAX int 21h ;向文件写入以记录首地址开始的AX个字节 jc ferr1 ;如果写入错误,则跳转到显示相关信息处 cmp ax,WriteBytes ;如果写入文件的实际字节数不是要求写入的字节数 jne ferr2 ;则显示跳转到显示出错信息
mov bx,filehandle mov ah,3eh int 21h ;关闭文件 lea dx,tssaveok call showstring call nextline ret ferr1: lea dx,ferr_num1 call showstring call nextline ret ferr2: lea dx,ferr_num2 call showstring call nextline ret SaveToFile ENDP
Code ends end start