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;此模板是纯DOS程序代码,需要MASM5.0,编译时请使用"编译 -> DOS"方式。
Init_game macro op1,op2,op3,op4,op5,op6

mov cx,00h
mov dh,op1
mov dl,op2
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
int 10h

push cx
mov ah,0ah
mov al,op3
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h
pop cx

inc cx
inc op4
cmp cx,op5
jne op6


clear_screen macro op1,op2,op3,op4
mov ah,06h
mov al,00h
mov bh,07h
mov ch,op1
mov cl,op2
mov dh,op3
mov dl,op4
int 10h

mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,00h
mov dl,00h
int 10h

menu macro op1,op2,op3
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,op1
mov dl,op2
int 10h

mov ah,09h
lea dx,op3
int 21h

data segment

linjiang db "Made by lin jiang$"
no db "NO.:021411$"
meg db "Let us have a game!!Come on!!$"
meg1 db "**Select Menu**$"
meg2 db "Please select the game speed,ESC to quit.$"
meg3 db "1.Very slow Too easy,speed up!$"
meg4 db "2.Slow Everybody can deal.$"
meg5 db "3.Nomal I think you can deal!$"
meg6 db "4.Fast A challenge.Pay attention!$"
meg7 db "5.Very Fast Too hard,Have a try?$"
meg8 db "6.Fastest Are you crazy??$"
meg9 db "*Select the number among 1-6 and press ENTER to start!*$"
meg10 db "Game Speed Select:$"

hotkey db "When you are playing games:$"
hotkey1 db "ESC to return to menu$"
hotkey2 db "SPACE to pause the game$"
hotkey3 db "Press any key to play games......$"
hotkey4 db "Are you ready??$"

failmeg db "The letter is arrive the bottom, You are lost ! :($"
failmeg0 db "Press ENTER to go on......$"
failmeg1 db "Game is over!$"
failmeg2 db "Press ENTER to return menu and press ESC to exit!$"
failmeg3 db "Bye-Bye!Thank for your playing!!$"
failmeg4 db "Press any key to quit......$"

speed dw 00d,1200d,800d,600d,400d,200d,100d

letters db "jwmilzoeucgpravskntxhdyqfb"
db "iytpkwnxlsvxrmofzhgaebudjq"
db "nwimzoexrphysfqtvdcgljukda"

letters_bak db "jwmilzoeucgpravskntxhdyqfb"
db "iytpkwnxlsvxrmofzhgaebudjq"
db "nwimzoexrphysfqtvdcgljukda"

letter_counter db 0
life_flag db 78 dup(0)

position_flag db 78 dup(0)
present_position db 1

data ends

stack segment para stack 'stack'
db 64 dup(0)
stack ends

code segment
main proc far
assume cs:code,ds:data,ss:stack

mov ax,data
mov ds,ax

mov letter_counter,00h
mov present_position,1

lea si,position_flag

mov ah,00h
mov cx,00h

mov [si],ah
inc si
inc cx
cmp cx,78d
jne init_postion_flag

lea di,letters
lea si,letters_bak
mov cx,00h
mov ah,[si]
mov [di],ah
inc si
inc di
inc cx
cmp cx,78d
jne init_letters

mov ah,00h
lea si,life_flag
mov cx,00h
mov [si],ah
inc si
inc cx
cmp cx,78d
jne init_life_flag

mov cx,00h
mov ah,01h
or ch,00010000b
int 10h

clear_screen 00d,00d,24d,79d

Init_game 00d,00d,0ah,dl,80d,nextsign1

Init_game 24d,00d,0ah,dl,80d,nextsign2

Init_game 00d,00d,0ah,dh,25d,nextsign3

Init_game 00d,79d,0ah,dh,25d,nextsign4

menu 01d,15d,meg ;菜单信息的宏展开
menu 01h,61d,linjiang
menu 03d,20d,meg1
menu 03d,68d,no
menu 05d,15d,meg2
menu 07d,15d,meg3
menu 09d,15d,meg4
menu 11d,15d,meg5
menu 13d,15d,meg6
menu 15d,15d,meg7
menu 17d,15d,meg8
menu 19d,15d,meg9
menu 22d,15d,meg10

input: mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,22d
mov dl,33d
int 10h

mov ah,0ah
mov al," "
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h

mov ah,01h
int 21h
retry: cmp al,"1"
je speed1
cmp al,"2"
je speed2
cmp al,"3"
je speed3
cmp al,"4"
je speed4
cmp al,"5"
je speed5
cmp al,"6"
je speed6
cmp al,1bh
je to_over0
jmp input

to_over0:jmp over

speed1: mov ah,01h
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
jne otherkey
mov ax,speed+2
mov speed,ax
jmp begin

speed2: mov ah,01h
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
jne otherkey
mov ax,speed+4
mov speed,ax
jmp begin

speed3: mov ah,01h
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
jne otherkey
mov ax,speed+6
mov speed,ax
jmp begin

speed4: mov ah,01h
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
jne otherkey
mov ax,speed+8
mov speed,ax
jmp begin

speed5: mov ah,01h
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
jne otherkey
mov ax,speed+10
mov speed,ax
jmp begin

speed6: mov ah,01h
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
jne otherkey
mov ax,speed+12
mov speed,ax
jmp begin

otherkey: ; 处理重复输入的代码段

push ax
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,22d
mov dl,34d
int 10h

mov ah,0ah
mov al," "
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h

mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,22d
mov dl,33d
int 10h
pop ax

mov dx,ax
mov ah,02h
int 21h

jmp retry


clear_screen 01d,01d,23d,78d

menu 08d,20d,hotkey
menu 10d,20d,hotkey1
menu 12d,20d,hotkey2
menu 14d,20d,hotkey4
menu 16d,20d,hotkey3

mov ah,07h
int 21h

clear_screen 01d,01d,23d,78d
Init_game 23d,01d,01h,dl,78d,nextsign5

mov ah,02h ;光标初始化
mov bh,00h
mov dh,01h
mov dl,01h
int 10h

mov cx,00h
lea si,letters
nextletter: ; 初始化屏幕上方的字母
mov ah,02h
mov dl,[si]
int 21h

inc si
inc cx
cmp cx,78d
je nextcycle
jmp nextletter

from_front: ; 相关循环的算法
sub present_position,78d
jmp gobackto_si

find_zero:cmp letter_counter,78d
je recycle

cmp present_position,78d
je from_one

mov ah,00h
nextsi: add present_position,01h
inc si
cmp [si],ah
je gobackto_di

cmp present_position,78d
je from_one

jmp nextsi

from_one:mov present_position,01h

jmp gobackto_si

recycle:mov letter_counter,00h
mov present_position,01d
lea si,position_flag
mov cx,00h

mov ah,00h
clearsi: mov [si],ah
inc cx
cmp cx,78d
je nextcycle
inc si
jmp clearsi

lea di,letters
lea si,position_flag
add present_position,31d
cmp present_position,78
ja from_front

add si,word ptr present_position
dec si
mov ah,[si]
cmp ah,01h
je find_zero

mov ah,01h
mov [si],ah
add di,word ptr present_position
dec di
mov dl,present_position

mov ah,02h ; 字母下落的代码段部分
mov bh,00h
mov dh,01h
int 10h

mov cx,00h
nextrow:push cx ; 新的一行

mov cx,00h
out_cycle: ; 延迟
push cx
mov cx,00h
add cx,01h
cmp cx,50000d
jne in_cycle

push dx
mov ah,06h
mov dl,0ffh
int 21h
pop dx

jz pass ; 如果键盘缓冲区部分为空,则跳转

cmp al,1bh ; 如果键入ESC,则返回主菜单
je to_start1

cmp al," " ;如果键入SPACE,则游戏暂停
je pause

cmp al,[di] ;输入字母正确!跳转!
je disappear

pop cx
inc cx
cmp cx,speed
je print
jmp out_cycle

pause: push dx ;暂停处理
mov ah,06h
mov dl,0ffh
int 21h
pop dx
cmp al," "
jne pause

jmp pass

to_start1: ;返回主菜单
jmp start


mov ah,0ah
mov al," "
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h

inc dh
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
int 10h

mov ah,0ah
mov al,[di]
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h

pop cx
inc cx
cmp cx,21d
je print_next_letter
jmp nextrow ; 下一行

disappear: ; 击中字母后的相关处理
pop cx
pop cx

mov ah,0ah
mov al," "
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h

jmp hit

print_next_letter: ; 处理原位置的空缺
lea si,life_flag
add si,word ptr present_position
dec si

mov ah,[si]
cmp ah,1
je fail

mov ah,0ah
mov al," "
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h

inc dh
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
int 10h

mov ah,0ah
mov al," "
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h

mov ah,1
mov [si],ah

hit: mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,01h
mov dl,present_position
int 10h

mov al,[di] ; 出现下一个新字母的数法
add al,7
cmp al,7ah
ja convey_letter
mov ah,0ah
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h

mov [di],al
add letter_counter,01h
jmp nextcycle

sub al,7ah
add al,61h
mov ah,0ah
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h

mov [di],al
add letter_counter,01h
jmp nextcycle

fail: mov ah,0ah ;游戏失败后的相关处理
mov al," "
mov cx,01h
int 10h

inc dh
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
int 10h

mov ah,0ah
mov al,[di]
mov bh,00h
mov cx,01h
int 10h

mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,12d
mov dl,17d
int 10h

push dx
mov ah,09h
lea dx,failmeg
int 21h
pop dx

add dh,2
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
int 10h

mov ah,09h
lea dx,failmeg0
int 21h

re: mov ah,07h
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
jne re

clear_screen 01,01,23,78
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,11d
mov dl,20d
int 10h

push dx
mov ah,09h
lea dx,failmeg1
int 21h
pop dx

inc dh
inc dh
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
int 10h

mov ah,09h
lea dx,failmeg2
int 21h

mov ah,07h
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
je to_start
cmp al,1bh
je over
jmp notkey
clear_screen 00,00,24,79
jmp start

over: clear_screen 01,01,23,78
mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,11d
mov dl,15h
int 10h

mov ah,09h
lea dx,failmeg3
int 21h

mov ah,02h
mov bh,00h
mov dh,13d
mov dl,15h
int 10h

mov ah,09h
lea dx,failmeg4
int 21h

mov ah,07h
int 21h

mov ah,07h
int 21h

clear_screen 00,00,24,79

mov ax,4c00h
int 21h

main endp
code ends
end start 



上一篇:汇编语言制作的光带菜单及源程序(1.0)  下一篇:一个旋转的3D箱子(动画)