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; sound.asm
; This is a small sound example for the IBM PC
; It will play 12 notes of the octave starting at middle C.
; How to generate sound on the IBM PC :
; The 8255 (port 61H) bit 0 controls the 8253 timer
;                     bit 1 controls the speaker
; The output channel 2 from the 8253 timer will be ANDed with the
; speaker control bit in order to turn on/off the speaker.
; Timer channel 2 internal count register (port 42h) is loaded in
; two successive OUT operations with the lower byte being loaded first.
; For this to work properly, timer command register has to be loaded first
; with B6H.
; Since the input clock to the timer chip is 1.19318 MHz, the counter value
; to generate the frequency X can be calculated by 1193180 / X.
; CX is used as a note counter with the frequency effectively being
; incremented by a half tone and the corresponding count being loaded
; into the count register on each iteration.
; No stack segment is needed for this small program, so don't panic
; when you receive the 'No stack segment' warning.
; Arne Asplem 880731 (MASM 4.0)

dseg    segment                         ; data segment
notes   dw      262,277,294,311,330,349,370,392,415,440,466,494
dseg    ends

cseg    segment

sound   proc far
        assume  cs:cseg, ds:dseg, ss:nothing

        mov     ax, dseg
        mov     ds, ax                  ; set up data segment (DS) reg.
        xor     si, si
        mov     bx, 12                  ; note count

; set up timer command register and counter register

        mov     al, 0b6h                ; set 8253 command register
        out     43h, al                 ; for channel 2, mode 3

        mov     ax, 34dch               ; low part of clock freq.
        mov     dx, 12h                 ; hight part of clock freq.
        div     [notes + si]            ; get note from data segment
        out     42h, al                 ; 8253 command register (low byte)
        mov     al, ah
        out     42h, al                 ; 8253 command regsieter (high byte)

; turn on low bits in 8255 output port

        in      al, 61h                 ; read current value of 8255 port
        or      al, 3                   ; clear low bits
        out     61h, al                 ; send new value to port

; loop while note is sounding

        mov     cx, 6d60h      

        loop    rpta                    ; 1/10 sec delay

; turn off speaker, check note count, set up next note

        xor     al, 3                  
        out     61h, al                 ; turn off speaker
        mov     cx, 0af0h
        loop    rptb                    ; 1/100 sec delay
        inc     si                      ; increment note pointer
        inc     si
        dec     bx                      ; decrement note counter
        jnz     nloop                   ; loop until bx = 0

        mov     ax, 4c00h               ; terminate program
        int     21h

sound   endp
cseg    ends
        end     start



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